Chapter 61

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Eshaan Ghafoor

They all sat down. In the meantime, my aunty (dad's sister) came. She came with her son, Nadeem. Nadeem is 22 this year.

Aunty was over excited about this ceremony. She was going to meet Maira but we stopped. She has a habit of slagging others. She is very censorious. We didn't want any nagging.

Afsana and others were giving a helping hand to the kitchen. Mom went to get Maira. I was standing near the stairs. Mom came down with my sister.

She was looking very beautiful. I smiled and helped her down. Farhan was standing for her as well. When we entered the room, everyone smiled at her. Maira sat down on the couch and Farhan sat down too.

They slowly started talking. Everyone was taking pictures and videos. I took a chance and turned around. I was looking for Adira but she didn't come down. As I was about to get upstairs when Afsana called me from behind.
"Bhai. Where are you going?" I turned and looked at her. "I was going to the washroom." I was again turned when she stopped me. "Good thing you're going upstairs. Tell Adira to come down quickly. We'll start the ceremony soon." I got upstairs. When the makeup artist came out of the room.

"Is anyone inside?" I asked her but she just glared at me and walked passed. Strange. I got closer to the room when I heard her saying.

"Fucking bastard. He made me a bitch for real now."

I was confused. Who was she cursing?

I didn't show myself. I was waiting for her to say something but she got herself to work. I peeked from the door, her back was facing me.

I quickly got inside my room and opened my wardrobe. Picking up a packet I closed the wardrobe door.

When I got out of my room, I saw her almost reach the stairs.

"Adira." She turned around to look. When she found that it was me who called, she scowled and turned back again.

"Wait.." I moved forward and grabbed her arm. "What are you doing?" She said but I yanked her inside Maira's room and locked the door.

"Eshaan opened the door." She said ruthlessly. I leaned on the door and crossed my arms. "Try it." I smirked, exasperating her.

She moved forward and stopped close to me. I watched her step and finally met her burning gaze.
"What do you want, Eshaan?" She was demanding. I casually pulled my phone out and called someone. Put the call on the speaker.

When I faced the phone on Adira. She looked away, a penitent expression shown on her face. I chuckled. "This number blocked me." It was Adira's number.
"I want to know why you were avoiding me? What is the reason for blocking me?" I moved closer to her.

"I…I.." she was hiding her gaze.

"You?" I was so close that I could inhale her sweet smell. The aroma of her was so mouthful. My closeness made her blush, it was such an enchanting view. I felt basorexia. My eyes were shamelessly staring at her lips.

"You kissed me. It disturbs me." When she said it hit me hard. I moved back and put distance between us.

"Disturb like what kind of disturbance?" I asked.
She closed her eyes and rubbed her hands. "You made me feel deranged. I forget who I am around you. I hate that I let you close too easily. I gave in so easily. That kiss…. I didn't picture it like that. You took it so casually. I know I might act like I'm emotionless but I am not. I need space from you. You messed up my mind so badly." She let it out. She cried out all those before me. I won't lie saying those words didn't hurt me. I know I'm not perfect, I have never been with a girl. I didn't know how it works. I thought the blush I saw on her face or the affection I got from her was all because she might feel something for me. Pressuring her into those emotions wasn't my intention. I knew I shouldn't kiss her without permission and confirmation but I was so drowning in my own feelings that I did it.

"My closeness annoyed you. I know I can't undo anything but I'm sorry for the kiss." I just said those. She opened her eyes big, letting out a fast breath.

"Eshaan.." my voice came out whispering.

"Afsana told you to come down." I  didn't look at her and put the bag on the bed and walked out of the door.

Adira Muntahina

I covered my face and fell on the bed.

I hate myself so much.

I wanted to call him back. Tell him, I didn't regret it but a part of me stopped me.

I looked at that bag, slowly opened it. There was a dress in it.

The dress was beautiful, the design was so nice and elegant. The size was a little long but perfect in every angle.
In my shape. This dress was in my shape, so he bought it for me.

The burn of my heart was slowly raising the pain.

A few drops of water fell over the dress, and I realised I was crying. I was crying because I'm so dumb. I'm crying because I hurt him. I hate hurting him. But I always hurt him. I was crying because I couldn't find happiness even after he walked away like that.

"Adira, you there?" Afsana called for me. I wiped my tears and replied to her "Yes "

"How long are you going to take? Everyone is waiting for you." She said a little annoyed. I made everyone wait for me.

I got out and found Afsana waiting for me outside the door. "Hurry." We came downstairs. I was so thankful that she was so into the ceremony that she didn't notice my wet eyes.

When we came down, everyone was waiting. I found Aunty and Uncle standing there with the rings.
I stood beside Nanny quite. Nanny turned to me for some second but the ring exchange started and everyone turned their attention there.

I looked at Eshaan, he was standing beside his father, smiling softly. I put my gaze on him. He might have felt it because he looked around and landed on me. I still haven't looked away but he did. I clenched my dress and looked down. My lousy attitude has created an ugly stain on our relationship.

Author POV

Eshaan saw her puffy eyes, the redness in her eyes were almost invisible. But he looked away, but just for a second. When he again glanced at her from the corner of his eyes, he could see her clenching her dress and hanging her head down.

'I Want to, ask her, comfort her. But my presence disturbs her." Eshaan said in his mind and engaged himself in the event.

Little do we know, someone else noticed this.

Eshaan's aunty found this looking eloquent. She walked toward Adira and put her hand over her shoulder.

Adira looked back , realising the touch.

Aunty smiled, " What is your name dear?"

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