Chapter 34

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Farhan was very friendly and a funny guy. He got mixed with everyone in this small period of time.

Everyone was enjoying the sunset when Farhan saw Eshaan standing far from others, alone in a corner, staring at those waves. Farhan decided to talk with him. Picking up a coca cola, he made his way to him.

Offering the coca cola, Farhan presents himself before Eshaan. Eshaan was lost in his thoughts when he saw a coca cola bottle waving before his eyes. Then met the person beside him.

"Oh you." There wasn't any anger or authority in it but a calm state.

"Yes, me big brother." Farhan flashed him a small. Eshaan took the waving bottle and kept it in his hands. "If I'm not wrong, something is bothering you. If that bothering is related with me , I would love to hear it." Farhan said and opened the bottle . "You catch that right, You're the reason I'm bothered." Eshaan being honest, throws an arrow in Farhan's body. Farhan didn't think he would say that.

"I give myself in your court, without hesitating to tell everything." Eshaan let out a deep breath. "I'm not fully satisfied just meeting you. My sister isn't prepared to get married, a girl who can't make a decision what to do today, let alone maintain a house. It's not that I'm against you two, but you can understand me, mom and dad don't know, I am taking the risk to get you two together. What if your father does not agree? I have to bring back home a broken Maira..." Farhan hasn't said anything. Eshaan continued. "They're having fun, But as a big brother I can't dance and sing when I can't give the surety to her about the future relationship. And Farhan..." Farhan looked at him. "Running away is not an option. You love your father, just because Maira says you'll run off with her. If your father loves you, he will listen to you. Just talk with him. It's better for both sides."

Farhan covers his face with his hand and rubs it. "I can understand you. Running away wasn't my plan from the first and it was going to happen. I love her, yeah...but I'm still older than her to know this is not a game to play. " Eshaan smiled at him.

They stood up. "Brother , I'll talk with my father before you guys meet him in person." He said when Maira called for him. "Farhan?"
They both turned to Maira. Eshaan pat his arm. "Go and see what this drama queen needs now?" Farhan laughed. "I can tame her, can you take your one?" Eshaan gave him a confusing look. "What does that mean?" Farhan looked at him for a second before smiling and shaking his head. "It's a phrase, you haven't reached there."

"Go before I throw you in the water." Eshaan glared.

Farhan turned around. "Maira!!! I want that cake too!" He ran off.

Eshaan again turned to the waves. "Hey lonely guy." He turned his head to see Adira was picking up the coca cola bottle which was laying on the bench. He decided to ignore her. "What no reply? Fine, if you don't need this coke, I'm having it. We're out of coca cola. " With that she opened it and took a big sip. Made a big sound of relaxing.

"Can't you be more silent?" Eshaan said with a little annoyed. "No."

He opened to say something when Adira put his palm to stop him saying anything. "I will go somewhere else, but no argument, I'm in a good mood. Don't wanna ruin it for you." She turned and left. Eshaan's eyes were glued to her.

"She's harder to understand than calculus math. And it's harder to mix with her than the oil on water." Eshaan groaned in annoyance.

When he saw Farhan again walked up to him. "I had talked with my father, I'm going to meet him tomorrow. Hope everything goes as we want." Eshaan said, "Now everything is in Allah's hand. Let him decide what is best for us." Farhan nodded. They heard a loud sound from the girls. When they both looked up they saw Maira, Adira and Afsana throwing party spray at each other. Adira picked up an ice cube and put it in Aman's shirt and Aman started dancing. Hala game from behind and sprayed a large amount of party spray on Adira's head. Seeing this Afsana and Maira laughed loudly, when Hala and Adira attacked them with more spray.

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