Chapter 18

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~Adira Muntahina ~

Afsana and me both had blank face on. Glaring at the man who was driving the car. He let out some nervous laugh. For reward got few slaps on his arm. Now he knows what to do. He keeps his mouth shut just looking at his wife and me.

"Can you two stop glaring at me?" He pleased. Which we gladly ignored. He sighed. "I just want to go out with you two. Why so mad? You guys don't want me to go with you?" He gave Afsana a pouted. Afsana's lips moved. She was melting.

"No you can't." He frowned at me. "Reason?"

"You have a meeting." Afsana turned around to look at me. "He has?" I nodded. Aman quickly shook his head. "N-no I don't have. I was free for today."

"Liar." He glared at me from the back mirror. I rolled my eyes.

"How do you know he had a meeting." Afsana asked. "Dad was calling him for last 10 minutes. And a message popped up on his screen saying. 'You're meeting going to start. Where the hell you are?' . Care to define Brother?" I blinked at him.

"I told dad about my absence already." He's a very bad liar. "Drop us then turned your car back to your office. You can't just skip like this. You got responsibility, if you behave like this. What will dad think? " Afsana said and crossed her arms.
"Not going to work tonight, dear. Love it or not. I can never focus on my work when my beautiful wife is out." He said and took her hand. Kiss the back of it. I can see the blush on her cheeks. She again pushed him. "Drive. Adira is present in here." I waved at them. "Continue, pretend that I didn't exist here." I swiped down the window. Night cold air hitting on my face. Beautiful lighting in the side of the road.

In a few minutes, we reached there. The waiter gave me a smile and lead us to the table. But when he left , he did got a dead glared from Aman.

Afsana ran to her friends and hugged them tight. Few friends were screaming. Some gave her a smirked.

She introduced me and everyone waved at me. Yeah...what did you expect.
But when she said "This is Aman, my husband." They got crazy. Started chatting with him. Complimenting her that she got lucky. She was very happy to meet her friends. But sadly I found them very fake. Afsana is very innocent to catch that.

After a long session of nonsense, they sat down.

"Afsana, you got a very beautiful sister in law." Afsana nodded. That girl turned to me. "Adira, right?" I nod. She smiled which was clearly fake. "So, Adira which school your going?" When she asked that. Afsana choked a little first. She was about to speak. "Mim... She's...2nd year of--" but this mom girl didn't let her speak. "Oh 2nd year of high school. Yeah a very wonderful period of life." I was still staring at her. Mim put her elbow on the table and hand under her chin.

"Adira, can plan for life?"

I sip some water. They all was looking at me. Afsana did look hesitate. She tried to talk with Mim. But I beat her first.

"Sister." I said calmly.

"Yes. You don't have to be so shy. Just say it. My little cousin calls me Mim sister. You can call me that." She had a smug smile on her face. Want me to submit before her.

I close my eyes and shook my head. "What you call your older cousin?" She looked confused now. She laughed a little. "Yeah Brother or sister. That what you should call your elder. Duh"

I leaned to her.

"Yeah that what younger should call their elders and talk with some manners." I smirked. Now her smiled dropped fully.

"I'm 3 years older than Afsana. I'm studying psychology. As far I know Afsana called her classmates which are you all." I said. All the colour left her face.

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