Chapter 68

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Adira Muntahina

"Awwwwww" she again squeezed. Now it was quite awkward for Eshaan and me.

I decided to change the topic. "I thought you would be back before evening. How did you come back so early?" I asked. "It's already past 3 noon. The shopping was almost done for today, so instead of going there, I told them to drop me home." She explained.

"And you should be thanking me. I saw Eshaan bhai's car and came running all the way. Nanny was about to know everything." She said and I closed my eyes.

"So Bhai, how is her ankle?" She asked Eshaan. Afsana turned to Eshaan so suddenly that he got startled. "Almost…it's still sore." She pouted at me. "Poor girl, she has to rest at home while I'm going to have fun." I glared at her. "Shoo!"

"She has to take good care of her ankle. She is too careless." I threw a pillow at Eshaan which he ditched smoothly. "It was all because of you."

"Me?" He pointed at himself. "How? You fell down, didn't see where you went?" He looked at me. I scoffed. "Well, it's still your fault. My mind was somewhere else. One person can slip from the stairs!" I said and stood on my knees. "See Afsana, she confessed she wasn't looking where she was going! And it's my fault?" He said smirking at Afsana.

I groaned in annoyance." Because you kiss–" I covered my mouth before the words slipped out fully. "What?" Afsana said, confused. Eshaan understood, at first he was genuine about it but slowly he smirked. I glared.

"Because Adira?" He asked sweetly. I was giving dead glare to Eshaan. Afsana laughed looking at us. "You two already behave like a married couple. I can't wait to see you two getting married and fighting for your whole life. During your fights, keep popping kids." She teased. I laughed. "If he keeps bullying me like this, I'm going to break up with him." I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes to Eshaan.

"Afsana, tell her , I'm not going to sit in one corner." He gestured to her something in eyes in which Afsana laughed hard.

"Hey hey!! What are you two signing?" Afsana waved her hands. "Nothing sister. I'm already imagining how many kids you are going to have ." I threw another pillow at her and this one hit her face.
"Do an honour, take yourself out of my room and this bully out of the house. I don't want to see him." I faked glares at him. Those two just laughed even though I didn't crack a joke. "Okay sister, you stay here. Bhai, let's go, I'll pack some of my clothes with me and we'll leave together." I looked at her confused. "Where are you going?"

"Adira sister, I'm going to bhai's house for Maira's wedding. I'm going to stay there till then. You still need a week to recover and you also have exams. Don't worry, we will keep your bully so busy that he won't get time to miss you." She said it and smiled at me.
"Oh Bhai." She turned to Eshaan. "I heard Suzan is also coming in a few days. She can be a good company for you." Afsana was doing this intentionally.

She was trying to make me jealous. And I'm burning up inside. Adira, Do not react, Eshaan called off the wedding. But that doesn't mean Suzan stopped her feelings. His family hasn't stopped wishing her as their daughter -in-law.

"Adira." When I heard his voice. I looked up, they were staring at me in concern. I blinded and raised up on my feet. "Don't put pressure on your feet."

"I'm okay." I said and went inside my bathroom. Before closing the door, I looked at them. "Okay bye bye. Close the door after you see yourself off." I closed my bathroom door and slashed water on my face.
"Fool! How can I be so under confident? I have to fight." I kept staring at the mirror for some time before I went out of the bathroom.

Eshaan was sitting on my study chair, looking through my books.
"You are still here?" I picked up a towel and wiped my face softly. He turned to me.
I sat on the bed. "Go, before you get into trouble." I got inside my duvet. Eshaan sighed and stood up from the chair. Walked over to me. "Someone is upset." I scoffed. "Who?"

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