Chapter 54

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Eshaan Ghafoor

It was late at night. I couldn't sleep so I decided to go to the rooftop. The house was silent. Everyone has fallen asleep already.

I was standing , the air was a little bit chilling. The whole city was awake. When I heard someone's voice.

"Bhai." I turned to see who. It was Maira. I wasn't ready to face them.

I never expected her to expose me like that. My sisters might be seeing me as a villain.

I turned around and gave her my back. I could hear her footsteps coming closer. She stood beside me. A jacket around her, her face didn't show any expression.

"Can't sleep?"

I just sighed. "I can't sleep too. I can't believe my brother did this." It hurts to hear this from her.

I didn't look at her. But she turned herself in my direction. "You keep things from me now." I jolted my head toward her.

"My pure and cool brother found someone he likes, and didn't tell me." She was telling me all this in a low voice. "I'm still not married but you already stopped counting me as a family member." Her lips trembled.

"What are you saying?" I frowned. "You're my sister, and always will be. I can't ever think of this family without you." I cupped her face and wiped the tears falling from her eyes.

"Then why didn't you tell me you like someone? Why did you keep letting this matter go so far?" She pushed my hands away. I ran my hand in my hair. I let out a frustrated sigh.

"You know, you made her believe that you like her by saying yes to this marriage." I closed my eyes.

"Why did you do it?" She was asking for it.

"Maira understands me a little." She wasn't listening.
"I never liked her. Mom and dad wished for her. When they asked for this marriage, they had these big shining eyes looking at me. I couldn't refuse their request."

She laughed bitterly. "So you played with the emotions." Now I was getting angry. I had this faith in my sister that every person may think me bad but my sister will always think about me well.

"Shut up." I shouted at her but not as loud to wake up everyone. "I never played with anyone's emotions. But I was sacrificing my emotions. No one asked what I wanted. It's all about what they want. You can't understand me, you never will because mom and dad didn't put their favourite man before you and tell you to marry him." I was mad at her.

"My intention never was to hurt her. Besides, I was killing my feelings. I did everything to forget what I felt, to stay away from it. But I couldn't. It was making me sad." I was blasting at her. I rubbed my face. "You are telling me why I didn't tell you. What would you do if you knew about this? Forget about what you would do. Did you ever come to me asking what I want ? Aren't you my sister? You should be asking me right. No you didn't, you were too happy to get Suzan as your sister in law. "
I looked away from her. She was standing like a statue.

"We didn't think that way.." she said slowly.

"Obviously, no one thought that." I leaned over the edge.

"I tried to think of Suzan as romantically. But I couldn't. Like if I tell you to think of Saif as your husband, could you do it?" Maira looked down and shook her head.

"Because your heart is already imprinted on Farhan." I knew I was right.

"Now what can I do? I like someone else. And now I can't see myself with anyone else. You know I told her about Suzan, she was ready to walk away from my life. That time I realised, I have to be a little selfish for her." I looked at Maira. She was now looking at me sadly.

"Suzan can't handle all that backlash." Maira said. I nodded. "I decided to talk with them myself." I pushed my hands in my pocket.

We stood there silently. Feeling the cold air hitting my face.

"Can I ask who this special girl is?" Maira asked slowly. I shook my head. "Not now. I will tell you after I settle this matter completely." She already had so much on her plate, telling her about Adira will make her react. She's already frustrated. And I needed to know What Adira felt about me?

When Maira's phone gets a lot of messages.

"Farhan might be looking for you " I said and she checked it. "Oh my god."

"What?" She turned to me. I saw happiness in her eyes. "Did something good happen?" She nodded.

"The pervert professor has been kicked out of college."

"Which sir?" I was confused. I studied there, I never heard of anything. "Physical psychology Sir, Arman Sir." I was slowly remembering. He was an old man but he always behaved like he was in his twenties. I never had any class with him and for taking a different subject, I never had to cross paths with him.

"Why was he kicked out? I was curious. Maira read the posts and started looking for why.

"No one is sure. But they have predictions. He was known to harass girls. No one came forward but we heard rumours about him. Six Months ago he married for the 3rd time to a girl half his age. And shocking was that the girl gave birth after 7 months. Most of the girls hate him. He gave me that bad vibe sometimes. I'm so happy that he's gone." I was shocked to hear.

"And one post said she/he saw a girl coming out of the principal's office, and Hamza sir was protecting him." When Maira read it, we turned to each other.
"Did he harass Zoya?" Hamza sir is very fond of Zoya. They're family.

"But the picture they posted, the girl has no hijab, so it's not Zoya." She showed me the picture. I looked carefully, it was a shaking pic. The girl was almost invisible because of its bad resolution.

I tried to zoom in on the girl but it got worse. So, I remember the picture and about to give her the phone back, when my eyes land on a person.

It was a familiar black hoodie. I saw it somewhere. The no entry logo. I couldn't remember it. I saw that a man was holding a bag. It was also a black bag with Niki 's Logo on top.
Before I could see more, Farhan's number came on the screen.

"Oh.." I gave it back. She took it and walked inside.

I kept standing when Maira jumped on my back and hugged me. "I'm sorry for blaming you. I love you Bhai. And I will love the girl you will bring, because my brother always finds the best." I smiled at her and ruffled her hair. She groaned and walked inside with a smile.


Suzan avoiding my gaze. I also wasn't talking to her. Afsana didn't mention anything about last night. She was talking with everyone. And before leaving she Whispered to me saying "Tell them before they plan your children's name. And I was to meet her." She gave me a sweet smile. I nodded. "If everything goes well, I will be at your house, to introduce you to her." She chuckled.

She left.

I decided to look into the professor's case a little bit. How I never got anything about him?

When Suzan came inside my room. I was on my laptop, I quickly shut it before she could see the wallpaper.

"You should knock before coming. This isn't your room." I said coldly. She looked down. "I know I deserve your cold shoulder. I came here to apologise. I don't know what got into me. I was emotionally sad and bubbled out. My intention wasn't to make you look like a villain." She said in a very small voice. But what happened has already happened.

"I forgive you. But sorry, I lost my trust in you." I said it honestly.

She looked broken. I looked away.

"You don't need to tell your parents anything, I will talk with my parents after all the proposal came from our side." I said and stood up. When I was coming over to her, she stepped back. I hold the door.

"Next time, knock first. You don't have the right to stomp inside" I might sound rude but she has to expect this. I closed the door on her face.

I looked at the clock. I don't have much time left for my date.


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