Chapter 66

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Adira Muntahina

After a lot of nagging, Afsana went out of the room. Aman was home. I rolled on my bed, smiling like a teenager. Hugging the pillow tightly, I touched my lip and blushed even hard. "Oh my god" I screamed in the pillow.

I picked up the phone and thought of sending him a text. "Nope. It's already late. Let him rest." I closed my eyes and a soft smile kept there over my lips.

The next morning

I didn't wake up before noon. I sat up when Nanny came inside my room. "You have woken up.  It's already noon." She was folding my clothes. I rubbed my eyes. "I took a painkiller. I was too tired." I yawned.
She turned. "Oh yeah. How's your ankle dear?" She looked at my ankle, it turned a little purple but the pain wasn't the same.
"It will be okay in two days." She nodded. "Get up. I'll help you to freshen up." I stood up carefully. "No, I can do it." I reached the bathroom limping. Nanny helped me otherwise.

I sat down to eat when Nanny told me she had to go grocery shopping. "Are you sure you can handle yourself for sometime?" I put my lips in a straight line. "I can. Don't worry." After a lot of convincing, she finally left. I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.

I heard a tap on the window. When I turned to see, I found Eshaan.

"What are you–" I didn't even finish my line and fell on the floor. Actually I tried to walk toward him and forgot my sift ankle.

After so much adventure, I opened the window. "Can't you be more careful?" That's the first thing he said.
"I would if you rang the bell like a normal person." I glared at him.

He scratched his neck in nervousness. "Well, it would be awkward if someone else opened it." I got his point. I licked my lips. "Why are you here?" He lifted his head and looked at me. "Just feel like meeting you." I felt like my cheeks were burning up.
"Very smooth Mr.Eshaan." I faked glare at him and he laughed. I was enthralled by his laugh. His eyes ran all over my face. "Take care of yourself." He started taking steps back and was about to get tired.

In my mind..So soon.

"Wa-wait." My voice came out loud. He stopped and turned his head. "Not going to come inside. I can make you some tea…if you want." I couldn't believe my own vocabulary.
His looks were also clearly saying, he didn't expect this too. I quickly shook my head. "Forget it." I said and shut the window.

I leaned on the wall and cursed myself in my head. When someone rang the bell. At first I peeked outside of the window. He wasn't there anymore. Maybe Nanny is back. I walked slowly and opened the door without seeing who it was.

My eyes widened. "You rang the bell?" Eshaan was standing there with his hands in his pocket. "Well, I would love to have some tea." He smiled cutely. My breath got stuck in my throat. For some time, I couldn't say anything. I just pushed to the side and made a way for him. Gestured him to come inside. When he came inside, I silently closed the door.

"Maliha Aunty isn't home?" He asked, looking around. I shook my head. "She was, but she went to buy some groceries. She will be back soon." I slowly walked toward the kitchen. He was following me. "Why are you following me?" I asked after entering the kitchen.
He just shrugged. I knew why he was following me, but I wouldn't say it out loud.

I put a small pot over the stove and poured some water. I dropped a tablespoon of tea leaves. I didn't lift my head for once. But I sure felt his graze on me. I put my hair in a tight bun and started looking for milk.
There wasn't any milk. Now it's too awkward.

"Emm…Eshaan." I called and looked at him. He was already looking at me. He sat on one of the dining room chairs. "Yes?"

"Do you drink black tea? We're kind of….out of milk." I said, biting my lips.
"I'm okay with anything you serve." My god, my heart beats raised up suddenly.
"Okay." I said and poured the black tea in a cup. And about to take it to him when I realised he was beside me.

"I'll take it. You come slowly." He picked up the cup and walked slowly.
I followed him limping.
He and I sat down. I watched him taking sips.
He looked at me and sipped while smiling. "How is it?"

"ladhidh", I'm confused. "What did you say?" He shook his head. "Is this your first time making something?" I narrowed my eyes on him. "Why asking that?"
"I'm just going to tell you what that means after you answer my question." I whimpered.
"Forget it. It's already inside you." I took his cup and put it in the sink. Now what? I slowly walked toward him. We walked all the way to the living room.

"You didn't tell me, why were you here?" I asked him slowly.

"I told you.." I cut him. "You and I both know, that isn't true." He looked at me from the corner of his eyes.
"What were you doing before I came?" He changed the topic. He looked around the living room. " You were eating?" He pointed at my left breakfast. "Umh…yeah
I woke up late."
"You shouldn't do this. Why did you leave your breakfast? You should've eaten first before making me something." He touched my elbow and pushed me down on the couch. Pushed the breakfast before me. "Come on, finish it." I shook my head. "I don't have any appetite." But he didn't give up.

Picking up the pieces he put on my lips. "Let me feed you." I looked at his eyes. Have all of my breakfast.

"Did you have breakfast?" I asked him. He nodded. "I'm not a heavy breakfast person, one cup of tea is enough for me " when he said and smiled, I understood that he didn't have his breakfast from home but he had his breakfast here.

Now I'm blushing hard!!!

"Stop your sweet talks. You weren't like this." I said and pushed him. He laughed. "What are you talking about?" I glared at him.

"You always talk sweetly. Giving me hints of something. Helping me, caring for me, you treat me like someone special in your life–" I was bubbling when he turned serious. "You are someone special in my life. You're my wife. It comes naturally." That made me shut up.
"Adira…I have to say something to you." He said. I sat there listening carefully. "Last night I told my parents." I froze fully. "Told them? What?" I asked immediately.

He looked into my eyes. "That I don't want to marry Suzan. I lo- have someone in my life." He said and softly ran his hand over my hair.
"They didn't say anything?"

"They did. Mom is mad at me. Dad talked with me And now he is quite understanding. And I already told Maira ,Afsana and Suzan that I have someone in mind." He was saying so casually but I was hyper. "Nafisa aunty is mad at you. See, I know this is a bad idea, for my presence here, you have to leave a girl and for me you will have a bitter relationship with your mom. I told you–" he grabbed both my arms and pulled me closer to him. "Stop thinking negatively. And stop blaming yourself. Mom is mad but she will come around. In this situation, you can't take the whole thing on you. I'm equal. Listen Adira, I'm never going to let you go. You're stuck with me." His voice was deep and very heavy. Every word was heavy. In my whole life, he never talked with me in this tone.

Taking oxygen through my nose seems not enough for me now, I part my lips and breath out from there. My eyes were buried in his. His pupils dropped on my nose to my parted lips. Being in the spotlight, my lips feel dry. I licked it slowly.

He called his eyes and met his forehead to mine. I also closed my eyes.

"Adira….." his low deep voice sent shivers down my whole body. I hummed.
"If I kiss you now, will you avoid me again?" His question was so sudden. I couldn't make up an answer.

He groaned. "Screw it." He grabbed the back of my neck and wrapped his arm around my waist; crashed his lips over mine.
The moment I felt his warm lips again, I felt alive again.
He didn't take it slowly today, it was fast and a bit of hunger. His lips were moving shamelessly. And slowly my lips were also joining him. I clenched his shirt collar and pulled him more. I felt another need. He tasted so good, I felt so high. But how and what happened, my lips part, his tongue came out and touched mine, we both jerked from each other like two same poles.

We both were breathing hard, his face was red, even his ear too. His lips were swallowed.
I did know, I'm no other. My situation is also the same.

Before we could say something, someone put a key in the locked door. Our heads turned to the door, then to each other.

"Oh shit!"


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