Chapter 25

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Adira Muntahina

We checked into the hotel. Aman distributed the rooms. Here, we took a honeymoon suite for the couple. And 3 king size rooms.

Maira wanted to stay with me but Hala wasn't completely asleep alone in a new place. So Maira and Hala took one room key.

Then Eshaan and I were left. We're obviously not going to share one room. So we got our individual room.

The suite was on the top floor. Others were on the same floor.

So Aman was on the 9th floor. And we all got the 5th floor.

We got out of the elevator first and Aman and Afsana went up.

"Hala what is the room number?" Hala twisted the key chain , looking for it.


"We already passed that." Maira pulled her suitcase back. Hala let out some laughs. I was laughed too because Maira was pulling her suitcase in the wrong way.

I looked at my key, my room number is 5023.

What the hell? It's too far.

Maira called from the beginning. "What is your room number Adi?" I looked back. "5023." She made a face. "Why did they put you so far from me??"

"So that I can sleep peacefully." I smirked and walked toward the room.

I didn't notice when Eshaan got into his room.
I opened the room and closed it behind me. It was really a beautiful room. I threw my shoes in one corner and crashed my body over the white and soft looking bed.

The bed was so comfortable that I felt like I was drowning into clouds. I was so tired that I fell asleep in no time.

Fuck changing.

I woke up late. I did have a very long and good sleep. All my tiredness and anxiety is gone for good.

I sat up and stretched my arms. They became so numb.

My eyes land on the clock beside me. I was freezing for a while. It was showing half past 6 of the morning.

"I slept that long."

I fell on the bed when it was 1 at noon. Now it's 6 in the morning.

Picked up my phone where I found , lots of texts and missed calls. From Maira, Aman, Afsana, few were from an unknown number might be Hala's. And one missed call from....Eshaan.

Yeah I saved his number when he first texted me. What did you think? I didn't know his number? I just didn't save his number but I recalled it very well.

Rubbing my face I decided to take a warm bath. I wasted half a day sleeping.

After a warm bath, I wore some comfortable outfits and walked out of the room. I pulled out my phone to text Maira that I'm up now and had fallen asleep that time. And don't forget my room key.

The hotel was very well designed. A lot of technology was used to make it eye catching. I heard they had a garden of their own. Went to walk around there.
I even read that they had a swimming pool and gym room.

The sun was peeking from the clouds and the wind was fresh. No one was in the garden. It was so nice to have a walk without people looking at you.

I heard a sound from my left, when I looked there. There was a white cat ramming around.

I love cats.

It was licking its paw. Taking small steps toward it. I was putting my hand forward slowly not to scare the cat. When I was about to touch its head the car ran off.

"Wait..." I walked behind it.

The cat took a turn , I could see the cat's tail disappearing, so I also took that turn and boom!

I crashed down on the floor. The impact was very hard.

When I looked up, I saw a man was panting hard and he got a punch unconsciously by me.

He was wearing a track suit and his suit back cap was covering his face. When I was standing up, the cap slowly moved from his face. Now I can see his face.

"Adira..." From his voice I recognized him. "You!" I pointed at him. My sound did come out loud.

"You didn't get any other place for jogging?"

He pulled down his hoodie cap. "What kind of question is that?"

I groaned. " Just get the hell out of my sign." I walked past him. But he didn't let me. He held my arm and pulled me back to where I was standing.

"You don't have any control over your anger? What do you mean get the hell out of your sign? I don't have any wish to get in your sign . Just because you're related to my sister's in law, doesn't mean you'll behave whatever you want with us. What did I say to you now that you're showing me that attitude of yours? Tell me. This is not your house nor your garden, come to walk then just walk around, don't put your anger with me. I don't have any wish to start my day like that." He pulled me back a little then walked past me.

I'm not someone who will just stay quiet after hearing so much. I turned back.

"What the hell do you think you are?" I shouted. He stopped walking.

"You didn't wish? Do you think I have wished to start my day , looking at your face? I didn't have that either. You ruined my walk and even fell on the ground. Where was your humanity at that time?" I was getting closer to him.

"I have the whole right to show you my aggressive attitude. You didn't do any huge thing that I will be jumping around you, like an idiot. You bumped into me but didn't even care to put your hand for help. Now I'm telling you to get out of my sign is the problem. Why are you silent? Speak up!" I grabbed his shoulder and turned him. He removed my hand and pushed me back.

He kept pushing me back and slammed on the wall.

"You want to hear sorry from me? Would you hold my hand if I give you? Will not be so bitter after that? If you could answer them yes, then I'll apologize and even do anything you want me to do." He's voice was very deep. Even though he was very close, his breath was hitting my face.

My eyes were dragging in his. I didn't hear any background sound, just his voice and my heart beat the sound.

"If you cannot agree with me, then you'll say sorry to me and behave like a nice girl." I felt he was getting close.

If I push my face a little forward, our lips will be smacked in each other.

"Let's see, can you say yes?" His warmth was melting my body coldness.

In deep his eyes were, I found myself lost in it.

My hands were first. I don't know what they want? Push him away or grab him closer.

My lips moved to shout him away but the sound it let out, I wasn't familiar with.



Author Notes:

What's up guys? Are you alright?
My Laziness is a very bad habit. But I'm sacrificing my sleep to write it. Hope you love it. Bye.


See yaa

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