Chapter 29

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Adira Muntahina

Eshaan was frozen. I know I asked something weird. I didn't look up. Hang my head down. I rubbed my fingers together. Cursing myself to ask something stupid. What might he be thinking about me? He already called me stupid, now I'm going to add in.

He then moved a bit. I also moved in uncomfortably.

"Can you not tell anyone about this incident?" I said in very low volume.
He stepped back. "Impossible. I'm not to hide this thing from your family."

"I'm not telling you to hide. I'm telling you not to tell. Both have differences."

He scoffed. "I don't see any difference. Look this incident is not some small thing. You have to tell this thing to your family sooner or later "

"Then later. Now they're enjoying it, I can't ruin their moments just for some stupidity I did." He stared at me. "It's good to hear , you admit you did something stupid."

"Yeah I also feeling awesome admitting, I was going to rape. A gang rape." I said it loudly. My hands started shaking. I quickly held the bed and made it unnoticeable. He moved closer to me. "Adira.."

"Can you leave me alone Eshaan? I think I like to be myself for a while until they all come and start asking questions. I have to prepare myself for that." I pushed Eshaan and stood up and walked past him. But he held my wrist and pulled me back.

"Okay I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. I thought of making you feel easy. My intention never was to hurt you. You know it's hard to make conversation with you " Eshaan cold fingers, circle around my wrist. My eyes met his.

"I actually don't care what your intention was. I just don't want to talk about this now." I pulled my hand away.
"Maybe you didn't try your best to have a conversation with me." I turned and got into my shower. I felt dirty from those men. I want to burn all those places until I don't feel anything.

I got out, wore a long skirt and pink sweater.

When I got back I didn't expect that Eshaan would be sitting on a chair for me.

"You didn't leave?" I asked, his head turned to mine. "I couldn't."
His deep voice ran a shiver in my body.
"Adira..Aman is calling you " he picked up my phone and showed me. I moved forward and took the phone from him. Our fingers brushed a bit, but my mind was on the phone.

I took a deep breath and received the call.

"Hello." I could hear Afsana's voice from behind asking if I could pick up or not.

"Adira .You okay?" For so long, I heard worry in his voice. Afraid something would happen to me. I clenched my skirt. "Yeah...just got under the weather." I lied. He breathed out.

"I thought, you may not be enjoying our company." He whispered.

"You don't have to focus on me that much, after all you never did." My breath got hissed when I felt a hand grab my fist. I looked at Eshaan, he was already staring at me. I let go of my skirt and he intertwined our hands.

"But I want to focus now."

I closed my eyes.

"Take rest. We are on our way back. I'll meet you there. If you feel hungry, order room service. Adira...Let me tell you one thing, I made mistakes, now I want to make up all those. Want me to bring you something?" Aman said very calmly. I gulped and licked my dry lips.

"No...You guys can enjoy it more." ..

"Without you there is no enjoyment" Afsana said from behind. I smiled.

"I'll hang now then " I put down my phone. Eshaan was looking at me.
No one looked away. No one moved. It feels like in this world only we both are there.

I did something that ruined this.

I sneezed loudly...over his face.



Eshaan Ghafoor

She quickly ran to grab some tissues and clean my face. I smiled shortly. Her cute way of panic was something I wanted to look at again.

She kept saying shit, sorry.

Even after rubbing the tissues in my face, she started pulling me to stand up.

"Go go and wash your face." I stood up.

"Give me the tissue. It's fine. You didn't do it intentionally." I took the tissues and walked into her washroom.

When I walked out, I found her falling asleep, leaning on the chair.
I moved closer, she doesn't have that frowned over her forehead. Lips are out like a pout. The face is calm like a baby. Her hair flies and falls over her eyes. My hand itches to move that hair strain. Slowly I picked up the hair with my inner finger and put it behind her ear. Looks like she has gone through a lot more than normal.

Can anyone say this girl always keeps her temper in an over?

My day started when the sun came, but she was the one who made me feel the sun can also give heat.
Then she gave me a cold shoulder. Getting lost, me running to save her. I could call her brother and tell everything but I felt it would waste my time. I never fight. But she made me fight. I found a piece of air that hit me when she hugged me tight.

I can't imagine her getting ruined.

Now I think what if that door didn't open when I kicked it.

What if I reached there late?

What if I couldn't fight them all?

What if I never know all of this?

I again imagine, myself standing outside the door , banging it to open and hearing her loud sobbing and crying. I closed my eyes tightly. My breath got hard. I can't live thinking that.
I looked at her again. Sleeping figure.

"You'll have a bad neck if you don't sleep properly." I put one arm under her knees and one in her waist. Pulled her up like a bridal style. She was very light. Her waist was small.
Put her down on her bed and cover her with the blanket.

Let her sleep.

I walked out of her room, and decided to go to my room. When I found a text on my phone.

"Thank you." - Adira

A smile appears on my lips. I looked at his close door. And walked inside my room.

Silent conversation is something I'm going to have with her.


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