Chapter 59

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Adira Muntahina

I didn't realise it was a rom-com action movie. Because there was a connection between the two main leads. I was enjoying it then all of a sudden the female lead got in danger and like any other movie the hero managed to get her out of it.

In the movie, the hero pulled the heroine in a tight kiss. I watched the kiss and turned to my left.

My eyes met with his. He was also looking at me.

The kissing sound was heard and we looked at each other. I dropped my gaze on his lips and quickly turned my head.

The movie was almost at the end. Rubel looked at me. "Let's head out. The movie is almost over." I nodded and got up. Eshaan lifted his head.

"Side please." I said and picked up my bag from his hand. It was dark inside so Rubel didn't see anything. Eshaan got up from his seat and I walked past him. I couldn't turn and look at him. Rubel didn't know anything about us.

I excused myself and walked inside the washroom. I was expecting Eshaan but there was no one.

My heart dropped. What was I expecting?

I looked at my watch, it was already half past 6. I went to Rubel. "I had a great day. But I'll leave now."

"Yeah. It's getting dark. Drive home safely." Rubel was very caring. I nodded. "How will you go?"

"I will call a friend. We have night plans " I nodded and left him. When I was at the parking lot I almost screamed.

I yelped seeing Eshaan leaning on my car. It was indoor parking so no one was there. He was crossing his arms over his chest and looked at me after hearing my yelp.

"Oh Allah … why are you here?" I said in a hurry. He had very cold eyes. Then I remembered he wasn't talking with me. I looked away and took out my car key. Moved forward to my car, he didn't even step back. He watched me open my car.

"Is your date over for tonight?" He spoke in my ear. I jumped for the sudden contact. I stared at him. He was too close. I opened my car door a little, he shut it and kept his arm there, putting the other arm on my other side, trapping me between his arms.

"I thought we weren't talking." I kept my blank face on. He chuckled coldly. "I also said you are mine, you didn't remember that." I gulped and looked away.

"Well, I have every right to hang around with my friend." I also crossed my arms. "I'm not stopping you. But his actions were more than friendly. I don't like it."

"He is very caring towards me." I said and looked at him.

His strong gaze digging holes in me. Standing so close, his scent was surrounding me completely. I wanted to inhale his smell. Those manly with a spice smell made him more attractive. The way his arms were trapping me, I could see his biceps and the veins. He was taller than me, it was a very attractive part of him.

His perfectly cut beard made him look more mature. His eyes were brown and so beautiful that I might have lost in it. My eyes slowly gave down from his eyes and stopped over his lips, those lips I used to dream. They were close.

I gave back to reality when he put his finger under my chin and raised it up.

"Well, do tell him, you have a husband to care for you, his crush on you has no value. Because you're tied to me forever." He cupped my cheeks and leaned down.

His breaths were hitting my lips and I was taken back with his action. The warm breaths are replaced with some soft and smooth lips. His lips covered mine. And my world spun around.
My eyes were round, and my hands were dropped beside me. His didn't move his lips but the touch and pressure were enough to raise my heart beats.

His eyes were closed and slowly I was feeling nice. It was gratifying for me. I closed my eyes and let myself recall his every detail.

He pushed back the pressing lips a little but it was still fanning my lips, I didn't open my eyes but , my chest was rising up and down.

He pulled away but didn't step back. His hands were still holding my cheeks.

I felt his presence closer.

My hands were clenching my dress.

His warm breath was tickling my ear.
"Breath Adira." I quickly opened my eyes and took a deep breath. I didn't notice that I wasn't breathing.

My lips parted, I was shocked. I raised my hand and touched my lips.

"You kissed me?" I asked for shaking. Blood was rising up to my cheeks, thinking of his warm lips over my lips. The touch was so different.

"Yes, I did." He was so confident.

"What the hell Eshaan! It was my first kiss!!!" I cried out loud. But that didn't affect him. His lips pulled a little and smirked.

"So was mine." When he said those words, I felt my inside was going to blast. A different pleasure raising inside me. It was an unknown satisfaction.

But what weird was I had no anger in me.

I was shocked, taken back and surprised. For that I got satisfaction and unknown happiness. But I wasn't mad or angry.

Now I didn't know what to say to him. I started to feel shy around him. The old Adira would have slapped him hard but this Adira was yearning for him. He kissed me twice in four days.

"Move. I have to leave." I turned around but he was still behind me.

"You are coming to the ring ceremony, right?" I quickly turned. "What?"

"Maira's ring ceremony is next Friday. She will be calling you tomorrow or tonight. You are coming?" He asked so softly.

"Well, I have to…" I again looked away.

He smiled. "I will be waiting." My heart skipped beats.


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