Chapter 5

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I was sitting in the cafeteria. Zoya was completing her 500 writing. Sara was saying something I wasn't thinking. My mind was not here.

Both didn't dare to talk about yesterday. They know me better.

Zoya was complaining about some noodles she ate last night. Sara was arguing about it. I closed my eyes. When both of them went silent. I opened my eyes to see, someone lunch was on our table. I lifted my eyes to see. Maira was smiling at me. I roll my eyes before closing it.

"Can I sit here?" Maybe she didn't get the answer of my eyes rolling.
Sara moved her bag , making her some space. "Yes, sure. Maira right?" Maira nodded. Zoya was looking at me then Maira.

"Will you mind if I ask something?" Zoya asked politely. "Yeah sure I wouldn't mind."

"Why your here?" Zoya went straight forward.

Maira smiled. "To have lunch and make new friends." Her positiveness melt Zoya's eyes now for sure. Sara let out a chuckle.
"I'm serious."
"I'm serious too."
"And I'm Sara." Sara entered the conversation because it wasn't going anywhere. Maira said salam to Sara. Sara replied.

They start having lunch. I leaned in my chair with close eyes.

"Maira which department are you?"

"I'm from Math department."

"Then you must be a freaking genius" Zoya said excitedly. Maira laughed. "I'm not. I stuck in it every time.'
"And we can't even go to the way let along stuck in it." Zoya said sadly.

"Math is all about clean mind . If your mind is calm then you can concentrate the formula well . I'm lacking of concentrate." Maira said and drink her juice.

"You can come to Adira, She's the future psychiatrist." Sara said with proud. "I sometimes listen her nonsense then my mood and mind became fresh and clean." I slapped Zoya's hand. Maira and Sara laughing hard.
"Awwwwu" she rubbed that place. "Your ban for your whole life in my treatment." I said and moved close to Sara. Zoya made a puppy eyes which I didn't give a second look. Which made Sara even more laugh.

"Adira, did you hear that, crack crack, my heart break " Zoya said while holding his heart. I looked at her. "You're holding your breast " I said with a flat face.
"No I'm not. It's under my baby's natural feeder than what I can do?!!!!" I let out my laugh.

We all talked for a while. When Sara took out a Mehendi cone. "Guys I brought some Mehendi. Give me your hand Adira. I want to design it " I gave her my hand. Suddenly my side site pulled, Maira sat beside me, holding a cone in her hand. "I'll do it too."

They both started doing their art work on my palm.

"Make it less gorgeous. I'm looking like a newly married girl."

" What kind of flower it that? Lotus or Lily?

"Why your drawing net in here?"

I'm bothering both. They Told me to shut up but I didn't listen. I end up falling asleep.

Someone shaking me, I opened my eyes. Zoya was waking me up.
"Come college is over. You sleep the whole time." I nodded before getting up. We all got three free period.

"Where is Maira?" I asked after looked around.

"She felt 30 minutes ago. She had a class." I nodded.

Sara pulled my hand up to my face. "Look were done with it!" I looked at. In simply it was beautiful, gorgeous, awesome. I told them not to give heavy design, still they did. My hand looked beautiful.

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