Chapter 64

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Adira Muntahina

His lips were warm and soft.  They parted slightly, taking my lips between his. Our bodies pressed together ; breathing heavily as our lips pressed together.  I could taste our shared breath, feel the thud of our combined heartbeat as we felt our clothes were the only thing separating us.

He grabbed me by my waist. His cold hand met my warm skin. His hand was big and a little rough over my twenty five cm waist. A burning sensation met my body, which was sending sparkling and pleasurable, hard to resist.

My hands were not deadbeat. They climbed through his chest, feeling his structure and finally connected with his warm neck. Raising up to his scalp and slowly entangled with his hair. His hair was smooth and thick.

We were lost in our moment when my phone screamed from my jeans pocket.

We thrusted away. Our warm lips lost their connection. We both were breathing hard but eye contact didn't break. The cold air touched my lips, making me shiver.

My phone again started crying in my pocket. I roughly pulled out and it was Afsana.

I quickly picked up the call.


"Where are you? We are going to leave, I couldn't find you anywhere." I looked at Eshaan, he covered his face and rubbed it down. In the dark, I still could see his pink cheeks. I bet my face looked like that too.

"I fell asleep in one of the guest rooms. I'm coming down in a minute." I said and quickly fixed my dupatta/Orna.

"Yeah, come down quickly." She said and I hummed and hung the call. I didn't realise we had been missing over half an hour. I was surprised they didn't send a search party.

I lowered my phone and met my husband's eyes.

I looked down and was about to open my mouth when he spoke up.

"I'm not going to say sorry for this. And I don't regret it either." He said clearly. He thought I was going to refuse at this moment.

"I know." I said in a low voice. "And I don't think I regret it either." He was amazed. I smile affectionately with rosy cheeks.
It was awkward now. I took a step toward the exit while biting my lips.
"I will go now. Thanks for that dress. I like the colour." I said and he just looked at me and flashed me his perfect smile, I fell in love with.

I quickly paced out of there. Climbing down from the rooftop stairs, I was so excited that I missed one step and crashed down forcedly.
Hearing the loud thud, Eshaan came running. I groaned, I hit the floor hard.

"Adira!" He came beside me, I sat up, still rubbing my knee as it smashed on the cold floor first.

"Did you get hurt?" He kneeled beside me and looked for injuries. "I'm fine."
He glared at me. "You are so clumsy. How did you get down from the stairs? Watch before you walk Adira. You didn't get hurt much today, of Allah's mercy. What if you fell on the wrong side and hurt yourself badly." He scolded me.

In the meantime, everyone came. "Oh my. What happened?" Nafisa aunty asked and sat down.
"Adira, we heard a loud sound. What happened?" Nanny asked me.

Eshaan replied then with a scowled face. "She fell down–" I cut him. "I tripped and fell down. Nothing much, just a hit on my knees, overall I'm fine." I said with a small smile. Eshaan his head in disappointment.

"You should be careful, Adira sister." Afsana said and helped me get up. Maira also came beside me to walk to her room. When I stood up, I discovered that I also hurt my ankle. Sweet

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