Chapter 35

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~Farhan Ali Sekh~

Farhan was standing before him father, his palms were sweating badly. His father was drinking tea.

"What you want to talk?" A deep voice came from his father. Farhan met with his eyes.
Telling in mind that, This is the time , if not now then never.

Took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

Farhan mom came with snacks .

"Father, I can't marry Millie." Farhan said loudly. The tray dropped on the table by his mom. She was shocked to heard that. Staring at his son. Farhan's father stopped drinking and eating his son's words.

"What do you mean? You can't marry her?" Father yelled and stood up. He was coming toward Farhan when mom stopped him.

"I respect you father, never object your decision. But I'm sorry. Marrying someone is totally my decision. I'm an adult, I can't marry someone I never spoke a word with. Marriage is something fully my thing. I'm going to live with my wife, I have to share. When my heart is not in that marriage how will I maintain it." Farhan said in hope that they'll understand.

Farhan mom looked at him. "Millie knows everything. She's very good at everything, can feed you three meal a day, can handle kids, clean all your mess. She's the perfect wide you can want. You thought of you before proposing." Farhan chuckled and shake his head.

"Did you see a perfect wife or a perfect daughter in law in her? You never asked me what my opinion in this." Farhan rubbed his face.

"Because you're still not grown enough to know what you want. We're giving you want can make your life good." Farhan's father said and walked to him .

"Sorry Father, maybe I don't want a perfect life, and if 26 years old is not grown up enough to you then, I would never be grown up in your eyes." Farhan said harshly. Father glared at him. "See, you son. We're here working to make him happy, making him settled in life. And he's vow to ruin everything."

"I love someone." Farhan said it. Both parents stopped in the moment.

"I don't want to hurt you by rejecting your words, but I love someone. And I'm not going to marry anyone but her. If you're interested to know her , i will bring her to meet you. But I'm sorry, Millie never can complete me and so do I. Never can complete her. She deserves someone else." Farhan said and walked out of the room. Leaving his parents freeze in there.

Farhan came back to him room, called Millie. Millie picked up in a few rings.
"Hello, my to be husband."

"I'm not marrying you." Farhan voice was hard. He was mad. Millie turned his playful attitude into serious. "Did you convince you parents?"

With a sighed, he replied. "I don't know. But I told them all. In this life if they see me marrying is going to be Maira , other than no one." Millie knew about Maira.

"Even if your father doesn't agree to it."

"Even he doesn't agree. I will stay unmarried for my whole life, surve them what a son should do, but Never going to marry any other girl." It was clear. Millie now sighed.

"Now I think I have to do something in this way."

Millie's family also not listening to her. She loves someone. They didn't care about her opinion or asked her. Just accepted the proposal.

I hang up.

Sat on my bed, Thinking what to do next? They want to meet my parents what should I say to them. I can't lie to Maira, she understands when I'm lying.

When there was a knock on the door, I looked up. Saw mom was standing with a cup of tea and something in the tray.

"Why you're knocking? You know mom , you can come." She came inside put the tray on the table.

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