Chapter 33

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~Adira Muntahina ~

I was a little shocked by his idea. I didn't say anything just stepped back a little and gave him space to go. I need time.

He went back not giving me any glance. I need time to think. He's idea is right at some point but where marriage has already been fixed, this time I don't think any family will agree to break it off themselves. But it's not harmful to try.

I got a call from Aman. Asking me to come back to the room. I replied that I'm on my way. Make my way to the room.

When I entered, no one was talking. They all were looking at Maira and Maira's eyes stuck on Eshaan. I guess he told her his idea. Method. Maira's mouth was opened and eyes widened. I think that should be my reaction but I'm Adira so he didn't get that expression from me.

Maira stood up. "What ??? No??"

Her voice was loud. "He's not going to listen. He always does what he wants. And do you think he will change his mind just by us going that." I thought that. Eshaan leaned back on the chair. "Look I'm not going to argue with you about this. I will give you two options. One, we'll meet that guy and his family, try to fix it as you kids please. And two, I will call mom and dad, tell them about what you're mind running, drag you back home and hand you to them. You decide." He was damn serious. Hala and Afsana shared a look.
Aman was standing at a corner. He's not keeping any kind of opinion.

Maira looked at Afsana and Hala . Eyeing them to help her, but they refused. They know it is the only option. Lastly he noticed me, and with a very helpless face she ran to me.

"Adira, you can understand me. If I told you all to his family, they might disrespect you all and that will make it even more difficult to run away with him. And look at Eshaan is threading me. Is loving someone a crime?" She held me and shaking me. I put my hands on her cheeks. "Loving is not a crime, but this love can make you do a lot of things that you might consider as a crime. "

"He will disrespect us, did you all guess it? Even if he yells at us, talking shit about us, but there will be satisfaction that we tried. And running away will never bring any good. If you run away what will happen to your parents? Wouldn't his father come to your house, insult aunty and uncle for the step you two will take? Did uncle and aunt work hard to hear that their girl wasn't brave enough to tell them anything and run away?" I wiped the tears dropping from her eyes. Everyone was watching me.

She hugged me.

I hugged her back. Rubbing her back. Slowly Hala and Afsana ran to us and hugged us.

We separated. Maira wiped her cheeks. "I'm sorry guys. Sorry to Afsana for ruining her honeymoon. Sorry to Adira for losing her." I smiled at her. She turned to Hala " Sorry Kido, you have to see this drama." And lastly turned to Eshaan. "Sorry Brother, being an immature little sister." Eshaan shook his head and opened her arms . She ran into his embrace and held him right.

" Immature and trouble, still my sister." He kissed her forehead. She turned to everyone,  "Okay I'll talk with Farhan then tell you what is decided. You guys can rest now. I even ruined your breakfast." She pouted. Everyone laughed at her baby voice. "Yeah you did. I'm hungry." I glared at her and rubbed my tummy. She hides behind Afsana.

"Let's order take out!!" Aman joined and pulled Afsana close. Afsana smiled at his actions.

"I'm having Pizza!!"

"No I will have rice and beef!"

"I will go with a sub sandwich!"

"Coffee and chicken sandwich for me."

Happiness is that we do everything together. We discussed together and we laughed together.


"He's rich" Afsana said this already the 7th time.

We are all sitting in a private yacht over the sea. Having breakfast.

Farhan welcomed us warmly, he deeply thanked us for making us there today. He served breakfast and some juice himself.

Everyone settled down and stared at Maira. Because she didn't tell us what he works.

Maira let out a nervous giggle, "I might forget to add this information. He has a business of his own." Then shut herself up . It wasn't the first time I was on a yacht but I think it's a first for Eshaan. He was totally shocked and freaked out finding out this.

"So Farhan, I think I didn't introduce myself, I'm Eshaan Ghafoor, Maira's elder brother. As a brother, I should be breaking your teeth ......" Got a glare from Maira.."...but I loved my sister, so I'm sitting here letting you prove yourself to me that you'll make my sister happy. " He finished and I can see Farhan turned relaxed. He was tensed with Eshaan.

"Obviously, I'll not be shocked if you attack me. But I can guarantee that even if you break all my teeth and bones, I will still stand beside Maira as long as I'm breathing. I love her, my heart already accepted her as my life queen. " Farhan said with confidence.

"What about your marriage?" Aman said quickly. Farhan thought a little. "I don't want to marry that girl. My father did that to keep that promise he made a long time ago." Farhan said clearly. I nodded. Maira was staring at him.

They all talked everything out. Eshaan had pulled out everything he had doubts about. We had our breakfast and girls started roaming around the yacht.
The weather was great, wink and a little bit of a run shine.
Maira and Farhan were standing by the side talking to themselves, I was watching them . They're cute. I saw love for her in Farhan's eyes. Care, an emotion which makes you feel like it's just you in his eyes, I can see that in their relationship.
Every time Maira laughs, Farhan smiles. His eyes not leaving her face for once.

When my eyes block from a big black wolf. Eshaan was watching them . But why does he have to come before me?

When I noticed he was moving towards them. The bone is meat, which ruins the taste. I walked fast and grabbed his upper arm. He turned back.

"Where do you think you're going?" I raised my eyebrows. Before he could speak. "Don't even think of interfering with their moments. You mood spoiler!" I pulled him inside the yacht.

"Adira..." He said my name. I didn't leave my grab. Pulled him side the room and locked it behind me. "Adira?" I turned and when I realized he stopped very late or I turned too fast. Because he was too close to me. His breath was hitting my face. In this destination I could smell his perfume. He smells like fresh wood with chocolate. My eyes travel from his chest to his neck and then his chin, his lips, his nose and stopped in those eyes. I grabbed his arm loosen and it slid the whole arm before hanging on my side.

"Y-yes.." my voice? I can't even recognize my own voice.

My voice pulled him out and he took a big step back. I missed his smell.

"Why did you bring me here?" He looked around so did I. It was a beautiful room, there was a bed to rest. Two windows to see the ocean. Enjoy the smell of fresh watch and hear the water hitting the boat.

"I..I..I. " He hummed. "I thought you'd ruin their cute moment and pull Maira away from Farhan." I said honestly but I feel like I did something wrong.

"You thought?" He asked disbelief. "Yeah....That's what brothers do! They threaten and don't like them being cute cute before them." I said and crossed my arms. He let out a small chuckle. I glared at him. He's laughing at my thoughts??

"I didn't even notice them, I was going to ask Farhan something.." he said and scratched his neck. "What?"
He looked at me. "what what?" "What were you going to ask him?" I make it clear. "Umm..umm...that...where is the bathroom?" This time it was my turn to laugh. I let out a weird sound and laughed off.

Eshaan turned red and embarrassed. I slapped the air. Before pointing at a corner. "There." He turned his head in that direction and looked at me.

"Go..." I still were laughing and falling on the bed. He walked there and entered.
I lay on my back. My laughing lips turned into a smile.

"I didn't think, Our interaction will get progress and we'll have some tensing conversation rather than arguing and fighting." I close my eyes. "I love this progress."


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