Chapter 24

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## Notice ##

I have zero aware of what kind of place I mentioned here. It's all I copied from Google. Go just bare it. I have never been there or I will afford to. So you and I both chill and enjoy . If you want you can imagine you're a place you like. Rest is history.



Adira Muntahina

"Brother Aman, I did some research. There is a very good restaurant on the east west side here. Name as Los Mejores." Maira said while walking with her eyes on her phone. Everyone was hungry. Looking for some halal food here. The surroundings are beautiful but when a person is hungry it is all pointless.

After landing from the plane I didn't even look at Eshaan. He also didn't try to talk with me. Well he never does.

Maira did some nagging. But I refused it directly.

We finally found a halal restaurant, the owner was a Muslim so we crashed there. Even the menu was written in Spanish.

Afsana held her head. "It's all in a different language. How can we know what to get?" She smacked her head over the table.

"I will see what Google can help." With that Eshaan and Aman pulled out their phones.
I decided to look at the menu. There were pictures beside every dish.

I went to the end and there was some combo.

Maira nagged me again. "What are you watching?" I pointed at the pictures. "Looks good." She nodded too. "I hope it comes the same."

I haven't told you how we sat.

There were six chairs in one table. Two chairs on both sides and one-on chairs were on both sides. So Afsana and Aman sat on one side. Hala was exhausted, she sat on the other side, Maira took the seat beside Hala. Eshaan took the single chair , like I did. So me and Eshaan were facing each other. But I gave all my attention to the menu and my phone.

After a long time, I found a text from Zoya.

I opened and found her praying for my craziness.

"What is this?" I texted her. She was online so she immediately replied.

"Look someone is alive! I feel glad that you remember me, in your busy life." After reading her text, I smiled. She is like this.

"Thank you. It wasn't hard. I remember a lot of useless people when I'm free." I text it back. She replied with a lot of middle fingers and angry emojis.

"How was your vacation?" She went to her grandparents house so we didn't meet for a while. Sara was also out of the town.

"Don't make me remember it. If my grandparents had the power, they would marry me off there. Everyday they'll bring a new guy from their village. Sometimes I ran from the back door. I told my parents, they laugh, saying it's their way of teasing me. Very funny!" I was laughing inside. Zoya marrying someone else? I don't think so.

"Did Hamza know that?" I asked. She saw it but didn't reply.

After a while, she did ."No. Why will I tell him? He's not free to listen to what is happening in my life. One day I slammed the wedding card over his face and walked away. He is my life's biggest mistake. Let's not talk about him. He can walk around with his wife before us. What does it have with us ??"

" Hamza's family looking for a girl?"

"Isn't it obvious." I can see Zoya turning from happy to sad.

"Oke.......I have to go. Talk to you later." She texted and got offline. Love can hurt you. My eyes lifted up to Eshaan and looked down again. Eshaan will walk with his wife, now I'm relative to them, I will see him and his wife laughing and smiling.

My heart aches. I slammed the menu.

"Did you guys decide what to eat?" I asked everyone.

"Just got to know some dishes. Select one dish still now. What are you going to eat Adira?" Aman said that to me and pointed at the dish they chose still now.

I raised my hand. "Mozo!" I called. A guy nodded and came to us. He stood beside me.

"¿Qué le gusta pedir mi señora?" The guy was cute.

Everyone was watching me.  I ignored their staring and ordered for everyone.

"Uno este y dos 34 sin plato. Dos super combo de 2 y seis bebidas frías grandes"

He wrote down everything
"Eso es todo mi señora." I nodded. "Tu pedido llegará en poco tiempo." He said and walked away.

I turned to them, they were still staring at me like a fool.


"You know Spanish?" Maira was the first one to say that.

"I took Spanish in high school." I shrugged.

"Then why didn't you say that first?" Hala said that with excitement.

"Slip out of mind." I grinned. Maira gave me a glare.

"That's a good thing. Aman didn't say anything too " I looked at Aman. He was looking down. "Because he was busy to notice." I said it calmly.

"Sister Adira, you know, you look very beautiful talking in Spanish. That waiter even calls you senora..." I chuckled at what Hala said.

Our order was placed but Eshaan didn't say a word.

"Bro....are you sick?" Maira asked. Eshaan was in his last bite. He gave Maira a confusing look. "No why?"

"You were silent. That's why asking."

I was pouring the tomato sauce. I could see his eyes moving. "Nothing just admiring everything." Eshaan said Afsana nodded. "Yeah, it's beautiful. Everything is well created. I feel like doing a couple dances on the street."

"We can do it." Aman said and kissed her temper. She blushed.

"We came to Spain, I want to visit everywhere." Maira and Hala said while their eyes were shining. Eshaan chuckled.

"After hearing Spanish, I found the Spanish language very beautiful. Thinking of learning it." Eshaan said and sipped his drinks. I lifted up my eyes and looked front.

My eyes met his who was looking at my way before I looked up.

"Adira what do you want to do in spain?" Maira asked.

"quiero celebrar mi amor en españa." I said in Spanish.

They groaned. "Say it in English. We don't know Spanish." I smirked. "If I have to say that in English, I don't say it in Spanish."

Afsana grinned. "We'll find it out." She took out her phone. "Repeat it." I smiled.

"Quiero celebrar mi amor en españa."

She tried to type. "I don't even know which words she's saying." We all laughed.

"But I want to know. It sounds so interesting." Hala said with a pout.

I laughed.

"Find out yourself if you're so eager to. It's Spanish." I said and my eyes turned to Eshaan who had this small smile over his face.

"¿Yo puedo?" [Can I?]

I end up saying another Spanish line.

They again nagged but I changed the topic with something else. Decided to go to our hotels and freshen up.


Author Notes:

*Blow kiss* Hope you love this. I'm so sleepy. I have college today. It's 1:24 a.m.


See yaa..


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