Chapter 44

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Adira Muntahina

I have been avoiding him since last week. I'm not myself when I'm around him. I listened to every word he said. His voice was like a siren's power, I couldn't say no to him.

I was planning to say I don't want this marriage, I want a divorce but when he hugged me, every word in my mouth vanished. All I could do was nodded to his words.

I somehow choked out that I'm not comfortable telling others right now. And he understood that I needed time.

Farhan's family is in our country. They're staying in his father's sister's house. And they send a proposal to them. Eshaan's family was shocked that a big family who came back to the country like a week ago, sent a marriage proposal. Then all I heard was that Eshaan talked with them.

Afsana was cooking dinner and in the evening my nanny came back from her short vacation. As usual dad went on another business trip. This time he took brother too.

I came downstairs and walked into the kitchen. "What's you cooking?" She smiled and replied, "I'm craving for some spicy food, so I'm cooking some ramen, in my way." I was feeling very weird, I smirked and decided to tease them. "Craving? Already? I thought you would wait for one or two years." I said and the blushed raise up to her cheeks was visible. I laughed as she threw a towel on my way.

"There are tamarind in the fridge, wanna have some?" I teased again and she whined. "I'm not craving for that reason."

"How do you know? Was my brother hard en-" she covered her face and shouted. "Stop, stop, oh my god!!" I laughed rolling down.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop."

She poured the ramen into two plates, and I leaned in. "Did you use a condom?"


I ran from there and laughed hard. My face was red from laughing.

When Afsana got a call, I also stopped and followed her back to the kitchen. She sat opposite of me, I pulled the plate and took a big bite. When her voice rang my ears, "They're coming to see you!!! It's so amazing!"

I looked at Afsana , waiting for the call to end.
She happily cut the call and when she was about to say something, my phone rang, it was Maira.

"Hello. "

"They're coming to see me. They'll be here the day after tomorrow, I'm so nervous." She was shouted in the call. I had to put the phone away from my ear.

"Easy girl, you are going to blow my ear." I rubbed my ear. She said sorry.

"Adira, I'm so nervous. It was always a dream, now when it's going to happen, I'm so worried. Will they like me? Am I going to be good for their son?" I rolled my eyes. "Stop thinking negatively. Be confident. You're good for everyone. They'll love you, you're one of a kind. And when they'll be there, call me, I want to see how you look." I said and smiled.

"No no, you're coming. I don't know, you'll be here in the very morning, I need you to help me.get ready. I need my badass friend who will slap me for every negative thought. And I meant it, if you ever try to ditch it, I'm going to come and drag you by myself." She threatened me. My eyes widened.

When I heard someone calling her, she sent a quick reply and told me she would call later. I hummed and ended the call.

I sat down to have the ramen. Afsana talked with me about all her ideas and plans.

After an hour we decided to call it night. I laid on my bed, looking at the ceiling. When my mind went to him. The way he was looking at me, the eyes looking into mine. His touch in my body, the warmth my body felt for him was something I want again.

But my mind is telling me something else.

My feelings for him are so pure, but I'm not the girl he deserves.

When I got some pictures on my phone from Maira. She has sent me all the pictures we took in Spain.

I opened those pictures, slowly watching them, and suddenly one picture was of Eshaan. I stopped on that picture. Watching him. A shy smile came on my face.
He was very handsome. The way he was looking and smiling on the camera, made my heart beat faster. I saved that picture and opened my laptop. I made it my wallpaper on my laptop.

I closed the laptop and slept while thinking about what was going to happen those farther days.


The next day

I have University. I knew Maira would be absent as tomorrow they'll come. I entered the campus and went to the parking lot. From the corner of my eyes I saw that red car. I left the regular parking space and drove to the end. Again when I turned to enter, a red car also entered from there.

I frowned.

The more I got inside, the more he got inside. I sighed.
I got out of the car. Walked all the way to the driving side of that car and knocked on its window.

The window slid down and Eshaan angeles his head towards me. His eyes looked at me. I let out a breath. "What is this?" He shrugged. "I was looking for a parking space. You and I entered at the same time." I scowled. "I left my spot for you there" I said and looked back. Saw the spot just captured by someone. I sighed.
And turned to him. "Looks like it's not empty anymore."

I was glaring at him. "Now who will get this parking lot?" He was smiling because I always fight with him about this. We had a big argument where I was the one who always fights with everyone, the bipolar.

After some time, I decided not to argue with him.

I threw a smile at him. "You have it." His face dropped and I walked away to my car. Started the engine and looked around for any other parking lot.
From my side mirror I saw him getting out of the car and watched me.

I end up parking it far from the entrance.
When I reached the entrance he was standing there. I walked past him but he was following me behind.
Everyone was looking at me. Obviously thinking how we are still not shouting at each other. I took the wrong way and he was still behind me. I then took a long way , circling around a few buildings, and he was still following me.

"Why are you following me?" I turned and stood before him. He got startled by my shouting. His expression was deer got in the spotlight.

"I–i no! I wasn't." He looked around.

"Yes you are. Where are you heading to then?" I asked and put my hands on my hip. He crossed his arms over his chest.
"My class."
I blinked. "Do you know where we are standing?" I asked and he looked around.
He mumbled something under his breath. "We're standing outside the juniors locker. I'm sure senior class rooms were here?"

He glanced at me. "I could ask the same. Why are you doing here Adira?" He walked towards me, his hands dropped on his sides.

"Nothing you should be concern about." He was kept coming closer to me.
"Everyone you do is my concern. Just like mine to you." His voice was deep and low. I lifted up my eyes only to found his already looking at me. "Why you following me then?" He blinked few minutes.

"Because you are mad."

I looked at him surprised.


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