Chapter 74

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Author POV

Adira had to cut the call because Maira was getting out of head. She was really nice but she was sometimes hard to control. Adira put the phone aside and stood before the mirror. She was still wearing the saree and slowly remembering how Eshaan reacted. A dreaming smile came up to her lips. Adira shook her head and raised her hand to open the saree. Wearing a saree was difficult however opening was more difficult. Adira managed to pull herself out of the saree and fold it well. She was now in a long cotton skirt and cotton shirt. When Adira came out of the washroom after having a warm shower,  she sat on the bed holding her lotion. With a knock on her door, Afsana peeked inside. "Peek-a-boo!"

Adira smiled. "Bhabhi." She came inside. Afsana had a smirk on her face. "So?" And she wiggled her eyebrows. Adira narrowed her eyes. "Well...what?" She took a little amount of lotion on my palm. Afsana sat on the bed before her. "What is your decision?" She pouted while asking.
Adira stared at her for a minute and started chucking. "You look so cute!" Adira squeezed her cheeks. "You were so mad hearing the proposal." She said to her, Adira leaned back. Afsana was the sweetest person she ever met, well after mom obviously. She sometimes thinks her mom would dance or throw a party over her one and only daughter proposal. She might be seeing her from heaven. She still remembers her mom hugging her saying, she can't wait to see me married wearing a red saree. She even had a few pieces of jewellery in her jewellery box for Adira's marriage. Today, she was not beside her. Without her permission a tear dropped from her eyes. That tear fell on her hand.

Afsana saw her teary eyes, she got worried. Afsana quickly cupped Adira's cheeks and lifted it up. Adira raised her hand to wipe her eyes. "Hey? What happened? Why are you crying? Did my question hurt you?" She shook my head. "No. I'm just touched by your sweetness." She smiled and grabbed her hands on her cheeks. She wiped her cheek.

"Tell me what happened?"

"Nothing. I'm telling the truth. I am so touched by your sweetness that I am slowly missing mom. She was sweet and nice like you, even very understanding and supportive." Adira said softly. Afsana's soften. Afsana might not feel Adira's situation fully but she could feel her somewhat. Adira sat on her knees on the bed and pulled Adira closer. She wrapped her arms around Adira and hugged her tightly. Adira also wrapped her arms on Afsana's waist.

"I can't even imagine a day without mom. But after marriage, I love and respect her. I can say there is a space in the heart which always screams for mom. I may not compare your feelings but I'm here to talk. Aman told me a few things about mom , from those I can strongly admit that she was a wonderful mom." Afsana said and combed Adira's back hair. Adira let out a small wimp. Adira felt like someone grabbed her heart. Mother's topic was the most sensitive topic for her. She got the vision of herself running the hallways looking for mom when the nanny picked her up in teary eyes. Adira doesn't want to think of it again. She calmed herself. She pulled her out of Afsana. She smiled at her. "Thank you, Bhabhi."

Afsana also smiled at me. "Don't cry anymore. Mom wouldn't want to see you crying when my brother just proposed to you." Adira pushed her playfully and smiled.

"Adira, is Afsana with you?" Their attention turned to her door. Aman knocked.

Now it was Adira's turn to tease her.

"Yes. She is here. You can come inside." Adira said and smirked at Afsana. Aman opened the door and got inside. Seeing the two women, Aman smiled. "What is cooking between you two? Include me too." Aman said and came forward toward her bed.

"Well, I was thinking why not Bhabhi give you a mini version of you, so that you will stop stealing her from our girls moment. How's the idea?" Adira said and playful punched Aman's belly. Aman whined first before widening his eyes. Aman turned to Afsana and Afsana turned to Adira. "Adira, what are you saying? Have some shyness!" Afsana said while blushing like a tomato. Afsana would compete in a red tomato for sure. Even Aman was blushing a little, he couldn't even look at Adira's way.

Adira even teased her more. "Why are you all blushing like a newlywed couple?" Adira asked Afsana. Adira turned to Aman. "Brother, don't tell me, you made her wait?" Adira dramatically widens her eyes. Aman turned his face to her. "Adira, you become more naughty." Afsana slapped a pillow on my face. I fell on the bed laughing.
"Now you give the idea, mini me isn't a bad idea, right Afsana?" Aman said even while blushing. Now the pillow is slapped on his face.

"You two are so naughty." Afsana moved towards the door. Adira shouted while laying in bed. "Brother go, Bhabhi is going to give you a mini you." Afsana turned around and picked up the fallen on the floor and threw it at Adira's way.
But Adira caught it before hitting her. "Come on, go and give me a niece or nephew. Work harder!" Adira said when she left the room. Aman also ran behind her. Adira fell on the bed. The door opened again.

Adira looked at the door, Afsana was standing there. "Aman is quick." She said and chuckled. Afsana glared at her.

"No, I came to ask you " She said glaring at Adira, giving her a warning 'not to embarrass her again'.

"Yes." Adira said after sitting up. Afsana again started, "You're marrying my brother aga-" Adira cut her again before she slipped everything. "Yes, that was your question's answer. I'm not leaving him, he has bothered me for a long time, time for revenge." Adira said proudly.

Afsana smiled hearing my answer, "Welcome into my family. Now, you're my Bhabhi. "

"Now, make me aunty too." Wiggled Adira. "Not now " she ran away.


Next week

"Maira, don't fall asleep." Adira shook her because she was falling asleep listening to the lecturer.
"If I knew your classes were so boring, I would never request to change class." She said and closed her eyes again.
Adira again pushed her shoulder. "You will get the results today. Don't you feel nervous?" Adira asked. Maira opened her eyes a little and said, "We are not toppers, so we don't have tension. I will throw a party even if I just pass." She said and bang her head on the batch. Adira signed.

"Miss. Maira, stand up." We all heard in the class. Humza sir was standing directly in front of Maira. Maira stood up suddenly. Now her eyes opened big. Humza sir was looking at her seriously. "Miss. Maira, do my class bore you?" Today Humza sir was on the worst mood. Sir was teaching but he was in an aggrieved mood.
"N-no, sir. I was just zoomed out for a second. Sorry sir." Maira said in lower voice.  

"What is the last line you heard?" Humza sir said. Adira chuckled because Maira was sleeping since sir came into class. Humza sir usually the best lecturer but today his lecture turned into boring.

"Sor-sorry sir." Maira said. Usually Humza sir let it go, but today Maura's luck was bad.

"Miss. Maira, take your books and go stand out of the class." When Humza sir said that Maira turned shocked. Slowly Maira got out of the bench.

"Miss. Maira, take the phone from the girl behind you and give it to me. Also take her out of my class." Humza sir said. Adira and Maira looked behind. Not us but everyone looked. It was Zoya. Zoya was using her phone. Maira slowly raised her hand to take the phone. However, Zoya got up and walked pass Maira. Put her phone on Humza Sir's table. Humza sir was standing beside the table. What Adira noticed that Zoya put the phone on. Zoya didn't even look at Humza sir and walked outside the class. Maira felt awkward. Humza sir took Zoya's phone and look at it as it was open. Maira took few steps towards the sir. But sir gestured her toward outside. Maira also left the room.

After 15 minutes later, the door of the class opened, Eshaan....sir came inside.

"Eshaan, come. What brings you here?" Humza sir asked. Eshaan showed him the results sheets. "Sir, the results is here. After the lecture take it." He said and gave it to the first student on the front.

He then looked at Adira and blinked. I hide my smile. Eshaan then looked at Humza sir and took his leave.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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