Chapter 42

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Adira Muntahina

I took a warm bath before standing in front of the mirror. Looking at me, I couldn't think anymore. His voices were still banging in my head.

After a lot of fighting inside me, I got out of my bathroom. Today is the last day of my trip to Spain. The Farhan family will be going to New York after we leave. They'll come to Maira's house with a proposal. And before that Eshaan is going to talk with his parents.

I wore my shirt and skinny jeans. While running the comb, someone knocked on the door. I put down the comb and went to open the door.

When I opened the door, I found Maira standing there. She was pouting. "Are you still mad at me?" I was watching her. "I scolded my brother for talking with you like that. If you want for me, I will put colour on his shampoo. But don't give me the cold shoulder." I leaned on the door and looked at him with a smile.

"Please.." she whined. I put my finger on my chin. "First tell me which colour you have on your mind." I said and saw her shocked that I spoke. "You spoke to me!!" She jumped and hugged me.
"Maira." She tightened her hug. "Never stop talking." I laughed at her.

When my stomach cried out, it embarrassed me. She pulled out. "We'll talk later, first let's have breakfast." I nodded. "You go first, I will join you in a minute. Just going to dry my hair." She left and I was about to close the door when I saw Eshaan was standing there on his doorstep and looking at me. I gasped.

"What are you doing?" I asked a little loudly. He shrugged. "Just heard my name, thought to look out." He said put his hand on his lips. I frowned and rolled my eyes. I turned to go inside when he again said something that made me stop. "Which colour are you planning to put in my shampoo?" I turned back , he was smirking.

"Just asking. It would be better if I were prepared for it."

I looked at him for a second before turning around and slammed the door on his face.

It was awkward eating before him now. He didn't look at me , do I want him to look at me? No I don't. Aman looked at me. "Adira wants to go out today?" I refused. "You guys go, last night I had enough roaming around. I think I'll rest today, our flight is tomorrow midnight."
I somehow convened them. I needed time. I'm fucking married, there's nothing normal in my life now. My husband is sitting before me who I don't have any love relationship with. At least not from his side.

Maira followed me back to my room. I was sitting on my bed zoomed out.

"Are you listening?" Maira shook me. I looked at her. "Y-yeah. What you were saying?"

"Where did you go yesterday?" She said and laid on the bed. "Just roaming around the city. There were a few evening stores. That's all. Nothing special. Tell me what happened in Farhan's house?" I changed the topic, she started blushing hard. I smiled at her. " Looks like I'm getting an invitation soon." I teased her and she playfully shoved me. I laughed. " After marriage, we'll get good news in a month." I raised my eyebrows. She glared at me but laughed. "Just wait girl, I will tease you in the same way." She shoved me but slowly my mind ran into all those things that happened last night. Him accepting me as his better half. He wanted to give this relationship a chance. He was giving up his chance of having someone he loved. Giving his chance of a normal life. Because I'm everything but normal.

"You looked like you were hit by a truck. Oi to escape my tease , don't get married in secret. Then I will do something you'll remember your whole life." She said in an evil voice. My eyes widened. For one moment I thought she guessed that I was already married last night. The more I speak with her, the more I feel guilty. She's a very good friend of mine. After a long time, I got someone who cared for me, overlooking my rudeness and angry temper. Now what will she feel knowing that her friend married her own brother. I don't want to hurt her. I don't want to be someone she hates.

I shook my head as no. "Never. You'll be the first person to know if there will be someone. I hardly believe that I will get someone who loves me. I'm not a lovable person." She smacked me on my arm. "Always think negatively. You're beautiful and perfect. If guys don't see this beauty then it's their problem. They're blind. And I would love you to be my family.......if you don't hate my brother." She let out a nervous laugh. I was shocked to see her.

She was cut from the knock on my door. Maira walked to the door and opened it. I peeked from my bed. It was Afsana and....him.

"You're leaving so soon?" Maira asked and moved aside to make way for them. Afsana came inside. "Yeah Thought of going out. Buy something for the family. Adira, are you sure you don't wanna come? I shook my head. "No, you guys enjoy today. I'll take a break. Buy me something too. Spend all my brother money, that's my revenge for me. Take that revenge for me." I said and she chuckled in reply. "Then we'll have to sit on the road side and beg for our return tickets."

During those laughing sessions, I didn't notice him getting inside either. Sitting on the couch watching us.

When Afsana's phone rang. She slapped her forehead. "Aman is waiting and here I sat talking. Maira go and get ready." She stood up and so did Maira. "I'm ready actually. Let's go." Maira said and picked up her phone. "Just have to take my purse." She went out of the room. And Afsana turned to me. "Adira, if you need anything call the service or us. And brother would be here so you also can ask him. We might come a little late." She said and hugged me. "Take some rest." I nodded but after she walked out from there, I understood her words.

"You're not going?!" I asked him loudly. I wanted to stay away from him but here he would be there where I am.

He shook his head in a negative way. "I decided to stay back." I looked away.

He stood up from the couch. He walked out and looked right and then left before backing in. I frowned in confusion. "What are you doing?"

He held the door and closed it. My eyes are slowly widening.

"Why did you close the door?!" I slowly got up from the bed. He turned to me. He had a very serious expression.

"We need to talk."

"There's nothing to talk about." He frowned now. I am trying to keep my cool. He took steps towards me. And in one or two seconds he was standing right before me. I could feel his breath on my face.

"I doubt that." His voice was very deep and it ran shivering in my body.

I wet my lips. "You could talk about anything with an open door." I crossed my arms over my chest, looking at anything but him.

"I don't think I'm going to talk to my wife with an open door." He said and I jolted and looked at me. My ears were ringing.



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