Chapter 26

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Adira Muntahina


The look of his face was something I wanted to see. He didn't expect me to agree with him. He knew I'll never let myself be wrong but he's wrong in this part. I do say sorry, but those are rare cases.

The shock face was still on. His lips moved a few times but no words were coming out.

Then he stepped back and I also stood up straight.

"But the question is......Eshaan Ghafoor is never going to do that." I stepped toward him. He didn't move.
"I agreed with you. I would hold your hand....if you give. I won't be bitter talking with you. After all you would say sorry." I crossed my arms.

He opened his mouth to speak but I cut it.

"But the thing is, the person who feels guilty, says sorry before giving the hand of help. I know I'm not the nicest girl before your eyes, your mind thought I don't deserve to get apologies from you even if it's a coincidence of both parts. Nah!!! Adira is the worst girl, a hatred girl."

He frowned. "You can keep your respect to yourself, let's stay out of each other's life, and it will be good for your outstanding status."
I gave him my best smile and walked away.

Leaving him there.

I didn't stop walking until I reached my room. I bumped into Maira on the way but I ignored her calling and went straight into my room. Throw my phone on the bed and stomped into the bathroom.

Turned on the shower full speed. Standing under it. Letting the cold water hit my face and body. I didn't care about changing but closed my eyes and drowned in the cold.
My hands were shaking. My skin is turning red for coldness. I can't even feel my face, it was frozen.
I didn't move, I don't want to move.

I slid down on the floor, it was cold and I still didn't have any sense.

The shower was on.

It's been 1 hour, I have been under a cold shower in the winter season where snow's going to fall any day from today.

I somehow turned off the shower and removed all my wet clothes. After 10 minutes I walked out of the bathroom just in a bath robe. Water was dripping from me. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was red on my skin now. Still my face looks pale.

The door bell rang. And rang and rang.

Then someone was knocking.

"Adira!! Open up." Maira's voice was coming, but I didn't have any strength to walk there. I just sat there.
Maira didn't stop. Afsana added too. Hala's voice was behind the door too.

It's been 5 minutes, I walked to the door and opened it yeah before looking.

Maira was leaning on the door, so she lost her balance and fell on the floor.

Afsana and Hala covered their mouths and laughed. Maira stood up, rubbing her hip. They all turned to me. They all smile and laugh .


"What happened?"

"You look pale?"

They pulled me inside and closed the door behind. Maira took a dry towel and started drying my hair. Afsana turned on the heater.

"Your hands are freezing! Did you drop it on ice water or something?" Afsana said and started rubbing my hands. "She took a cold shower! Really now?" Maira shouted at me.
"I will order some hot coffee, it will help her a lot." Hala went to call the front desk.

Afsana stared at me for a long time.

"What happened to Adira?" I met her eyes, they were shining
. "Nothing."

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