Chapter 36

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Adira Muntahina

Hala went back. Eshaan and Aman went to Farhan's house to talk.

Even since Farhan text Maira that they reached, she's being very nervous. Her mind was running every possible way.

Afsana was also doing everything in her to enjoy this time.

I nagged Maira, she turned to me. "It's her honeymoon. Don't you think we are ruining her fun?" Maira then turned to Afsana who just hit up the rice.
Maira then came up an idea to make this two days vacation fun.

"Afsana!" She looked at us.

"Let's go out and roam the city by ourselves." She had a very bad idea in the next half.

"Without telling the male species."

I got feel the smirked. Afsana was thinking about this offer.

I got in. "Come on. There should be a girls moment. Let's go. Let's see how fun it is?"

After few requests, Afsana agreed. Maira told her not to contact her dear husband and tell him everything. I took her phone and put it in my purse.

We went out without any direction. Today our feet will take us wherever it wants.

We had so fun. Saw few functions, had some delicious lunch, Went to different place to take lot of pictures. Went to the market again and this time bought lot of clothes.
It was already evening. The sun was peeking down. When I felt like to see the time.

When I pulled out the phone, it was vibrating hard.

Aman's 56 miss calls.

Eshaan's 89 miss calls

Farhan's 20 miss calls.

I even found.... Aman's text messages. He blasted my text box.

I stopped walking, they moved forward and stopped. Looked back at me. I lifted my face up to them.

"What happened?"

I gave Afsana her phone. She took it with a confused look.

"I think we might trouble a little bit " I showed them my fingers and made it small sign.

Aman had also blasted Afsana's phone. When she picked up, I heard his shouting even so far.

Maira isn't picking up Farhan's call after hearing that shout.

I nagged her again. "When she's having her talk, we looked for cab."

We got a cab, Afsana was still talking. Aman was angry. Maira just text back Farhan and turned her phone off. She's bitting her nail.

"What do you mean? Tie me? Am I a pet?" Afsana shouted but not so loudly. She heard the other person then cut the call.
We kept silent.

"Adira" my head spin in 180°. "Yes."

"You're brother is the most idiot and stupid guy I ever met!" She loudly said. I nodded. I agreed. No argument.

We reached our hotel. And I saw three giant male species standing outside the hotel.

" I'm not getting out now." Maira said and squeezed down. Afsana was glaring at Aman. I let out a nervous laugh as the driver was staring at was thinking some mad woman got inside his car. I paid him and turned to those two woman. Who refused to get out.

"Let's go. I will pray for you. You two have two man to handle. I will go and sleep. Don't worry my sympathy is with you " I said and put my palm over my heart. They glared at me.

Maira let out a hissed breath. "I will tell Eshaan brother to scold you too."

I frowned. "Plan was yours right? Why will I get scold? Even you'll get double scolding. One from to be husband and other one is from your beloved brother. Best of luck." I opened the door and got out. Pulled Maira with me. I bend down. "Come Afsana my brother will not eat you."

She mumbled something like "That will be better than this." I chuckled. But my body water got all dry when I got under their heat glared.

And automatically Maira hide behind me.

I gave them a awkward smile and moved aside. 

"Traitor" Maira muttered. Aman didn't say anything just hold Afsana's hand and dragged her inside.

Farhan's came to Maira when Maira kept backing up.

"Maira let's get inside." Farhan's voice was hard. She gulped. Farhan also grabbed her and got inside. Eshaan was glaring at Maira and me. I shrugged when Maira kept Whining and fake crying as Farhan pulled her. Eshaan angled her body to followed them. When Maira said something.

"Brother! Dragged her too! Everyone should get same treatment" she pointed at me. I frowned.
Eshaan turned to me. I gave him a glared. "Don't even think of it." I went farther from him. "Not in your dream." He said and walked past me.

Now we two standing for the elevator to come. Eshaan was being impatient.

"He will not eat her." He turned to my way as I spoke up. His experience was laughable. He did think Farhan will beat Maira. Not in million years.

"Where you all went?" He asked after arguing with himself a lot. I tapped my chin pretend to think.

"Ummm....We roamed around the city

went to some restaurant to have lunch
And went to that market again." I said.

"Again?" I nodded.
The lift came. I went inside. Eshaan came inside with his opened mouth.

"In which sense you again went there? Did you forget what happen last time?" He said loudly.

Scoffed. "So my life is not going to stop for one incident" he sighed. "Being careful--"

"I was careful"

"No you weren't. Today you put your life in risk and also my sister's!! I want my sister to experience what you had. Just because I didn't tell anyone anything, that doesn't mean you will take my sisters to that place." He shouted at me.

The door opened on our floor. We two were staring at eachother other's eye. No one dare to break.

"You sure did give a help hand. You sure did save me. But that doesn't give you the right to say those. They went there themselves I didn't dragged your sisters into there." I said and walked out of the elevator. He came behind.

"You agree with their decision that's why they got the courage to go! They might not know what happens there but you know--" I cut him..I turned around suddenly. He stopped in the last second. Standing close. Our bodies were brushing with eachother.

"Can you clarify me Mr. Eshaan for what work you want to blame it on me? Is your problem that your sisters go out with me? Or they bought things from market? And no I can't or couldn't stop them, what would've I say to them? Like Guys we shouldn't go to this market there is a place in here where some bad people kidnap and sells girls to customers!!! Tell them that I was listening to your words because I was weak to fight those man!!! Go tell them I was almost being raped because I was what??? Looking for Eshaan's sister!!! " I shouted on his face.

I turned and took one step when he again spoke.

"You taking it in the wrong way"

"No" I scoffed. "I'm on the right way. This Mr. Eshaan if you want go and tell my brother and dad what you had done. I will owe you for life, but please.... please....stop saying I took your sisters there." I was so loud that few people peeked out.

Those people whispering.

"Couple fight.."

"This fights should do in their room."

"Poor them. Even got in a fight while in honeymoon."

I ignored every words and went to my room.

On my way, I saw Farhan and Maira was looking at me and Eshaan but I don't have any mood to chit chat with her about her brother.

I need my medicine.


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