Chapter 6

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I opened the main gate only to find dad entering in his car. I parked my car. Before my eyes his car drove away. It's not the first time he passed me not even saying goodbye.
I saw my nanny, her name is Simi. But I never called her by her name.

Nanny was standing on the door , she welcomed me as I entered.

"Your dad just went to Italy for another business trip. He said he'll be back soon." Nanny said I didn't show any reaction. It's never soon. His soon means one or two months.

Nanny went to kitchen. I sat on the couch.

"Adira how was your day?" She asked. I shrugged. I never discussed my life with her. I know she knows me very well but she never forced me to tell her everything.
She put a hand over my head and caressed it.
"Come I made your favourite lunch. " Pulled me with her.

"Oh you wear Mehendi. It's so beautiful. Who did it?" As she looked at it.
"My friends. Sara and...Maira." Did I called Maira my friend? We just met. I bet she'll not talk with me tomorrow like his brother.

"Is it an E ?" Nanny asked, I turned to look at where she's pointing at. There was designed a lot of square. And in the middle it's something looks like E as the side wasn't mixed I guess.

"It's might be the Mehendi didn't mixed. Looked the others also looks like same." She nodded before talking about the new TV show she started watching.

She's very nice I know. I love her But I still not give my 100 percentage love to her. As I know in the end of the month she takes her salary for taking care of me. She didn't married. Why I don't know. I wish she was my mother. But I can't hope anything like that.

I told her I'll take a nap. And went to my room.

When I heard another voice beside my room. It was a girl voice coming from my brother's room.

I was about to knock on his room when the room opened and I saw a girl was standing there and she got scared and scream in fear. I cover my ear with my hands.
That girl also cover her mouth with her hands. I looked that my brother was standing behind her in just bare chest. For her scream Nanny came up. She also let out a small sound before looking away.

"It's not what you think it is...." That girl said in a small voice.


We all sat down.

"So you are?" Nanny asked.

She sip water before opening her mouth.

"Afsana." She was so scared. Her voice was coming out crack. Like she'll cry here any moment.

"And what you were doing with ...forget it.
Tell me do you like Aman?".....


I didn't go to college for the next two days. I wasn't feeling well. I took a sick call.

Today Zoya came to meet me.

" Girl let's go shopping. Come!!" I made a face and shake my head.

"Not in mood."

"I already called Sara. Get ready or I'll drag your ass down in those shorts. The choice is yours " she said in an evil voice.

"Go away."

Now I'm standing beside my car, before the shopping mall. Just in a long shirt and a cute bunny print pants. I was glaring at Zoya.

"You'll regret it later." She gave me her toothy smile. When I stepped in the mall. People was starring at me. Laughing lowly.

I was getting pissed.

"Let's go take the elevator, it's going up." She pulled me and ran inside the elevator. The door closed in right time. I jerked my hand out of her hold. I was mad at her. When I looked before me. There was plenty of people standing before me. Looking at me like I'm a Circus clown. My hair was messy even. When I noticed among the people that was Eshaan, Asif, Maira, Saifar and few other people who I saw with them usually. They also was there. Maira looked at me. Before smiling a little.

I don't know why I did. I hide behind Zoya.

When the elevator opened in some floor, some people got down , not before looking at me from up to down.
I frowned in that behaviour. When Eshaan and other male put a hand over their shoulders, pulled them out if the elevator with them. Now only the girls are in the elevator.

"Adira I have a outfit wanna change. You look uncomfortable in it."
I bit my lips then nodded. Zoya was feeling very guilty. For her , she put me in this kind of situation. Which she did. But I didn't say anything to her.

"We'll go up to food court. You can change in the woman washroom." Maira said. There was another girl who was right behind her.
"Oh Hala, come. She's Hala my cousin. Hala, She's our college senior and my friend also."
Hala was fully in Abaya , she gave me salam. Which I replied.
"You're Muslim?" Hala asked. I nodded awkwardly. "It just you don't look like one.... don't mind." Oh she has a tongue.
"Hala, don't judge her by her clothes." Maira said. Zoya was silent the whole way. I know she was upset.

"Maira , I will send Zoya to buy me some clothes. You don't have to give me any outfit. Eshaan and others might be waiting for you two." I said and pulled out my purse to give Zoya money. "yeah that can be done." Zoya agreed.

Maira put a hand on me. "If my outfit doesn't fit you, then you can go and buy one. Now it's important to change first right?" The elevator opened and Maira pulled me out , dragged me to the washroom.

Unfortunately, The dress fit me well.

"Adira, I got a call. I have to be in the food court. We'll be leaving first." Maira said from outside.
"Okay. " I said back.

I walked out if the washroom. When Zoya looked at me, her jaw dropped on the ground.

"Mashallah!!!!! You look beautiful!! My Little girl is all grown up." Zoya said and wipe some imaginary tears. I glared at her.

"Let's go. Where is Sara?"

"Sara called a few minutes ago. She's also in the food court. But she said something else too. Ali and his family is there too. They had come to spend time with the soon to be daughter in law." Zoya said the last part very carefully. I gave her a sarcastic smile before turning my way to the exit of the mall.

Zoya ran behind me. Hold my arm." Please!!!! Come nah .... They'll not kill you!"

"No no. You know how they are. They always comment around me. I'm not facing them sorry. They're too strict about clothing. And I'm already had fail in that. Moreover if they think I'm too close to Sara, they might broke the marriage. " Zoya still pulling me.
"You're thinking too much. Nothing will happen. They asked her about your and me. They already knew we're here. So no running up!." I stopped. Zoya came before me.

"You have to just" she hold my dupata and put it over my head. "Have to sit and meet them like this. Done no body hurt."

"It's not me!!" I said. "You don't know who you are actually. Come look at here. You're not looking ugly. You're looking beautiful." She pulled me before mirror.

"I...-" she cut me ." Just for Sara. You can sit there like this for 1 hour. You can Adira. You can do anything." Zoya said before holding my hand. Walking toward the food court.

Author Notes

Hope you guys are liking this. As I told you I'm not gonna make it full Islamic, as not everyone knows everything. Yeah I put some basic things. Very few basic things.
Enjoy the story.
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