Chapter 27

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I changed the plot a little. So check out the synopsis.

I have -0.9736373893% of knowledge about traveling and Spain. I never visit there or I have the ability to. But Spain is actually a warm country but from my research I got this information that sometimes some areas have snow falls in winter. So, Let's not focus on reality and enjoy it just like that.


Adira Muntahina

We are in Barcelona city. Walking in those beautiful streets and between those memorable awesome buildings.

Afsana and Aman walked holding hands, Taking a lot of candied pictures. Hala and Maira did lots of selfies. Hala then accompanied Eshaan as he was left alone.

We got into a market where beautiful necklaces, earnings and other accessories sell at very cheap rates.

"Afsana let's split out. We should go in different directions and look around the market. I think I'm going to buy a lot of hijab and dresses from here." Maira suddenly put down this request. Everyone looked at her.

"No." Eshaan was the one who spoke first.


"We are not in our country. This is a totally different place. We can't take the risk of losing anyone." Eshaan was right at one point.

"But it's going to take a lot. We will be around. And we have our phone with us." Maira kept whining.

Aman got between those brother and sister.

"Stop stop. Okay fine. I don't think it's a bad idea. This market is big. If we want to look around here, it would take a lot of time. So splitting is a good idea." Maira smirked as she won in this.
"But." Aman said.

"Your brother is right about looking in this new environment." Maira's smirked drop.

I decided to enter the conversation.

"Let's see. Why not split into 3 groups each will have two people. Afsana will be with Aman , as Aman has traveled here before he knew the way. Hala is the younger one, so Hala will be with the most protective one, Eshaan. And Maira will be with me. Don't worry, I have come here before, I know this market." I said and they seem to agree. Maira was happy too.

Aman sighed and said, "okay. Fine. But all you have to do is pick up your call. Make sure that." Maira nodded like a kid.

Maira grabbed my wrist and pulled me. "I will go this way. Come Adi." I followed her behind.

Roaming around the market, Maira brought a lot of hijab and one bracelet. I was looking at some earrings. One got my eyes. When I was going to pick it up, another hand came. Our hand touched and I moved my hand and looked up. It was a young man, he's face showing shocked.

"Sorry sorry." He bowed and apologized.

"It's fine." He gave me a cute smile. "It's beautiful right?" I picked up the earrings and nodded.

I turned to the salesman. "How much?"

"50 euro"

It was cheap.

That man also asked the salesman if he had these earrings. But today he wasn't lucky.

"You get lucky." He said and I laughed at his compliment. "Maybe. Are you going to give a gift to someone special?" I asked. He rubbed his neck. "My wife."

Awww. So sweet. Our three year anniversary is going so, I'm thinking of giving her a surprise by recreating our first date and everything of that." When he was talking about it, he's face glowed. He loves his wife a lot.

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