Chapter 8

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I was about to get inside the washroom when I heard few girls voice. They were laughing.

"I bet that Adira has no shame. She always run behind Eshaan. Did she think Eshaan didn't noticed her behaviour?" One girl said and scoff.
"I heard this rumours that she had a crush on Eshaan for a long. Lot of people had saw her starring at him "

"It's obvious. Who doesn't fall for Eshaan? He's the Mr. Perfect. And when it comes to Adira. She's a mess. She thought she can win Eshaan's feeling by showing off her daddy's money."

I stepped back and sighed.

I walked toward the library.

Today I had to helped the others. Walking around the library. Few were working on their class project. I sat on a chair at one corner. There was a boy who was looking around to find something. I went up to him .

"Looking for something?" He looked at me before shaking his head.
"No thanks. I don't need your help. " With that he walked away from there . I looked at him, he walked toward the librarian and asked her something. She smiled before getting up and walked toward a self with him.

I frowned and turned around.

When the librarian called me."Adira. Come here." I walked toward her. When I reached there he was there standing.

"Adira could you please help him. I have to show other Something. " Not letting me give a chance to speak she walked away. I forced to look at him.
He also looked around. Before looking at me.

"Listen you can go. I can manage myself." He said and turned to left. Thai time I would let this walk away.
"Why? If I help you, will you be shamed of or your perfect reputation will ruined." I snapped at him. He turned his head to me.
"You can think whatever you want." He again started walking.

I just picked up a water bottle which was there and splash the water all over his back. I don't care what will happen to me after this. I just need something to throw at him.
He stopped his walk. Water dropping from his shirt. Wet shirt sticking on his back. He turned his head but I just dropped the bottle before stomping out of there.

I hate how everyone talk with me. I hate how everyone treat me. See me. Think of me. I'm a human too. Just because I'm not like other girl doesn't mean I'm a bad person. I wasn't a bad person. I didn't want to be the person who everyone think of me. They made me.

I was running , not looking where to. Just want to run out of here. I run all the way where my feet go.

I passed few classes. From when I heard someone shout my name. I didn't look back nor I stopped. I'm not in mood of talking right now. I kept walking, running. When someone hold my arm and pulled me back.

"Adira what happened why you-- why your crying?" Maira was the one who hold my hand. I didn't know I was crying. My everything was a mess. I'm a mess.

I want to go away. I try to free myself but I couldn't find the strength in me anymore. I'm weak.

"Tell me. What happened? Why you're crying? Did someone say something to you?" I just pushing her hand .
She then pulled me in her arms. Embrace me. I needed a hug.
I wear my arms around her. Let those tears fall. She slowly rub my back.

"It's fine. Cry out everything. Don't worry, Your friend is here for you." Maira said and rub.


Hope you guy enjoy it. I'm loving that some people actually reading my story. I'm so grateful to all. Thank you for reading.

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