Chapter 16

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~Adira Muntahina ~

"So..." Maira gave me a very serious look while I was sipping my coffee. I knew it was coming.

I put down my cup before gulping a bit.

"What.." I couldn't even recognize my own voice it was small so barely that she might not heard me.

She slammed her hand over the table. I turned my head toward the window. She maybe so mad and disgusted by me.

"What was all those camera and pictures. Tell me everything." She leaned on the table. I angle my head a bit, staring at her face to know the future if I could.

"Just taking pictures.......What you want to know?"

She face slapped herself. "Okay! I will be on the point. From when you started liking my brother?" She was directed. I licked my lips . Let out a big breath.

"Not much.....long" My last word came out whisper.

She leaned her ear to me to hear.

"Can I have an exact period?" Now she's mocking me. I picked up my coffee.

"2 or something more..." I'm still not telling her the truth. From her face I can say she didn't believe it.

"Let get this right. You like him for how long? Tell me while looking at my eyes. " She clapped my face. My eyes contact with her.

"When? Or how long?" I blinked and gulped.

"This angle doesn't looks good. I'm not into girls." I said before started laughing. Maira pushed me back before gasped. I was still laughing at her. She was fully red and glaring at me.

"Not funny. I'm also straight. Now tell me!!!"
I covered my face before laughing so hard. Maira end up laughing too. All the seriousness vanished.

My laughed died when someone stood beside our table.

Maira stood up before smiling down at me. My eyes widen and I felt all my blood left my body. Unconsciously I was glaring at Maira.

"Bro!!! You came. I thought you'll ditch me. Come have a sit." Maira pulling Eshaan. Who was looking at me. Before look at Maira.

"Maira you're enjoying with your friend. I'm just here to pick you up. I will be on other side of the cafe. Call me when you will leave. " Eshaan said before start walking away. Maira didn't let him.

"No. Come and sit with us. I bet Adira would kill you for that. Right Adira?" Maira said and when she looked at me she smirked. I gave her a expressionless face.

"She will be uncomfortable." Eshaan again said.

"Let's ask her. " Maira looked at me.

"Is it okay Adira ? We will get another person to celebrate." This time I looked at her confused.

"Celebrate what?" I asked her. What she's planning?

"Fool! Your birthday!" She shouted at me.

Eshaan turned to me. "It's your birthday. Happy birthday. Hope you'll get what you wish for." His wished was sweet. I smiled at him.

"Thank you." I slide my cup of coffee.

Maira again dancing on the back. For what I don't know. Eshaan was still standing.

"Sit. " I said and looked down at my cup. Luckly Eshaan's didn't ask or say just sat down calmly.

Maira slapped her hand . "Adira how old are you now?"

"Turned 22 today."

"So romantic age! So tell me wanna get a boyfriend, any plan?. Maira asked my whole face was turning pink a little. He stopped her.

"Maira.... Shut up " he said and she pouted.

"No. I don't have any plan or any chance." I low my face and looked at Eshaan. He was calmly scrolling his phone. But the way his ear and cheeks move. He heard what I said.

" long?" Maira asked. I turned ar her , she was back to that question. This time I glanced at Eshaan before closing my eyes.

Letting out a sigh. "Since 18. " There I told her.

Maira's eyes turned big. Her mouth hang down.
"18......4 years!! How? Didn't you meet like two years ago?" Her questions were throwing at me. He did looked at Maira from the corner of his eyes.

"Simple. I went to XY high school. I knew.." I looked at Eshaan, he was busy, so I pointed at Maira." From high school." I said it calmly. But calmly just for the outside, I was too much nervous from inside.

"You knew!!! How come I never saw you!" When Maira said that out loud, Eshaan turned his face to her.

"Sorry. I spoke loud ."

"That's for so other day. One line at a day " I said with a smirked.

When all the lighted turned dim and slow music started on the background.
And the stuff started coming toward us . When they were close to just, they all started singing.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday! Happy birthday to you." Everyone was clapping and cheering. The manager put a cake before me with candles.

I was too shocked.

"H-how?" My voice came out crack.

"I told Eshaan about your birthday when we came here and told him to arrange it while I keep you busy." Maira said and hugged me.

"Happy birthday......" She came to my ear.
"Sister in law" whisper it and giggles. My eyes turned like a balloon.

I opened my mouth to say when she put a knife on my hand. " Put the cake." And she put down the candle.
My eyes first land on Maira, then the whole people around me who was looking at me smiling. And lastly before me, Eshaan. Who was also smiling.

I put down the knife over the cake.

"Happy birthday Adira." I pushed down the knife and cut the cake. Everyone again sang happy birthday song but the smile on my face wasn't for that. It was on my face because of the sound of my name from his voice.

'Happy Birthday Adira'

Author Notes:

I'm not a professional writer just my heart loved to write. So I will very appreciated and love if you all stay with me.

Love you

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