Chapter 49

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Eshaan Ghafor

I was almost half way home. I felt myself smiling so much. When my mom called me. “Salam mom.” Mom’s voice came in my ear, “Where are you,son?” I replied, “Mom, I was held back for dinner. I'm on my way home.”

She cut the call telling me to drive carefully. I reached home in five minutes. When I entered my house, I could hear laughing, chatting sounds from the kitchen. With a big smile, I entered the kitchen.
Mom noticed me. “There you are!! We were talking about you.” Maira was clearly holding her laugh. “What about me?” I took one chair. Maira gave me a piece of apple, I took a bite. “I was saying, it’s already known that Maira will be marrying after her semester final, So, why not tie you down with Suzan before her wedding. We will get another member in the family. I got those thoughts while looking for a lehenga for Maira-” I choked the apple. Mom quickly came beside me to pat my back. Maira gave me water. I calmed myself a little.

“What happened?” mom asked, I wiped my mouth. “ Mom” she gave her full attention to me. “ I can’t marry Suzan.” I whispered, mom couldn’t hear a thing. “What?” I cleared my throat and took a few long breaths. “I don’t want to marry.”

She froze in place. “W-what?”  Maira was left with an open mouth. “What are you talking about? You don’t know what you are saying?” mom yelled at me. I lower my head. Dad came down in a hurry.

I was sitting before them. They were focused on me. It’s already late at night.
“Why don't you want to marry?” dad asked in a very serious tone. I took a few strong breaths. I have to do it now or never. “Dad, I don’t want to marry Suzan.” mom gasped. “What’s your reason?” dad asked but mom wasn’t taking it normal. “What’s got into you? If they hear this, what will they think? Poor Suzan, her dreams and hopes are going to be broken. I didn't express this from you Eshaan! I never have!!! Listen if Suzan will not be my daughter in law, I'm not going to accept anyone!!" She stomped away. Dad just shook his head.

"Bhai, why are you doing this?" Maira asked in frustration. "She liked you, you raised her hopes, now dropping her like that?" I clenched my hair. "I don't like her. I like Adira. Adira is my wife." I said and her eyes widened. "What?"

"That snake! She used my friendship to seduce you! I hate her!"

No no

I got a big slap on my face of the daylight. I was sweating badly. My heart was beating hard. I ran my hand in my hair. "Oh Allah."

What was that? Dream? I'm on my bed. I remembered now, when I came home, no one was awake.
Telling them suddenly is like getting hate for this relationship. This is what Adira was scared of. Now I'm a little nervous too.

Someone knocked on my door. "Yes?" I called. The door opened a little and Suzan peeked. "Salaam, you just woke up?" I nodded. "Salaam, I was a little tired last night. Is there something you want?" I got up from the bed. I didn't have the habit of sleeping shirtless so no problem.

"Aunty just told me to call you down and….I was thinking of meeting you too." I looked away. I can't look at her like before. Because now I noticed one thing, I always see her as a good friend and a good sister, I never saw her as my other half, with whom I wanted to spend my life.

But now seeing those emotions in her eyes, made me uncomfortable.

"Why do you want to meet me?" I stood a few feet away from her and my arm crossed.

She took slow steps inside, I took one step back. She might have noticed, because she stopped moving. "I think I'm making you uncomfortable. I wanted to talk to you about the proposal. You dropped the topic while you went to Spain. I thought now would be a good time to talk about." She said softly. I remembered I cut her last time because Adira was there, sleeping on my bed, I was newly married.

"It's something I also want to talk about with you." She hummed. "You sit down, I'll come after freshening up." I told and went inside my bathroom. Washed my face and brushed my teeth. Changed my clothes then went back to my room. Suzan was sitting on my bed, which was now perfectly done. "I was getting bored so, I made your bed." I nodded.

"Come sit. I think we need a long talk."

I again nodded and sat on the bed but put gaps between us.

She chuckled. "I'm not going to eat you
" I smiled. "I don't have trust in that Statement." She slapped my arm. "Oh my, you started raising your hand to your elders!!" I faked gasping. She rolled her eyes.

We turned serious. The environment turned very tense. "Suzan, you're a wonderful girl." She nodded. "Any guy will be happy to have you as his wife."
She smiled again. "Why does this feel like rejection?"

"It's not rejection, maybe it is. I just realised I never saw you as a woman. It was always a little girl doing fun activities or my little sister joking around. I felt comfortable around you because you act very cool. Take everything easily and be very thoughtful." I said honestly. She just looked at me with sad eyes. "Never or even 1%?" She joked. "You were my sister from heart to mind. It is very hard for me to accept you as a woman, I'm going to raise my lineage. Because I'm not the one for you. You need someone better than me. "  She said to me with a sad smile. "That's why I liked you. You are always honest and wise. Always thinking the best for others. Never be selfish." She stood up.

"Suzan, I know I hurt you. Please forgive me. I hope you will understand me. I can't marry you. You need someone who will cherish you with  love and affection." I said and she nodded. "Don't worry, I will tell mom that I'm not interested anymore. After all the brother who did so much for me, I can do this for him." She started walking out.

She turned around and looked in my eyes. " Can I ask you something?" I nodded. "Is there someone out there for whom your heart beats fast?" Her question surprised me.
I kept looking at her.

She just smiled and said. "Your quiet, means there is someone. I will just say, she's very lucky." And left my room.

I stood there for some time. "No, actually I'm lucky. She's full of adventure, I will fall for her more and more in every step." I smiled finally. My mind pictured that beautiful smile on Adira's lips, my heart betrayed me and beat uncontrollably.

Oh my god, What is have you done to me?

I laughed in happiness.


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