Chapter 14

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~Adira Muntahina ~

It's been a month already. It would be a lie if I say, I hate my sister in law. She's too sweet for someone. I didn't thought I would be waiting or she'll knocking my door to ask for help in studies or clothing. For your information I have zero sense in fashion. I hardly get something for myself.

It was one of the date Aman wants to take her. So she bang in my room, saying she doesn't have anything to wear.

She was hoping to get something's from me. But when she opened my closet, she was most than shocked.

"Are you even a girl?" I shake my head as no.

"Last time I checked I turned into a woman. You might be still in girl version." I gave her a sarcastic smile. She was looking at me bored.

Then again looked at my closet.

I don't go out other than going to college, so why I need more fancy type clothes when I know I will never wear them once.

She clapped her hands. I looked at her from the corner of my eyes.

"Looks like we are going out for shopping."

I waved her a bye. "Enjoy your shopping " And returned back to my phone.
Where I got a text from someone, asking me if I am available for tonight race. I was thinking when Afsana jumped on my bed. I got startled.

"He'll Woman!". She only laughed.

"I said We, 'We' you and me. Going to shopping. I will buy you clothes and you'll choose what will looks good on me. " She said with hopes in her eyes.

"Not interested. Take your husband. He will love it." I texted back a yes. When she snatched my phone.
I frowned.


I snatched back my phone. "You should not dare do this again. I hate when someone snatch something from my hand. I don't want to go shopping. There are nanny or your beloved husband to company you. Take some of your friends. But don't bother me when I said no. " I stood up and got inside the washroom.

I know I hurt her by my words. But everyone had some few things they loved or do the way.

I'm not in a mood of going out and try clothes. I have better things to do.

When I got out if the washroom, I looked around, Afsana wasn't there . I silently walked in my closet and take out a black jeans and Black leather jacket. Wear a black push up bra and put my hair up. Wear my gloves and take out my helmet. I opened my door and scan the whole hall. No one. I tank my phone in the back of the jeans pocket. The shinny black Jeans looks good on me, on my skinny legs. Small waist.

I slid down from the back door and type some password to opened the secret door of the garage. When I put my baby.
Erik Buell Racing . Fully black.

I put my leg on it and sat. Putting my helmet on. Pushing the button to opened the door. I started the bike and boom. Ride out of there.

It's been a while I ride her. I speed up. It's already 4 of the afternoon. I have to be on the site at 8. I have 4 hours to enjoy with her freely.

On my way , I brought some cheese burger. I had finished only have to throw the packet. I ride on my bike and the packet was in my hand still. I stopped in a signal. When a black car stopped beside me. The window was close. Suddenly the window opened and a girl in her hijab with 100 layers of make up on her face. Laughing like a clown. She even moving her hand dramatically.
She was talking and laughing with someone. Maybe the person who was with her.

She was Looking like flour had fallen over her face. Who can tolerate her cake face?
When my eyes shifted to the person in her driving sit. My heart dropped down deep.

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