Chapter 47

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Adira Muntahina

"I'm not going to ruin another girl's dream just because of this." I said and looked away.

Eshaan looked at me shocked. "You're not ruining anyone's dream, Adira!" he said it loud. I'm done talking. I opened my seat belt. "What are you doing?" I opened the door. "Get back in Adira."

"Thanks for the ride." I slammed the door closed. I started walking on the road. I heard him slamming the door again. I started walking fast. but he was faster than me.

He caught my arm and stopped me. "Get back in."


"Adira you're acting like a child. We can sit somewhere and talk about this." Eshaan said and started dragging me toward his car. "I said I'm not going with you. I will call my driver, you can go home." I freed myself.

"Look Adira I'm tired." he said and I laughed. "I'm not holding you. You can go." I said and turned around.

"Why can't you understand me?" he followed me again. "I don't understand you or you ignoring the problem." I snapped at him. "There is a girl, waiting for you, already dreamed her life with you, and you can't forget this small mistake." I hold my finger and thumb at a small distance.

"You think it's a mistake?" he asked.

"Wasn't it?" I question back. "That might be a mistake for you Adira, but I vowed there was real. We got married that's real. So it's everything but a mistake. You're my wife, since that sign." He stood very close to me. I had to lift my head up to meet his grazed. "Suzan.--"

"Fuck Suzan! I'm your husband, Yours. It was all a plan, I'm not married or engaged to someone. They just gave a proposal, I said yes because my family wanted to. But now I don't care." His words were hitting my face.

"So stop saying it's fake or a mistake. Allah never mistakes things." He whispered raising his hands up slowly cupping my face. The shiver ran down in my body.

"They'll never accept me." my voice was shaking. "I'm not the girl they want for you." I hold his wrists and bring it down.

"It will be a torture for you to live with me." I laughed bitterly.

"Marry her Eshaan." I said to him looking down. He didn't say anything. We both were standing close, not saying anything just enjoying the warmth between us.
"Why will I?" his question pinned me in the end. Why will he?

"Because that's what should have happened." I slowly said. "And who are you to decide that?" I opened my mouth and closed it.

"I'm tired of telling you this, this relation is not going to break easily. I would let it. The more you'll pull , the more I will hold it." when he said my eyes met his. I found myself lost in his eyes.
His hands were slowly raising up, holding my arms. I jumped a little from his touch, my hands grabbed his shirt softly but our eyes didn't break the contact.

My breath got heavier. He seems too close. my lips parted seeing his lips parted too.His warm breath hit my face.

When I was over my warm body, I felt cold water drop. We both lifted our heads up to the sky. All of a sudden heavy rain fell over us. We looked at each other. And after getting wet, for the first time we laughed together.

I moved back and let the rain drench me.

I was laughing hard. I could hear my heart beat in my head. It was rapidly beating. My eyes were seeing his lips.

I was going to kiss him.

I looked at Eshaan, who ran his hands on his hair, putting them back. He was smiling too.
He looks more handsome smiling. My heart again beating drums.

"Let's go. You'll get sick." He said and came to me. Hold my hand, his big hand wrapped around my hand, my hand felt small in his. He pulled me toward the car. My legs walked behind him.

But I stopped him, pulling him a little. He stopped and looked back.

"I want to let you know, I still hate you, husband." I said biting my lips. He stared at me then laughed, shaking his head from left to right. "I'm glad to hear that." He again pulled me toward the car. I sat in.

He sat down in the driving seat, and pulled a towel from the back. "Dry yourself." I took it and wiped my face and hair. He drove slowly as it was raining and it was hard to see things.

I saw water dropping from his hair, his hands were quite shaking.

I grabbed the towel tightly. My eyes looked at my hand then his hand. I slowly moved a bit and raised the towel to his head. He got startled at first but slowly relaxed. I wiped his wet hair without disturbing him driving. Run the towel over his ear to his neck and cheek.

He looked at me when I pulled away. "The extra water is dried up a bit." I throw the towel behind.

I found Afsana and Maira called me a few times, probably wanting to know where I am?

I texted them back.

"I'm on my way."

"You're still on the way? Did you stop in the middle of something?"- Maira's brain runs extra fast.

"Just stopped because the rain was heavy." I replied back. When she texted. "Did you two have another war in the car?" yeah kind of.

"Yeah. I buried your brother's body in the forest, go and find it." I texted back, laughing softly. He looked at me. "Who are you texting?"

"Maira." I replied and started typing.

"What is she saying?" he asked with a smile because Adira was replying cutely.

I looked at him. "Nothing much. Asking about your soul. I told her that I killed you and buried your body in the forest. She said she'll sue me and as for punishment she will make me her maid." I laughed again and Eshaan looked shocked. "You already planned my death?" I even laughed more seeing his expression. "I even said, you did a pole dance before I killed you." Now I was rolling in my seat laughing.

"Oh my god." Eshaan put one hand over his mouth.

"Looks like you two should stop talking." He shook his head. "The most funny part, she's more into making me stay in your house permanently. She forgot what I said about his brother. You have no value."  I was in my own laughing mind that I didn't notice we reached and the car stopped. He was staring at me.

"Oh we reached." I picked up my bag and phone. Opened the door and went out.He also came out. We both were standing before.

"Thanks for the ride." I whispered. It's so hard to talk with him sweetly.

"It's my duty to keep you safe." He smiled. I was staring at him. "Umm..wanna come inside. You are also wet. Dry yourself up a little." I asked.

"Who is asking?" he smirked, he was taking full advantage of my nervousness.

Adira you have to say, he gave me full right on him, why shy!!  I told myself.

My eyes slowly looked up.

"Your wife."


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