Chapter 13

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~Adira Muntahina~

I was standing in a balcony of the living room. The wedding is done. We got Afsana home. Now I think I don't have any more to do.

I was holding the railing very tightly, after all it's on the second floor, and I have a very bad feeling that I might fall if I loose my grip. My whole body was trembling. I was too shaken up. I night was so dark. The wind was cold. Looks like the rain will come any moment. My breath was heavy. My body every part feeling hot, itching my every inch of my skin.

When I heard the balcony's door opened and close.

I was far from care to know.

When I heard his voice after so so decade.

"Adira.." Aman's voice had softness, which maybe I wanted in my childhood but now, I feel it's an act.

I turned my head in a jolt. Grilling my teeth, gave him my most uninterested smile.

"Oh congratulations . You're a married man know." Aman looked at me with guilt. I scoffed.
I looked around and wait for him to go away. When he didn't I just pushed myself back to leave.

"Can we talk?" He said very hesitantly. I looked at him again. Before smiling. "No."
Start my walk again.

"Please.." he again requested. I laughed this time.

"You, Mr. Aman Muhammad Ali, Want's to talk with me? Let's many years no. No 13 years. So Aman wants to talk with Adira after 13 years. Why?" I asked.

He hung his head down. Gulped.

"I want to.....I want to...fix.. everything.." he didn't look at my eyes.

"Oh my dear Older Brother, ......Let's me give you a answer. You are late. Too much late ." I said and took a step toward him.

"There wasn't anything between us to fix. I don't remember any Aman other than in a name which was in my certificate Calling that name my BROTHER." I was now face to face to him.

"So can I know what the fucking reason you're here to fix everything" I blinked sarcastically. He was looking at me with broken hope in his eyes.

"I know I made mistake..." I didn't let him finished .

"Oh you do."

"...I want to apologize to you for that."

"It took you 13 years to know you left me alone at the age of 7 when mom passed away was wrong thing to do. I have to say you have very low sense of humour." I smiled. He was looking at me with teary eyes when I mentioned mom.

"I was disturbed...I wasn't ready for any.." he was saying when I shouted at him.

"So you think I was ready to let her go!!! I was fucking 7 years. Mom was everything to me!!! I spent my 24 hours around her. Did you even think that how I feel to find this house empty!!! Not seeing her when I open my eyes every morning. No one run after me! No one was calling me to take a nap!!! My world was surrounded by her. I was alone. And You My so called brother was not there . "

"So don't give me those talks. You were 12, mature than me to know and understand."

"But you put a black cloth over your eyes and walked pass me like I was an invisible person."

"Now you have the guts to come and stand before me. Sorry doesn't fixed anything. It will not bring my childhood back or stop the trauma I went though." I was now shaking hard.

He opened his mouth again. When I stopped him.

"Just before I stopped everyone to ruin a girl feeling and emotions doesn't mean I have soft feeling for you. You again went and be in a relationship with a girl who even you get than me. Didn't care about what the future hold for you and her. If I didn't walk in then you would be routing somewhere and that girl would be become a shame for the who society."
I stepped back.

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