Chapter 67

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Adira Muntahina

"Oh shit!" We both said at the same time. I stood up and howled in pain as I put my weight over my icu ankle. Eshaan quickly came beside me. But it's not time to look after me.

"Go to my room. Go!" I pushed him and he finally raced up to my room and meanwhile the door opened and Nanny came inside smiling. "Sorry dear, I'm a little late. Today there were a lot of sales and I got lost in time. But I buy a lot of stuff. Today, I'm going to make your favourite." She said and put all those items on the dinner table.

"Oh .. I finished my breakfast. Are you going to make pudding too?" I'm trying to make normal conversation.
"Pudding? Since when did you start liking pudding?" I bit my lips and gave her an awkward smile. "Actually I was watching some food blogger videos and they presented the pudding in a very appetising way. It's fine, if you don't want to make it…"I said with a sad face. Nanny gave me a sweet smile. "You ask for something and I don't give, did it ever happen? Sure, I'm going to make some chocolate pudding and your favourite beef curry." Nanny said and quickly started working on it.

I slowly got up from the couch. "Nanny, I'm feeling a little sleepy. I'm going to take a nap. When will Afsana come?" I said at a slow speed walking toward my room upstairs.

"She will be back before evening. I'll help you-" I stopped her. "No! I can manage. I have to practise walking. I will go. You can carry on." I said and went up.
Checking left and right, I opened my room door. Looking around the room, he wasn't there.

I bent down on the floor and checked out under the bed. Straightened up, I opened my washroom door, it was also empty.

"Did he get into another room?" I slapped my forehead when the sound of hangers was falling down. I quickly opened my closet and there he was. He had his legs folded up to his chest and some clothes were over his head and lap.

"You hide in the closet?" I was surprised. "Well, I didn't find any other place." I sighed and pulled him out. Picking up the clothes and dumping them in my closet.
"Was it Aunty Maliha?" I nodded. I was busy putting those clothes inside when I felt him wrapping his arms around me. I became stone.

"You're mad?" He whispered in my ear and put his chin on my neck. His cold chin's skin touched my warm skin, sending shivers down my spine. Nobody ever did this to me.

I wiggled out from his arms when he breathed out in my ear.

Now we were standing close. Looking at each other, he withdrew his arms. "Sorry. I should have asked…" he was struggling with words. "I'm not mad. I was just putting them inside. Why don't you sit on the bed?" I said and gestured to him toward my bed. He looked at my bed, then at me. "No no. I didn't mean like that " I turned around and heard him chuckling.

I shut the closet and walked around him.

"Adira.." he called out. I stopped walking but didn't turn around. "I never asked you, but I want to know something.." he said and waited for my signal. I stayed silent, he got his signal to continue. "If I send a marriage proposal to you, will you accept it?" I turned around shocked.
He was looking down. I took steps toward him.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"I don't know. You never want to give this relationship a chance, I…basically forced you in. So, you may reject it…" I didn't let him finish. I cupped his face and pulled it down. Looked inside his eyes.

"I let you. You  didn't force me into anything. I accepted it myself, totally my decision. Do you even think I would let you touch me….kiss me if I don't want this relationship to work? I would have slapped you by now." I said and ran my hands over his neck to his chest. His head is beating as fast as mine.

"Then why did you always take steps back after our moments?" I sometimes want to laugh over his innocence. I was fighting my laugh, and ended up smiling.
"Come on. It's new for me. I never had anyone touch or kiss me like that, I felt coy." I told him the truth. Now I'm looking down embarrassed.
"You're so cute." I chuckled at his compliment. "Shut up " I shoved him. He pinched my cheek. "Don't. I'll reject your proposal and start calling you Bhai." His eyes widened.

"What? I'll see how you call me that." He smirked and was about to come to me. I laughed and said, "I still have a sore ankle." He puffed out.
I sat on my bed and he bent down on one knee and put my feet over his. With his thumb he massaged it. "You put enough pressure over it today. Let it rest for some time."

"Okay doctor." I said and he looked at me. "My payment then?" His arms crossed. I tapped my chin and was thinking of something.

"Come, I will give you your Payment" I gestured to him to come closer and put my hands behind my back and peeked behind. When he came closer, expecting something. I slid my left hand over his throat to his neck. And kissed his cheek. When I pulled away, Eshaan's eyes were going to pop out of his socket. I was giggling and blushing at the same time.

"I'm a very handful. Are you sure you can handle me? I love to fight and surprises. I will be expecting something for you every day. And I hate Sharing. So you can't marry anyone other than me. I'm going to kill you and your co-wife." I glared at him.

Before he could say anything, I heard Nanny knocking on my door. "Adira, did you fall asleep?"

I was again in a life-threatening condition.
"Get inside the bathroom!" I whispered and pushed him. He closed the bathroom door and I replied to my nanny. "Yeah…" she opened the door and smiled. "The pudding is going to be ready soon." I smiled at her.
She got inside and her attention fell over my messy clothes which happened when Eshaan tried to fit his huge body in my tiny closet.

"Ahh…so messy." Nanny picked up those clothes. "I didn't put them in the right way. I was a little busy." She narrowed her eyes. She then put them on my bed and smelled it. "Adira! You didn't even wash those. They are stinking." She again picked up and walked toward my bathroom. "Wh-where are you going?"

"I have to wash them." She said, "Nanny–"

"Nanny!!" Afsana came running into my room. Nanny looked at her. "You put something on the stove."

"I totally forgot about it!!" Nanny dumped all those clothes in Afsana's hands and ran downstairs."Afsana put them in the washing machine." I let out a sigh of relief. But then realised Afsana was standing there smirking.

"I saved you. You owe me a movie night." She said and closed the door.
After looking around the room, she knocked on the bathroom door. "Eshaan Bhai, come out. I know everything." Eshaan opened the door and came out nervously.

"Afsana, you knew?" She nodded. "Since the lipstick mark." She was smirking and on the other hand Eshaan and I were blushing hard.

"Awww….you two look so cute together." She squealed and came to me. "So, Bhai when are you going to take her home?" I pinched her and she yelped. Eshaan chuckled at her sister's question. "Soon. Very soon." Now I'm burning up a lot.


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