Chapter 3

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As it was said. I thought he would forget the punishment. But no, he called our guide and told him. Now we have to do it.
I made a face to Zoya as she has to write. She hates writing. That teacher knows that very well. How he knows?

Zoya is his cousin. Surprise!!
Zoya is the youngest child of her whole family. And That teacher, Who's name is Hamza Yusuf , the elder child of the family.
Hamza is quite cool , but he hates not been timely.
Zoya is 21 and Hamza maybe 29 or he could be 30 who knows. Zoya said it or not but Zoya loves him a lot. More like a man. She will put his subject before everything. Knows his likes dislikes. I bet her being so obviously, her family know still now. But Zoya will always refused to accept. Because her fear is Hamza will not love her back.

Her words is 'I will love you if you love me. But sorry I will not move forward if the other doesn't have the same feeling. I'm not crying for love.'

And I always tell her how do you know he doesn't love you. She replied "Like how you know Eshaan doesn't love you. " And gave me the smile who I gave her while asking the question. Fair answer.

But I had a feeling he loves her too. Because he sometimes give her ride , buy us coffee, pay our lunch. Even scold us less when we asked too much deep questions. He even let her borrow his books while has marked questions. Or let her see marks before everyone. Always care about her mood. Once Zoya was on her period, Hamza took a half day, and drove around Zoya because she had a sour mood. Now tell me he doesn't have feeling for her? I have an idiot and blind friend.

"Girl!!!!!! You're leaving me. We have to go separate way from here. Why the world is so cruel!!!!!!" Zoya faked cry hugging me. We were still in the class, Hamza sir was still standing there behind us.

"It wouldn't be cruel if you three come to the class in time." Hamza sir replied. Zoya glared at him. He raised his one eyebrow.

"I will tell big mom. She will pull your ear. And I will record it and post it in online." Zoya said before turning to me. Pouted.

"Like mom will believe you.."

"Then why I'm here!!? I will see you in home. " With that she walked out of their. He hijab got stuck in the door pin. And tear it.
"Allah!!!! Why with me!?"

"I have an extra hijab in my car . Wait here." Hamza sir said and started walking outside.
"Why you have extra hijab in your car?! Who your meeting huh?" Zoya snapped. Her questions has a smell. Jealousy smell.

He chuckled. "You left it remember last time in the restaurant you dropped water over your hijab and change it." He left to take.

"He kept it. " Zoya said absentmindedly. I looked at Sara, Sara looked at me.

"Looks like you have to stay here. But Sara have to go to the office to help and I have to go to the library to help some idiots. And We have to go now. So bye . Have fun. Confess okay. Invite me in your wedding!." Before she could reply. Me and Sara flew from there.

"How's your husband?" I asked Sara. Sara turned red. "We're not even married.!"
"But will be soon nah!!!" I whined like her.
"You know how much work I have to do. I have to buy gowns, jewelry. Matching heels. Gifts. And do make up. Spa. I have lots of work to done." She looked at me bored. I was holding my laugh.
"Go, your soon to be husband is waiting for you in the stairs. Give my salam. bye" I ran the opposite side. As library was the other side of the building.
Yeah I'm the one who haven't start wearing hijab still. Don't ask. I will start wearing when I will feel like.

I was half and half late to attend the library. When I opened the door inside. I didn't noticed that there was a person standing before the door. So the door slammed on him and he fall on the ground. I covered my mouth with my hands.

"Oh no!"

He groaned and sit up. I moved forward and bend down. He was rubbing his forehead. I put my hand on his shoulder and asked. "Are you alright? I'm sorry I didn't see--" when he pushed my hand from his shoulder. He lifted his face.


Eshaan groaned again, I again try to hold his upper arm when he moved make. .
"Don't touch me." With that he stood up. The librarian and his friends came to him. His friends were glaring at me. I know they doesn't like me. What will I do if he stand beside the door. They took him away. The librarian looked at me.

"You started your work by a blast I see. Apologies to him when he comes back to his normal self." With that he told me to follow her. I blinked. And saw Eshaan sat on one of the chair. His friends were seeing if I damaged any cell of his body. One give him water. When the librarian called me again.

"Adira." "Coming".

"Assalamualaikum" I greet her. She was shocked to here I can tell that by her face. Why is it shocked for others to hear me giving salam?

"Walaikumaslam" she said with a smile. And gave me some books and showed me how to do it. Unfortunately I have to move here and there around Eshaan and his friends. Who were still glaring at me. But I have to ignore them. I did feel like someone was watching me. But it wasn't bother me, as my mind knows Eshaan is around me. I feel safe around him.

"Hey, Your Adira right?" Someone said behind me.

I turned and see....

Author Notes:

😋😋😋 I came again with my face. Hope you like it.

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