Chapter 43

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Adira Muntahina

I felt the room suddenly shrunk. It felt so small. I was taking small breaths, afraid it would hit his face.

My heart wasn't listening to me, it had its own mind. Beating like a drum. Eshaan might have heard it in this closeness. I wasn't like this. I always had confidence to talk face to face. But all my confidence jumped from the window the moment I am left alone with him, in this closed room.
I looked around, trying to find a corner to hide. But he could catch me from every corner.

I turned toward the door. Walked toward it.

He didn't want to talk with an open door and I'm not going to talk with a closed door.

I opened the lock but it wasn't opening. I felt a sudden body heat behind me. My hands froze on the door knot. My head slowly looked up, his hand stopped the door to open.

I scowled. This is forcing. I want to forget everything.

Now I'm caged between him and the door.

"Adira." Long shiver ran down my neck. I somehow choke out words. "Move your hand."

"No." I closed my eyes and sighed.

My hands dropped. He was watching me.
"If you're done doing everything, can we talk?" He didn't move so did I.

"There's nothing to talk about. Why don't you get this small thing?" I cried out. These are very simple things. "How this is a small thing." He said annoyed.

I turned to face him. "Are you dumb or what?"
I walked past him and sat on the bed.

"What happened there wasn't something we wanted. It was a help to escape from those people. Then why can't we leave that there. You're pulling it. You told me clearly that I'm the trouble girl. I don't have any good qualities. So please drop your act, the guy who hated me a day before was suddenly willing to accept me as his wife." I shouted at him.  He was there standing expressionless.

"Is giving you a chance is what the problem is here?" He came closer. "No, you're giving me a chance? What am I? A job? I'm a person. I'm not going to be a chance wife, what is this chance? Today you are in the mood to give me a chance and tomorrow you will walk away because I'm not what you expected in your wife!!" I came closer, yelled all those words at him.

"You're twisting my words. That's not what I mean!" I scoffed. "That's what you always say. You never meant to hurt me by your words, you never meant to blame me for your sister's work." I don't know what to say, I am just blasting everything that was caged in me.

"Who are you to give me a chance? I'm your equal, not your servant. You're no one to give me a chance. I didn't force you to say yes–" I was stopped when my face slammed on a warm surface. Arms embraced me. His manly smelt hit me, this smell I was craving for all those years.

"I'm sorry." His warm breath tickled my ear. His cheek was touching my ear.

My breath was out of control.

I jerked from his hold and moved behind.
"What you-" he didn't let me speak.

"I know we didn't have a perfect start. I wasn't talking about giving a chance to you as my wife, not I wasn't, you are my wife. I was talking about giving yourself a chance to accept me…. As your husband." He said with a soft tone.

"I'm not…" I need time.

"Let's not tell anyone about this." I requested him.

He looked at me for some time then turned and left the room.

I closed the door and the storm already started inside me.

Eshaan Ghafoor

We were on our way to the airport. I stayed silent all the way. I didn't look at her. I don't know what happened to me.

All those years, I got irritated every time she showed up before me. It's not she talked with me, but still it irritated me. She always poked me and I poked her back.

I felt satisfied when his eyes on me, sending dragger on me.

It's is very easy to get on her nervous just like she does. Only she got in my nervous.

I was always the calm kid. Never fight with any one. There wasn't any report of me fighting or misbehaving with someone but this girl…this particular girl ruined all my calmness in a snapped.

And it was fully two days of our marriage but here my mind was thinking of her, mom always said Allah never pair a couple without a reason. Two person can run anywhere but their destiny will always bring them together.

And now my future knot with hers. And I had a strong belief on Allah that, he had this plan in my life.

And I'm going to work on this. Divorce will never be an option.

It's just she isn't into marriage thing, I believe she even had fated in marriage.
I'm putting my hand before her, it's her choice to grabbed it. I'm not taking it back until she grabbed it.

She was walking before us, with her brother.

Maira was asking and talking about something I didn't listen. She then has a long conversation with Farhan. Obviously she walked from there, not going to talk with her lover before her brother.

My mind is filled with everything.

There is my sister who's in love.

A girl my parents wished me to marry.

And my wife, who I wished would accept me.

I'm in a complete mess.

I don't know how to talk with my parents. It's going to turned a huge argument.

We were on the plane. Aman and Afsana sat on the side seats. Me, Maira and Adira got the middle seats. Maira sat in the between of me and Adira.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Adira was busy watching a movie. Putting on my eye cap , I let myself rest after two days.

I had to do something of this mess. Beautiful mess.


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