Chapter 69

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Adira Muntahina

Slowly slowly my exam date came closer. I didn't get the time to meet Eshaan. We talked at night but did not see each other. He went to another town with his father for some event. It's a good thing he got busy. I need to focus on my exams. 

I went to the library. Find the most unnoticeable spot and look into different writers' books. When someone boo in my left ear. I whimpered loudly and everyone turned to me. I rubbed my ear and looked at the guy before me, smiling shamelessly. The librarian glared at me. "Sorry." Now I'm glaring at Asif. 

"What the hell?" I whispered. "Nothing." I shook my head and went back to my seat. He followed me. "Are you not going to ask me what I am doing here?" I looked around the library. "I don't care." He pouted. "Whatever. I'm glad I found someone. I was getting bored here." I ignored him and opened my book. "You are studying?" I looked at him from the corner of my eyes. "No, I'm dancing." He laughed at me. "Good one. If you need any help, I can help you with this."  He offered it to me. I refused. " Thank you, so keeping your mouth shut might help me a lot." He imaginarily zipped his lips and locked it.

"Well, Adira…." I glared at him. He grinned. "Just want to know…are you alright now?" I got confused by his question. "Alright?" 

He smiled. "No.. nothing. I'm glad you forget it and move on in your life." I looked down. It's true, after getting close to Eshaan, I forget about all those bad experiences in my life. 

"When is your exam?" I groaned. "You aren't going to shut up?" 

"Will you go on a coffee date with me?" Asif asked and my face dropped. 

"Just like friends." He said after some time. "I…I don't think that will look appropriate." I closed the book.  

"Why not?" He looked at me. "Why do you want to take me for some coffee?" I asked him. "Just to make friends." 

"Did you take every friend for a coffee?" He chuckled. "What if I say, you are special." 

"No." I rejected his offer. "I think our conversations should stop here." I gathered all my books and stood up. He didn't stop me. I left the library and was walking toward my car when Asif came running. "Can I know why?" I stopped my step. 

I turned a little. "You want something from me. But I've already given it to someone else. Raising up your hope, it will be a sin for both of us." I gave him a small smile and walked away. 

That night

It's already 11:46 p.m. My exam will start at 9:30 a.m. Just flipping the pages, looking at the important topics. When a message came, I ignored it. 

Another came. 



I groaned and picked up my phone. It was Eshaan. 

"Why is he texting me so much?" I opened his text. 

"Oh hell!" I quickly stood up and ran out of my room. The hall was so silent. Everyone went to sleep. Balancing the calmness, I reached the main door. Opening it very carefully, I peeked outside. 

There he was leaning on his car. My lips turned up on their own. I just closed the door and walked to him. He also got up from leaning. 

"Eshaa.." I didn't get to finish my word. He swiftly embraced me. My face crashed on his chest, arms were around me. He dumped his face in my neck. I put my ear on his chest, hearing his rapid heartbeat. 

Lot of people might get shocked. But in the last month we talked, we might not see each other but we heard each other. 

He was the main reason for my softness and calmness. 

"You came back." I whispered. He hummed. "When?" 

"Just came back." I pulled away from him. "You didn't go home?" My eyes widened. He looked tired but a smile was still on his lips. "I was passing by, thinking of meeting you on the way." I narrowed my eyes. "Your house takes a different road." He just grinned. 

"Is that so? " I smiled at him finally. 

I raised my hand and put it on his cheek. He leaned on my palm and closed his eyes. 

" How is exam preparation?" My mood dropped down badly. 

I got huffy. "Plan to fail in it." He chuckled faintly. 

"That's a good thing. Getting failed is not an easy task." I rolled my eyes. He pulled me closer by forearm. My arm was touching his. "I really missed your wild nature." I looked at him, "Is that an insult?" 

"What do you think?" I looked away. "I think you need to go home and sleep. It's late. You must be tired." I stood before him. "And drive safely. It's very dark and you are tired. Make sure to call me after reaching home…" I didn't finish when he grabbed my hand and pulled me again. We were standing close. Heat rushed to my cheeks. He looked more handsome today. That messy hair, five o'clock shadow beard in his face, made him more attractive. 

I realised he didn't leave my hand and I was so lost in his face. But my eyes looked at my hand when my skin felt something cold slide down. He slide down a ring in my ring finger and intertwined our fingers. I was frozen. My mouth parted , I just kept looking at it. 

He touched his forehead on the side of my head. His nose nagging in my hair and hot breath hitting my back of the ear. 

"W-what is this?" I stuttered. My heart was beautiful fast, I know what this is…I still want to hear from him. 

He angled his head a little and looked at our hand. "I know we got married in different circumstances. I didn't have the time to give you anything. When you and I are giving this marriage a chance. I want you to have the symbol of marriage." He brought it closer and kissed the ring. 

"Will you be my one and forever?" He asked me seriously and looked deeply in my eyes. 

"After wearing the ring?" I giggled. He also laughed. "Well……Didn't think of that before." He smiled like a kid. 

I smiled big. " Certainly, I will be the only one." He opened his arms, I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged himntightly. His warmth surrounded me as his arms held me also. 

"I want CGPA 4.00 tomorrow's exam." I slapped his back and he laughed and put a soft kiss on my head. 

" Thank you." He whispered.


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