Chapter 40

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Eshaan Ghafoor

Adira let out some weird whining sound. She was rubbing her forehead and eyes.

Even my mind warned me to stop, but I came forward and put my hand on his shoulder. "What happened?" She was whining. "Why is everything moving? I can't see them all fading."

"Okay. You keep your eyes closed. Everything will be fine." My hand was still on her shoulder, but now it was slowly coming down and resting on her palm. Her hands were freezing.
She closed her eyes and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Adira, you're freezing." I grabbed her hand. At first I felt weird doing it. I never hold any woman's hand except my mom and sister. I released her hand…then my attention went to that file sitting on my lap. Started at it hard and accepted the weird feeling.
I grabbed her hand tighter. Caressing my thumb over her knuckle. Her head slowly sliding down, now it is on my chest. Her arms, one was around me and the other one was on me; which hand I was caressing.
I looked at her face. She was looking so calm and…. beautiful. Her full lips made a pout. It Looks soft and I want to bite it hard. My other arm was around her. It was resting on her perfect waist.

I rested my cheek on her head. Over all that anger and frustration, deep inside I'm enjoying her touch with everything. For her I have to lie but why isn't my heart scared of anyone. My heart isn't even guilty of doing anything. I don't know whether I should be regretting it or not. Cause I'm happy she didn't marry another man.

I always felt that I'm the only one who can handle all those fire and knife she throws. When suddenly she was going to be someone's, I was hating the change, I couldn't see it.
But I can't say this to her.

The cab left us at the entrance of our hotel. Now my mission is to get her sleepy ass to her room without getting caught by any family members. Tough One.
Because she was now singing some jungle song for the last 3 minutes. And we were dressed to get attention, a bigger problem.

My phone rang. It was Aman. "Hello."

"Where are you guys? It's already getting late." I gulped. "We are in some cafe near the hotel. We'll be there in no time. Did you all fall asleep?" I asked and Adira was now running her hand on my hair. It was making my leg jelly. I wanted to close my eyes and enjoy it. But focus Eshaan!!!

"No. But Maira did fall asleep. She was tired. And me and Afsana were up for you two." Aman was a great man. And I still think he will beat the hell out of me if I say I'm married to his sister. Accidentally.

"Okay I will leave a message after reaching our room. Okay. Don't worry. My duty is to keep her safe." I said and looked at her. She was pouting at me. Smacked my arm and stomped her feet like a kid.

"Okay." I cut the call.

Took all the bags and her phone. I circle my arm around her shoulder.

"No. I'm not a baby." She slowly moved forward. "I don't need a hand to walk." Still very feisty. "If you were a baby, I would have carried you." I rolled on her baby comment.

We slowly made it inside. The receptionist looked at us. "Friend's wedding." She nodded. She was going to dance in front of her. I quickly grabbed her forearm and went to the elevator.

I left her arm when the elevator door closed.
She was again whining. "I hate her."

"Why?" She turned to me. She was angry. "She was flirting with you. Smiling at you whenever you are around." She glared at me. "That's her job. Smiling at the guest."
"Don't take her side. No, you smile at her too. Is she too tempting? You want her?" She was getting close to me. "Where is that coming?"
"From my mouth. Do you love her?" No, Never.  Our floor came. "Stop saying nonsense and go to your room."

"No, you have to answer me. Answer me Eshaan." She was whining. I was pulling her to the end of the hall. She was speaking loudly the whole time. "Don't talk loudly." I glared at her.
She started trembling her lips and screaming loudly.
"You're scolding me. You always scold me." She cried. "Oh shit!" I didn't get the time to open her door and shoved her inside. I grabbed my key card and opened my door, pushed her inside.

Maira opened her door after hearing some noise. She scanned the hallway.
"Is Adira back?"
She walked to Adira's room. The moment she reached Adira's room, Eshaan closed her door and covered
Adira's mouth with his palm.

Maira knocked on the door. "Adira.." no response. "Maybe she's still mad at me." Maira went back to her room.

Adira was making noise even with a covered mouth.

"Stay silent, I will answer your every question." She got up quite suddenly. Eshaan moved her palm from her mouth. I pulled my phone and quickly leave a text that we're back.
"First I think you should freshen up." She looked around the room. And slowly looked up to me. "Who's room is it?" "Mine."

She suddenly giggled and blushing hard. "Are we going to do it?" My eyes widened. "What? Where did that idea come to your mind?" I asked and grabbed my casual clothes from the bag. "Well, we were married. Married night is when they submit to each other." Adira was giggling like a 16 year old girl who might have confessed her crush.


She looked at me with her big eyes, shining at me. "No? You don't want to do it? Am I not hot enough?" She ran to the mirror and again threw her dupatta on the floor.

"Adira" I turned around. "I'm not woman enough to satisfy you?" What is this girl saying?

She sat on the bed. Crushed on my pillow. "Adira. Don't you-" she cut me. "I'm not beautiful. I'm not pretty like her. You can't even look at me." She was now on her knees on my bed and I was standing. Still she reached my chest. Lifting her head she was glaring at me.

"Now who is this she?" I was getting annoyed.  She scoffed. "Don't play innocent."
She grabbed my hand and pulled me closer. Place it over her waist, bare waist. "Eshaan.." she whispered and made me take a deep breath. "It's burning inside. I'm so hot inside. I want something hard to hit me. Why am I feeling this?" Her eyes were holding tears. " I want you..hard and rough. My body desires you to kiss me. Make me breathless." She cupped my face. Pulled me closer. For a second I gave in. But before she met my lips, I pulled away.

"No no..this isn't right. You're high." Her hands were still in the air. "Adira let's get you a cold shower." I put one arm on her waist and the other one under her knees. Carried her bridal style and walked to my washroom.

She didn't say anything. When I put her down under the shower.
She didn't fight back.

"I will give you a hoodie and some pants." I turned to leave when she pulled me closer and turned on the shower.

"I'm burning for you. Calm with me then." Her hands were grabbing my Panjabi and eyes staring at me. My both arms were on her. Caging her. Eyes buried into each other.

Water dropping over us. Water rolled down from her forehead to those cheeks and stopped over her lips. My eyes were following the water. She digs her nails inside me more and bite her lips.

I dropped my eyes on the floor.

Before I would do something which I can't take back.

Like kissing her.


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