Chapter 12

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Adira Muntahina

Everything went perfectly. Without any problem Afsana and Aman got married. Today is their reception. Maira and Hala gave me full company the whole time. Zoya went out of the country for a while and Sara, her family also preparing her marriage.

It's already Evening, function started at 7. I'm still in my lose shirt and baggy shorts. I couldn't sleep last night. We came home late and then arrange the room for Afsana.

At fixed 7:02 Someone storm in my room without knocking. I'm laying on my stomach. Watching some cartoon in my phone.

"You didn't even start getting dress?" Maira was watching me with shocked face. I looked at her for two seconds before turning back to what I was doing.

"You're ignoring me now?" She again asked and sat before my dressing table.

I rub my eyes, "If your not blind then you can see I'm not ready. Why do I have to say it . Idiot." I roll my eyes.

I pretend she's not in the room and continue watching my cartoon. She started doing some extra make up touch and roaming around my jewelry.

"What is your dress colour?" She asked. I think for a while.
"Maybe brown I don't know." She gave me a flat face. "What do you mean you don't know? Highness will you give me the honour to know what you actually know for sure." Sarcastic tone can hear from her. I looked at her, gave her the most annoying smile.

"Don't want your presence. I know that for sure."

She hold her heart , gulped.

"A good one. " I nodded too.

But unfortunately she didn't move. Instead, she ran up to me and jumped on me with all her heavy dress and jewelry.

"Oh god. I'm dead!!!! You're heavy Maira!!!" I was fully flat on the bed. I bet I was looking like something on which a roller had gone.

"Thank you. I know I'm heavy. So miss, how is your feeling down there? Can breath? Will you have some coke or Pepsi?" She asked me with an invisible mic. I groaned.

"I'm feeling like a elephant just sat on me. And breathing....maybe not. No I'm more like Mountain dew."
She moved and make herself comfortable.

"Oh fatty! Are you planning to kill me on my sister in law's reception." I slapped her butty and squeeze it a little. She let out a gasped.

"Soft." I gave her a toothy grin. She smirked.

I gasped. "Yeah big , round and soft. Your husband will enjoy a lot " she squeezed my boob. I started moving and let out a scream.
She fall beside me laughing hard.

"Eww. Husband...Yuck. I wouldn't let him touch me!!" I said before wear my arms around me. She sat down on my bed.
"When you'll get married, it will be his right to have you." I covered my ears, not listening. "..can have you every way he wants." I moved my face the other way. She laughed.

"I wouldn't let him " I said and fixed my hair.

"You can't say no to him. " Which got my attention. "What the hell? Why not?" She smiled. "If there is a reason then wife can refuse. But if it's just for power play or something, wife can't say no. If a husband called his wife on bed fro doing that ....(cough) and the wife refused, that will make a man angry and which cursed her till morning. " She said I listen.

(Please before negative comments, do a search first. There are a lot of reasons)

"It's bullshit. So we'll let a man come to us, tear our clothes and make his way. That's doesn't consider love it's rape. What in this we can't say no to rape?" I said angrily. She gave me a tight smile.

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