Chapter 11

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Can I have a peaceful night? - No. I bet that's the answer.

Our eye contact broke when dad and brother gave salam. Eshaan salam and opened the door for us to get in. I was the last one to enter. And mistakenly I didn't look at my right. Because I can feel his eyes poking my right side.

Afsana's mom and dad welcomed us. Took us to the living room. When Nanny came to me and hold my hand.

"Where are you going?" She asked me. I pointed at the living room where dad in entering.
She chuckled.
"Girls don't sit in there. That's for elders. Come we'll meet with others." Before I could protest she dragged me.

We were in the dinner room. Where all ladies were moving, talking, laughing around.

"Assalamualaikum. I'm Maliha, Aman's nanny." Nanny introduce herself when everyone was watching us.
When Nanny finished saying, I don't know from where someone scream.


Nanny turned around me too. A lady who's the same age as Nanny came toward her and hug her .

"Nafisa. How?.." Nanny said as she hugged her back.

The woman pulled back.

"Afsana is my sister's daughter. See we end up in this situation. Allah always has plan for everyone. I found my old friend again!!!" I don't know but my lips turned to a smile.
When she looked at me, the look was something I couldn't read. But I was taken back. Something was coming.

"Is she's your daughter?" She looked at me then Nanny. Nanny let out a awkward laugh.

"I wish she would. But no, she's Adira. I told you about her remember. I used to baby sit her when she was young. End up looking after her for the life time." Nanny said and caressed my head. I looked away. I hate when anyone ask this question. Because the next question always turned to be 'Then who is her mother?'

But the woman came before me and hold my cheek. "But I have to say. She's a beauty. She skin is glowing. Hmmm...are you married dear?" I would be prepared for any other question but this. I wasn't mentally prepared.

"'m not." I let out a weird sound. I looked down in embarrassed. Nafisa aunty laugh even more. "She's shy." I looked up.

Slowly every woman who was there came to us. Talk with us.

I already had two cup of tea, a cup of coffee, 5 piece of Pudding , 2 piece of cake and 4 glass of coke. And aunty put sweets and brownies before me. She's gonna make me die.

I looked around to find someone.

Maira. Yeah I'm looking for Maira. If his so good looking brother is here then where is She? She should be here too.
Even Nanny also ditched me .

"Who's brother you're talking about dear?" The woman before me asked with a teasing smile. My eyes widen. I shake my head.
"Who's talking about who's brother?" I acted innocent. She smiled and walked inside the kitchen.

I stood up. My butt is flat by now. I walked around the room, this dress is quite handful. I can't even put it on place.
When something opened and slammed on my back.

I groaned. "Ahhh....what the hell.." I rubbed my back and looked behind. When he was standing with a shocked face. His hand was holding two plastic bag, and keg was hanging in air.

"What happened Adira?" Nafisa aunty came running from the kitchen. I still rubbing my back. "Did you get hurt?" I didn't reply her, I was so busy glaring at Eshaan. It's hurt like bitch. Eshaan looked away , put his leg down, moved inside.
"Eshaan you kicked the door again right?" Nafisa aunty asked him in warning tone. Now she was also looking after me.

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