Chapter 41

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Eshaan Ghafoor

I left the shower. Wipe myself with a towel, I wait for her to come out. After ten minutes she came out with normal clothes. She got inside the cover.


I heard her humping. "I'm mad with you." She whispered. "Why?" I was fighting my smile. "Because you didn't touch me." She started whining. I shook my head. "What do you want to eat?"
She laughed thinking about something. "Are you on the menu?" I looked at her, she was looking at me like I'm her dinner. That hunger in her eyes was dangerous.

"Husband...I want to kiss you. Don't you want to?"

"No. I'm not. And no for that too." She pouted. "So sad. You would make a hot dish though." I choked my own saliva.

"Drugged Adira is more dangerous than normal Adira." I rubbed my forehead. She came toward me. "Then which one do you like most?"

"Like what?"

"The angry one or the bold and flirty version of me." She smiled and pointed at herself. "I don't know about you, but I'm sure you'll regret this tomorrow morning."
She laughed again. "Maybe I will. What to lose actually. I'm not going to get this chance of flirting with you. Tomorrow I'm again going to be the girl you hate, the girl you want not to mix, that girl who you want your sisters to stay away from. The Trouble Maker. Tonight my mind is blank. I don't think anymore." She fell over her back and spread her hands.

I let her in her dream world, and called the room service for something.

When I went back to my room, I found her really in her dream world. I put down the hotel phone and signed. Picked up the file where our signature and everything was written. A big truth of my life.

My phone started ringing. When I saw who it was. I felt like a truck ran over me.


"So mister Eshaan really forgot everything after going abroad." I was frozen. My eyes were on the file and my mind was on the girl in my bed sleeping peacefully.

"Hello Eshaan , Are you there?" I heard Suzan calling for me. I cleared my throat. "Yeah…I'm here just zoomed out for a bit. How's everyone at home?" She hummed. "Everyone is doing good, waiting for their heir to come back as soon as possible. Grandma took her medicine. Little one didn't bother today and..?" She paused. "And?" I asked.

"Really Eshaan? Don't you want to ask how am I doing?" She said in a high tone. I laughed. "Yeah yeah laugh. I think of you and you think of everyone except me."

"It's not thinking. You were talking so I guessed you were okay. Or you would complain the moment I picked. " She again humped. "You know me too well. "

"That I do."

"That's why families think we are best for each other. I was shocked when I heard you accept my mom's proposal. "

I closed my eyes. My mouth I couldn't speak a word. "Aunty came yesterday to talk. Wanted to know, are you okay with this?" She asked. And I'm feeling more guilty. "I mean you just complicated your study, and heard you will join the company in a month. If you need time, I don't have any problem. You're ready is the main thing here." That's why my family wanted her as their daughter in law. She is very thoughtful and cheerful. Always think for others.

"Suzan. I think we'll talk about this after I come back. I'm a little bit tired today, held to bed, I will talk with you tomorrow." I said because I couldn't make myself speak anymore.

She agreed and cut the call. I slammed the phone on the table.

Sat down on the bed. When the food came, I had already lost my appetite. Left it like that. Leaned back on the bed head, closed my eyes. I'm in a big mess. Totally a big mess.

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