Chapter 15

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~Adira Muntahina ~

It's be a month.

I basically avoid everyone. Eshaan and his friends, Or anyone from his family expect Maira as she always stick with me.
The situation I fall with Eshaan I don't think I can look in his eyes. I might be rude, Not obedient but I'm not that shameless. Not in my 20 years of life I didn't showed skin more than need. Just sometimes short sleeve dress . I didn't even wear a bikini in my life.

Some people might think, it's normal. Nowadays it's not weird to see a girl in bra. But I didn't know, my heart is shy a bit.

Aman and Afsana went to their honeymoon. They were coming back today. Dad was back to work. I was again left alone in the house.

Someone shake me a bit.

"Come and eat. You're late again." Nanny said and walked away. Nanny was behaving weird from someday. She gets lost in thoughts. Forget to do chores. One day she burned the food , it was the first time she did something like that. I can clearly say something was bothering her.

I just nodded to her and ate my breakfast.

Just called my driver to drive me to college. Not in mood of driving.

I was late for 30 minutes and class is about 1 hour. So I turned my feet and started roaming around the corner. Empty hallway. I turned to the stairs to get down. I was literally hopping down as no one to see me. When a voice made me lose my balance.

"Adira.." the voice came to my hear and my mind started working with my body. I was freeze in the air which results was the hard drop in my stairs.
I groaned in pain. It wasn't please to drop in the ass of the stairs. I could hear the footsteps and in a second he knee beside me .
"Are you alright? Did you get hurt?" He worried. I wasn't in a state to reply as my whole body shove me a hit of pain.
Still I tried to stand up. But looks like my hip didn't want to be straight. When a hand hold my arm and other one hold my hand. Carefully pulled me up on my feet. Now I can identify which parts got bruised.

But my mind was too busy to think about the pain. My all attention was on the harm and soft hand holding me. I can feel the touch. The warmth of his body. I didn't notice when he walked me all down and made me sat on a bench. My mind got sense when the hand left mine. I looked up and saw him picking up my ankle to see if the bruised is good or bad. He moved a bit I let out a crow scream. I quickly covered mouth as soon as possible but it wasn't quick enough. He already let out a laugh.

He again pulled it a bit. "Stop pulling. It will be worst by now, thanks to you." I snapped at him. Gritting my teeth.
He let out a chuckle.
"It's actually okay. You have to massage a bit with warm oil then you're back to normal." He said and stood up.

A whole minute of silence.

I was looking at my right, thinking about nothing. When he spoke up.

"I'm sorry. I know my behaviour don't actually deserve your forgiveness. But I want to say I never want that........your entering suddenly......What I want to say, Please forgive me." He was red in embarrassed. Hang his head down.

Without knowing a small smile came all the way to my face.

"Cute" I mumble.

I put my hands on my thighs and thinking about it. He was waiting patiently.

I smirked , "What if I say No." He looked at me then quickly looks away.

"Then what can I do to make you forgive me." His voice was slowing fading. But I caught it. The bell rang.
"I will tell you that later. Be prepared." I stood up. Yeah a little sore but I will do fine. I walked passed him and with a big smiled I went to my class.

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