Chapter 37

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Adira Muntahina

I shut my door and picked up my medicine box. After a few attempts, I picked up Advil and another medicine which is a cold pill. And the cold pill made my mind relax. When I swallowed the medicine someone knocked on my door. I have zero tolerance now. I ignored it.

"..umm..Adira…" again a soft knock. I was sitting on the edge of the bed. She knocked a few more times. I waited for her to leave me alone. "I'm sorry Adira." I heard her footsteps fading away.
Okay I agreed I wasn't the best girl you expect. I'm not the perfect girl that people expect. I have my own pain and wounds. Just I replied that every hit means I'm a bad girl. I fall back on the bed. Why? He always says something which hurts me. They two had someone waiting for them, and were mad at them for not informing them, and was worried for them. I didn't see them worrying for me.
I didn't see anyone asking why I didn't pick my phone. No one noticed me. I was the one that left out. And one person approached me not asking am I fine but to ask why I took others. How do I judge him? He isn't even family. My own brother didn't look at me. He was worried for his wife.

Am I that unwanted? A single tear rolled down from the corner of my eyes.

I looked up to the ceiling. Dad didn't even call once. Maira's parents called them twice a day. Asked how is it? Or what they do today? They love to know. I just stood behind and watched. This is what I miss in my life. I will always miss it.

After a long nap, I woke up. It was already 6 p.m. The sun was almost going to set down. The yellow and orange sky looked beautiful. But my mood was still sour. I took my credit card and some cash, my phone and a bag to put some water and a sweater. I got out of the room and Maira , Farhan and Aman were standing before Eshaan's room. Eshaan room door was opened. I just looked at them for barely two seconds and walked towards the elevator.
Aman called me behind but I didn't stop.
"Where are you going Adira?" I ignored. He pulled my arm and made my stop. I jerked his hold. "I'm not taking any one with me." He looked confused. "That's why I'm asking where are you going alone? It's already getting dark." I shrugged. "Where I want to go. And do me a favour, leave me alone. "

I pressed the elevator. Aman was still there. I didn't turn to look at him. I heard Afsana's voice from behind. "What happened?" Aman replied to her, "Adira is going out. And she wants to be alone."
Then Afsana and Aman started to talk. She was asking Aman to let me go. But Aman didn't want to.

Eshaan might have come out of his room when Maira said to him. "You can go with her."
Aman also asked him. "Are you free Eshaan? Adira wants to go out. Can you go with her?" I just angled my head a little left. "I don't need anyone to go with me. Aman, stop it. I'm not a kid. I want to be alone. I'll be back soon." I said annoyed.

"Why do you need to go now?" Eshaan asked. I rolled my eyes. I didn't reply. "I also want to know." Aman said.

Afsana took Aman. "Aman please. Believe her." Aman didn't want to but he looked at me for the last time. "Eshaan is going with her." I didn't hear anything. The elevator came and I got in and pressed the ground floor.
The door slowly closed and my eyes met with his. He watched me.

I took a cab and heard there was a festival going on. It's a Muslim festival. I didn't hear the details too much. The driver dropped me there.

The festival has a Muslim vibe. Borqua women were walking with their husbands. Some girls were buying hijab and jewellery. A soft music was playing in the background. I walked inside. The place looked nice. Lot of people came and it was a bit crowded.
I was hungry so I had two pieces of fried chicken. And a coke with it. It was already dark and the lighting was making it more eye-catching. I didn't buy anything from there, I just roamed around the place.

People were slowly getting less and less. When a few groups of boys walked past me, and one boy shouldered me for which I fell on the ground. I looked up in anger. "Are you blind?" I shouted at them.
Those boys turned to me. They didn't even stop after shoving me down.
Then they looked at each other.
"Can't see where you're walking? If you have eye problems, why not go to a doctor." One boy came forward. "Miss, stop shouting " he harshly said. "I will shout. What can you do? Where you should say sorry to me, you are standing here saying I shouldn't shout." I yelled at them.

In a minute I got into an argument.  Few people were watching. No one came forward. Some said to go forward and forget it. But somehow it didn't work.

When another man came to them. "Karim, what do fuse about?"

"This woman kept blaming us that we shoved her down, when she was standing in the middle of the road. Now shouting at us." He said in annoyed. "I'm not making any fake blaming. Apologies to me. "
That man laughed. I looked at him pissed. He walked toward me. "My man never apologises to anyone. It's better for you to walk away from here. You are a woman, forget it like it never happened, or we can do a lot of things. You might regret it later." He threatened me openly.

Over his smug face I smacked my palm on his cheek and gave him a hot and tight slap. My hand was burning.
His face turned to the right side. The boys behind gaped in reaction.

"Your threat might work with other woman, but not with me." I coldly said. That man turned his face to him. I could see my handprint on his cheek. It turned all red.

"You made a mistake." He grabbed my wrist tightly and pulled me closer. He started twisting my hand. I tried to free myself. "Take her belongings." Those boys snatched my bag from my shoulder.

A middle aged man came to talk with them. "Son, what are you doing?" "Uncle move ahead. Go. Mind your own business." He pushed him away. "Leave my hand." I shouted.
His face screams anger. "Today this hand is not going to be your body part any more."

Others were having fun. I tried to dig my nails in his arm, when he grabbed my throat tightly. My breath all of a sudden stopped.

When I heard.."Oh oH oh. Man. What happened?" I know this voice. He followed me.

A guy went to him. "Leave from here." Eshaan surrendered. "I'm just seeing what was happening. Don't you think it would be better to talk about some corner. Because I saw the police coming here." The boys were panicking. Eshaan went to the man who was holding my throat. "Mister, there is the police." He made him release me. When that man looked that way to see. Eshaan grabbed my hand and ran off.

Those men also shouted from behind.

Eshaan was fast. He ran in a different direction to lose them. I don't know where he was running. I'm just keeping my legs on track.

"You're really a trouble maker!!!" He shouted at me, still running.

And we entered where a lot of people gathered.


Author Notes:

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Pray for the better.

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