Chapter 23

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I'm walking under the moonlight......In an open field. My feet were feeling chill for the grass. Soft wind blowing, my hair moving behind. I was wearing a white knee dress. Walking and walking toward the bright light. Two trees standing on both sides of the path. The moment I crossed those trees, I found myself walking in the middle of some lake. Water around me. Just a narrow glass way which went to the bright light. I gulped and started walking. I tripped a few times but didn't fall. My feet were wet for sure. The water was cold. When I thought I was near the light, I found myself in the middle of a forget. From where I'm standing, I could see the light. I decided to run this time. I ran but a tree branch came before me, pushing me back.
I crashed on the ground hard. I looked up. Everything was silent, way too silent. I stood up. Even though some parts of my body were burning for the fall, I put all my focus to the light. I again moved forward but a little bit more carefully. Stopped again when I felt strange things hold my feet. I looked down, it was some rope of green colour. All of a sudden it shook me back. I fall again , this time over my front. I was dragged back. I tried to stop myself, so I started holding something from my hands, i found a tree root, grabbed it tight. I looked at my hand, turning red for the force I'm giving. When a shiny , sparkling thing got in my eyes. It was a ring on my right hand's third finger. A beautiful diamond stone cut like a rose. It was giving shine like that bright light.

I am now standing in some living room. There was a TV at one corner, a window which was covered in curtains. On the table, some popcorn and drinks. Over the sofa, A baby water bottle, some drool towel. Tissues.

I felt like a kid just ran behind me. I quickly turned around. There was no one. But sure there was a wall, I never saw this house. I walked closer. Some photos were framed. There was one couple pictures, but I couldn't see the faces. It's like my eyes got blurred every time I tried to see their face. Under that, A baby. Some pictures of that kid. Then another picture where there are two kids.

And lastly which was framed big, was a picture of three kids, two were I guess the age of 7 and 4/5 . The third one was in my lap of the woman. Those kids eyes are looking at my soul.

All of a sudden there was background music.

Hush, little baby don't you
Hush, little baby don't say a word
Papa's gonna buy you a mocking bird

I hold my head. Because I'm just seeing people, lots of people walking around, but they're just blurring, dizzying. A blank figure which I can say a human but who I don't know.

Then a woman's laughing sound.

No no no Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird.

You'll still be the sweetest little babe in town
Still be the sweetest little babe in town

I just circling around, can't find a person. Who's singing.

"Who's there?"

I again turned back to the wall.

The wall was fading too.

Hush, little baby don't you

Hush, little baby don't say a word

Papa's gonna buy you a mocking bird

And if that mocking bird doesn't sing

Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring

Hush, little baby don't you

Hush, little baby don't say a word

Papa's gonna buy you a mocking bird

And if that mocking bird doesn't sing

Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring

The song was sung back ground, my head was spinning. I tried to hold the wall for support. My hand slammed over it. My fingers were beside the picture of my mother and the third child.

What I noticed was, The rose diamond cut the ring and the wall was gone, I fell down in a black hole .

Hush, little baby don't you

Hush, little baby don't say a word

This song ...... I forced my eyes to open. Find myself on the plan. My head was on Eshaan's shoulder. I looked up to him, he was sleeping too.

Everyone was sleeping on the plan. It's sleeping hours.

Only the parents beside me were awake. The mother was putting her baby on her chest and running her hand over the head of the child. Humming that song. Making the baby stop crying.

The father was making the milk bottle. ..

The mother all of sudden looked at me, found me looking at her. She gave me a nervous smile.

"Did she awake you up?" She was sweet. I shook my head.

"No....I just had a weird dream. You have a very cute baby." She smiled and looked at her baby who was fast asleep.

"One day you'll get one too." I slowly gave her a small smile. I leaned back to my seat. It was totally a weird dream. I watched a lot of movies I guess.

But I was watching a movie. Then I fell asleep. Who turned off my screen. My eyes turned to Eshaan who was sleeping. Our upper arms were touching a bit. The warmth coming from his body was making me numb.

Then I looked at my finger.

There was still time for landing. I got up from my seat and walked toward the cabinet. Looking at the sky. It was night from where we're flying now. The navy blue sky with white clouds was something I could stare at for hours and hours.

When another person also came inside the cabinet. I turned my head to see. It was Aman. I didn't give a shit and looked back to the window. He stood beside me , looking at the window too.

After a few minutes, he decided to speak up.
"Thank you for coming. I know you did this for Afsana and Maira. But I felt very happy with this. I might not be a good brother before, but I will be one for sure. It isn't hard to give a decision. Adira, I will promise you won't be disappointed. Just give me a chance to be the perfect brother for you." Aman said , closing his eyes. I did look at him.

I also look at the clouds for 5 seconds then decide to sit back again. I walked past him, but stopped when I was beside him. "Earn it, the chance, don't beg."

When I opened the door to get inside, I turned to him again and called out.

"Aman." He turned quickly. "I'm taking your seat. You can take the seat beside Eshaan. " Without hearing his reply I walked to the seat beside Eshaan. I took my chocolate, bag. My jacket was under his arm. I lifted his arm with the help of his jacket. Slowly pull my jacket when he jolts straight and holds my hand. His eyes were wide and looking at me. I also froze. Those eyes only staring at me. His hand touching mine. He was holding it.

I didn't have the voice inside me to shout at him. He slowly looked at me then at my bed, then the jacket I was pulling, lastly the hand he was holding. He let it go quickly. Properly sitting on his seat.

Run his hand over his hair. "Where are you going?" I put the jacket in my arm. "I'm taking the seat beside Afsana. Aman will be sitting here. They had enough time together." I said and walked back.
I did see Aman coming there.

Slamming myself beside a sleeping Afsana. My head is hurting. I took the sleeping mask on and leaned over Afsana. Let the sleep take me.

And it did take me.


"Dear Passengers, please tie your seat beats. You're going to land in Spain International airport in 3 minutes." The air hostess said that.

A text was sent already.

"We're here."

Put the phone on the flight mood. Look outside. The plane was Landing.

Going to see him soon.


Author Notes:

Hello everyone. It's been nice to see you. I hope you'll love the episode. It was a little weird but if you read it well, you'll understand the situation

Love you.

Stay safe and healthy.

See ya~~~~

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