Chapter 9

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Maira hold me until I was calm enough to talk. I moved back a little. Blink few times.
I looked around to see if anyone was there. Lucky no one was there. College finished hour ago. I bit my lips before taking a deep breath.

My eyes met Maira's. She smiled and nodded.

She moved back too. I thought she will leave but no. She came beside me and put her arm around my shoulder.
"Do you feel alright know?" I don't have strength to argue. I just keep quiet.

She looked at me for a while before nodding.

"I will leave now." I said in low voice and started walking. I was walking toward my car when someone hold my wrist. I turned back.

"Come with us. You're not in position to drive now." She said before pulling me to the opposite direction. "I can go " but she didn't listen. She picked up her phone before typing something.

I looked at Maira. For the first time someone was so worried about me. For my safety. She showed me that as a friend she has a right.
I let her pull me.
She stopped before a car. Not before any other car. Eshaan's Black Mercedes-Benz. I looked at Maira in shocked.

"Can you show me how to drive?" Maira pulled a car key before me with a smirk.

I shake my head in unbelievable.

"Sit belt"


"Power on?"


"Looking glass?"


"Are you nervous?"

"Yes!" We both end up laughing like dead.
She hold the wheel tightly.

"Are you ready?" I asked before looking forward. When I didn't get any reply. I again asked.
"Are you ready?" I looked at her. She was holding the wheel tightly, her palm was turning white. Some sweat fall from her forehead. "I don't think your ready Captain." A loud laugh left my mouth.

When there was a knock on the glass . Maira and me both looked at. There was the car owner standing with arm crossed. Maira looked at me. The smile which was on my face dropped looking at him. But Maira did give me of which like she got caught.

She slowly roll down her window, from which Eshaan put his arm and looked at her. She gave him a innocent smile.

"Bhai, your back so early?" She said showing her teeth. He just raised his eyebrows.
"Can I ask why your siting in my car, and even in the driving sit?" Eshaan's eyes flashed to me for a second before he moved to Maira.
"I was looking for my keys when I noticed a homely thief stole my car key."

Maira showed a shocking face. "Thief?! I don't know you're car key was stolen. When did it happened?" She showed lot of concern.

"Maira. " His voice was hold a author.

"I want to drive" she pouted and said. "It's not a remote control car Maira. Your still small for it " His words made me chuckle. She shoot me a glared.

"I'm not a kid!!!!" She jumped on the seat.
"Don't jump on it. It's worth more than you." Eshaan said while holding his laugh. Maira's mouth was opened.
"Bhai your mean!!!!!!" She whined again.

"No no. Go back sit now. " He said and stand up. I looked at Maira. They have a very beautiful bond. This brother Bond I always want with my brother. But he cared less about me. There wasn't one day he did a call to ask, 'how are you my baby sister?'
My thoughts was end when I heard her opening the door. She was stepping out.

"Maira it's been late. I'll be leaving now. " I said before opening the door. Sitting here was a very good memory.

Maira when peek inside and gave me a death glared.

"Don't your dare think of getting out of this car. I'm telling you. " She said. I tried to protest. When she showed me a bunch of keys.

"If you get down ,you can't have your keys back." She smirked. I was left opened mouth.

"How everyone can get my car key so easily!" I complained. She gave me a proud smile. "maybe you should be very careful from next time. " She now stand up.

Turned to her brother. "You were so mean. Now you'll take us for ice cream. Or I'll not talk with you ever. You insult me before my new friend." She said with fake madness.

Eshaan pointed at him. "Why me?"

"Because you insult me. That's why you'll make up my mood. And ice cream will always make up every mood...........Adira also has a sad mood." She said the last line in low voice which I did heard completely.

She said something also which I couldn't make it up.

I saw Maira moved toward the back sit. I was looking at her. "Maira. Give me my keys. I will go with my car. " She shakes her head.

"Come on Maira." I said and touched the door to opened the door when the door automatically got locked. I quickly turned my head to my right. I didn't notice when he got in. He was starting his car and looked at me.

"You locked the door?" I asked with widen eyes. He again look at me for a minor second before looking back to the front.

"Because I'm treating ice cream." He started the car and drove away. Maira cheer in back.

"But I don't--" when Maira shoved me a little.

"Come on . Loss up. Not everyday I could convince this man to buy me ice cream. If you cancel , he will not buy me ice cream too. Please!!!" She showed me a big puppy eyes. I sighed my lose.

When Maira asked another question which gave me shiver.

"Bhai, Why your shirt wet? Did you go to gym or what?" Maira asked looking at Eshaan's back. From the corner of my eyes, I saw him looking at me before turned to Maira.

"Just a wild cat dropped a whole water bottle on my back." I fist my shirt. Maira was confused.

"Wild cat?"

"That's a story for some other time." He said before turning left.

Author Notes:

Hope you guys are Kay? Having fun with life. It's so hot in here. I'm gonna melt soon.
From this no body, lots of love, care and kisses.
Like for me, comments for my happiness.

See you soon.


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