Chapter 38

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Adira Muntahina

Eshaan looked back to see if we lost them or not. Unfortunately they still were chasing us. I also looked back when I felt the pull. He was walking again. Where are we now? The place was decorated very beautifully. And everyone was wearing expensive clothes and jewellery. Walking around like they came to a party or something. And in this place there were a lot of stores. Every store was selling expensive dresses. And in my pink shirt and him wearing a brown shirt, we two can be detected easily.

What if we got to some store and after them passed us we would walk out of this place.

I tried to call Eshaan but this place was too crowded. I pulled him to stop. He stopped and turned to me, he was breathing hard. All because of me.
"Get inside of the store and wait for them to go." I pointed at the shops. He looked at it. And we went inside one of the stores.

When we went inside, the shop keeper came to us, asking a lot of questions in Spanish. I know Spanish but I'm not a pro at it. When the man was talking I missed a few words and I didn't know some words. I just nodded and agreed with whatever he was saying.

Suddenly the shopkeeper became very excited and he called a woman. I looked around to see whether they passed us or not. They were still close to the shop. The woman came and pulled me towards somewhere inside the shop. I didn't say as it's good that I'm not close to them.
That woman started showing me different dresses. Maybe they thought we'll buy it. I kept looking in the dress just a show.

"¿De qué color quieres tu vestido para la boda?" (What colour do you want your dress for the wedding? ) she asked. I stared at her dumbfounded.

"What colour dress do I want for what?" I asked. She pointed at the dress. Maybe she wantsled to know which colour I liked.
I randomly picked a maroon and red combo dress. The dress was very heavy and long. I don't have time to think.
The woman picked up the dress and nodded. She called another woman. I got a call. It was Eshaan.

I picked it up. "Did they go?"

"They came inside the shop. I'm somewhere inside, this shopkeeper pulled me among a lot of Panjabi. Do you understand what they were saying?" He said in frustration. I was also confused by what they were saying. "I am also inside. That woman asked me what colour dress I liked. They thought we came to buy dresses. Go with the flow. I will pay." I couldn't talk more, so another woman came to me. I heard another man's voice on the phone. I cut the call. This woman took a quiet measurement.

She came with the dress in less than a minute. They had ready dresses or what. Now they started forcing me to wear it.

"Excuse me. What are you doing?" I was walking back. But they kept forcing me.
My mind came with this idea. It would be better if I wore something like this. Those men would be looking for a pink shirt girl when I would walk out easily. I agreed to wear it.
They even showed me some jewellery. I just picked one simple necklace and two small earnings. And those two women then made my hair a beautiful bun. And put the veil over my head.

I asked for the bill. They gave me the receipt. I paid for what we wore. When I started to walk to the exit with a bag of my casual clothes. They stopped me.  She pointed at the way.

I went there and it ended somewhere. I called Eshaan. "Where are you?" I asked. "They showed me to go somewhere. I'm not standing before a big stage." I looked around for a stage. I found that I was also standing before a stage. "I'm also. Where are you?"
When I heard that man's voice. "Look around. They'll hide in a lot of people." I saw a lot of girls walking together and getting inside a room. Over the room door it was written that only girls allow. I tag along. I texted Eshaan that I got inside the back of the stage. He said he would be inside too.

Some people were talking on the mic, but my mind was not there. I looked around. Every girl was doing makeup. Or making their hair. I was standing in a corner, waiting for Eshaan. A woman in her middle age was talking with all the girls and was helping them. She suddenly looked at me. Oh shit did she notice I'm an outsider.

I looked around.

She walked to me. I told myself to be strong. Eshaan is coming. He will not leave me here.

She looked at me from up to down. I blinked. Then she said something to someone. Which I couldn't get much of.

"La novia debe usar brazaletes en su boda. La mano vacía no le queda bien a la novia." (Bride should wear bangles in her wedding. Empty hand doesn't look good on a bride.) She said and someone gave her a box. She opened the box and got out her red bangles.

"" but she forcefully made me wear it. I couldn't say no to her face.

"Come." She put a hand on my back and took me where all the girls were going.
There were a lot of small small stages. And every girl was getting on each stage. I was frozen when I saw boys were coming and it took place opposite to the girl and a net cloth hung between them. A pride was praying something. I looked around and saw I'm in the middle of a mass marriage. Every family was watching. I saw those people were walking around the corner.

And I saw Eshaan looking at me with all those people. He was also frozen in his place. Eyes on me. Now I noticed I somehow wore a bride's lehenga. I'm standing in a mass marriage. And I couldn't back up now. They'll not let me.

My eyes kept looking for Eshaan.

That middle aged woman came to me and pointed me to an empty stage. I am shaking my head. But she is still pushing me.

I walked up to the stage. My heart was beating fast. I can't understand anything. How I got myself into this.

"Groom?" She asked me. I don't know. Who? Am I going to marry a random person? In Spain? My heart is spinning now. Their behaviour showed that they have an extra groom.

When I saw Eshaan walking toward my way. He got up from the audience. And he picked up the paper and stood opposite of me. The woman was smiling now. Eshaan has filled the documents. And gave me to fill it. I filled it too. Why? I don't know.

Every pride started praying. We both were sitting before each other, a cloth was hanging between us. Our eyes never left contact.
The pride asked me something.

"Do you, Eshaan Ghafoor, accept Adira Muntahina as your wife? And taking the responsibility to keep her happy and healthy. You are taking the vow that you will be standing beside her in rich and poor. And in every upside down situation?" Pride asked Eshaan. Eshaan looked down. My breath got stuck when I heard him saying the most beautiful words.




The pride then turned to me. My eyes were glued to him.

"Do you, Adira Muntahina, accept Eshaan Ghafoor as your husband? Take every responsibility of him. Be with him every poor and rich, happy and tearful. Will you be with him with all you have and vow to Allah that no matter what you'll never break this pure relationship? "
he asked in English. My heart beats fast. My mind was blank. I couldn't think of anything. All I know he accepted. Why he accepted?

My mouth spoke automatically.


"Quabul" he looked at me. There was something in his eyes I couldn't read. Something soft.

"Quabul" took a lot of time to say. When I finished everyone cheered for us. But all my attention was on him.

"Today I present you Mr. Eshaan Ghafoor and his legal wife Mrs. Adira Eshaan Ghafoor."

I'm married.


Author Notes

Hello everyone
Hope you're all well
I'm happy to know you all reading this.
Thanks to all those readers who choose this story to read.
And many many thanks to who like/vote this story.
May Allah bless you.

See you soon

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