Chapter 55

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Adira Muntahina

There was an uneasiness around my heart. I couldn't concentrate on anything.

After coming home, I stood before my mirror, looking at myself. I felt weak and disgusted. My hands were shaking, I ran under my shower, sat there, letting the cold water drown me.

After taking lots of deep breaths, I decided to walk out of the shower. I have been under it for more than two hours.

I didn't even dry myself, looking in my lap, I felt mad at myself, wanted to kill him myself.
I drank more than five sleeping pills and wanted to erase everything. I know it wouldn't take much time to reach my dad's ear. And he will take action. But it wouldn't make me feel any better.

I let my tears roll down, staring at the white ceiling. And when my eyes dropped, I didn't notice.

The next day, Afsana woke me up. She came to give me my phone.

"You're still sleeping?" I didn't respond. I couldn't find the energy. My bed pulled me inside. She gave me the phone, her mood wasn't good. Did something happen there?

"Did something happen there?" I asked , she jumped from her thoughts. And quickly shook her head. "Nothing serious. Come downstairs, Aunty sent lots of food." She left the room.
And I fell asleep again.

The next time I opened my eyes, it was already close to 5 p.m. I decided to get up. I have a little headache bit, body feels debilitated.

I groaned in frustration. Forced myself to change myself into something.

I wore a loose long shirt, and ended up under my knees. A black pants. Let my hair open, I comb it hard.

When I got down, Afsana was watching TV. "You wake up? Wait, I will heat up your food." She quickly paused the movie and went to the kitchen. I followed her behind.

I didn't have an appetite so I was chewing one thing for the last 2 minutes. I didn't get any taste in it.

Someone rings the bell. A maid went to open the door. After some time, she got back.
"Who was it?" Afsana asked. That maid turned to me. "A man came to meet Adira ma'am." I frowned, who came to meet me, no one knows about my address.

I got up from my chair and walked toward the door. When I opened it again, A man was standing, his back facing me.

"Yes?" He turned. It was Asif. I was shocked to see him here. How did he get my address?

"You're here?" I asked and he waved at me. "Hi Adira." I also waved in confusion. "How did you get my address?"
"I looked in the school records, at first they didn't want to give but after I show them your documents and bag, they thought it would be great not to disturb you." My lips were straight listening to his story.

"Not believing…..okay fine, I asked a friend." He nervously scratched his neck.

"Which friend?"

"Some… Am I sitting here for an interrogation?" He playfully rolled his eyes. Moving his hand before me.

He dropped my assignments and a few chocolates.  Put my bag on my other hand.
"You left those in college yesterday. I assumed you will miss today, so I brought it here." He gave me a genuine smile. I looked down on those chocolates and assignments.

"What about my–"

"Physical psychology? Another professor signed it." I nodded.

I put those down, stood before him. "I didn't get to say anything yesterday. I was…no, I am really thankful of you. You saved me that day. I surely didn't know what to do." He put his one finger over my lips. I shut up.

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