Chapter 4

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"Hey, you're Adira, Right?" Someone said from behind. I turned around and saw a boy from my department. I just know his face, I don't know his name. He was looking at me. I tried to remember his name. But I couldn't.

"Yes. That's me. And you're...." I asked. My question might taken him a back. He covered up with a smile.
"I'm Adrian. I'm also from psychology department-"
"I know." He stopped for a bit before continuing. "-- I want to talk to you for a while." He finished and breath in relief. What did you thought I'll beat him if he talked with me?
"What you wanna talk about?" I asked and put the books. He was quite for a while. When I looked at him. He was Looking at someone. I also turned my head to see who he's looking at some guys in a group talking.

"Adira!" I snapped my head toward him. When he lean in , I was quick enough to turned my head but not lucky enough to move away. He end up kissing my cheeks which was almost close to my lips. Now I was furious.

I moved back and swing my hand , slapping his cheek. I know I slapped hard, he's head was turned one side. I was mad. My whole body was shaking.

"What the hell!!" I shouted at him. Slapped him again. I already made a silent library to a market. "What the hell you were going to do? You were trying to kiss me!? Who give you the permission huh?" I screamed at my lung out. Adrian turned to me , taking a step. I moved back. He again tried to reach me when one hand hold his wrist. It was holding his wrist very tightly. I looked at the person.

For the first time , I saw anger in his eyes , which was not for me.

Eshaan's friend moved toward that group, who was Adrian looked at before doing that.
The librarian woman came to me and embrace me. I looked at Eshaan his one hand was holding his wrist and other one had grabbed his throat. He was choking him.

I might not wear hijab and other thing like borqua but that doesn't mean I like opposite gender touching me. I never kissed or hold hands. Hell I never made boyfriend. Just because I wear jeans and tops, I became an easy target.

Anyone can see how much Angry Eshaan is. His jaw was tight. Eyes was glaring at him. Even vein was popping up.

Adrian was trying to free himself, slowly he was turning blue.

"Eshaan!!" I shouted his name. He losses a bit , close his eyes before let him free not for long, he grabbed him by his collar. And pled him close. Whisper something to him which I couldn't hear but he pushed him to his friend who dragged him out of the Library.
His friends were back with some phone. They gave it to each and everyone.

Eshaan was still breathing hard. My eyes was just glued to Eshaan. He looked at the phone for a bit before giving it to his friend and said,

"Delete each and everything"

Before turned around and left the library.
I was normal now. Librarian left for his work. Everyone slowly turned around and left to do their work. When Eshaan's friends were going to leave.

"Wait." I stopped them.

"What was in the phone that Eshaan's said to delete it?" They looked at eachother.

"Some video. Those guys gave dare to that guy. Don't worry, every video is erase." He said straight had a boring expression.

"Why they gave such a dare! To kiss me!?" I asked in anger again. They shrugged. "People can give dare. No one can say anything." They said annoyingly and walked away. I fist my hand.

I had enough of this.

I walked out of there behind them. Walked fast and stopped before then. Blocking their way.

"Can you acknowledge me why you all have problem with me? What did I do to you? You always sees to hate me so much!! I never even talked to you in my life. " I said in anger.

Among them one came forward I looked at him.

"I'm Asif. Yeah we don't like you, you were right about this. We're just not pleased with the stun you pulled this morning with Eshaan and Maira. " Asif said. I scoffed.

"Oh please. Not you and Maira are kids. Tell me what I said is wrong? I said her to stop talking on behalf of his brother when his brother is stand beside her. This is my sin. I told indirectly that Eshaan should talk there not Maira. And why are you boiling? Eshaan said enough this morning. Why you guys flaming for? You guys wasn't even there! Like do one thing and have to here taunt your whole life! Thank you for you help. And you know what I don't deserve any of this attitude from you all or Eshaan." I turned around and found Eshaan was standing there. I looked away and walked passed him.

In love section in my life, it will be empty for while life.

"You're so ungrateful." I heard Eshaan said.

I let out a laugh and turned around, "You know what, Yes I'm ungrateful, beautiful everyone is so grateful. It wouldn't look good if everyone turned out grateful. And thank you for the help." He let out a scoff. I bitter smile. Going to say something when.

"Stop it Brother." I turned around to see Maira. Zoya and Sara was behind her.

"Just stop this."

I returned back home. Nanny served me lunch. I wasn't in mood of eating. I walked to my room. Close the door behind me. Slide down. I feel dirty. So dirty. I tear my clothes ran to my shower. Warm water hitting my skin. I keep scratching my face. It turned red fully. I also scratching my hands. I used a little too much pressure it turned bleeding.

I dropped down on the floor. Let out my sob.

Author Notes:

Just because I'm not showing weakness, doesn't mean I am not affecting it.

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