Chapter 19

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~Adira Muntahina~

I reached home in no time. Maira did called me to know if I arrive safely.

Putting myself before the mirror I looked at myself. But I could see two girl. One was me. And the other one was Suzan. I was looking at what she have that I am leaking in myself. Maybe my temper or our way of living or maybe the beauty. I never put myself in that ladder where my beauty being weighed with others.

I actually never believe in skin tone. Because Allah made someone for everyone. But this world.
It's a race. A trend.
Here the more beautiful you look the more important you became.

Lot of people you'll find in your life, consoling you. Saying that Allah has made the right one for you in this world. You tell me, have you never imagined your other half. This world had made us think that our husband have to taller than me, have a bit muscle, dashing and handsome with white skin. That man who we can proudly be standing. They'll love us, make sweet sweet comments in our ear.

For guys, they all had a list. Their bride have to be beautiful, means have a white skin. Attractive face. Slim body. Get shy around them.

In that world, I also might dreamed that. But I just dreamed. Forget that I'm not worthy of it. There is a proverb " Salt according to taste and Dream according to limit."

It was 11 p.m. I had removed my hijab and wore a normal dress. A loss black long dress. It was a little bit windy out. Which makes my body comfortable. All of a sudden I have this eager to go out. But I don't want to dress up. Walk to my closet, pulling out a long coat and a scarf. Putting my hair in a bun. I searched for a something to cover my ear. My ears are sensitive. But there wasn't any ear cap.
I put on my coat, wore my scarf over my head to cover my ears. Picked up my black leather boot in my hand, tip toe tip toe. I made it to the back door of the house. Yes I locked my room. Slowly opened the back door , I went out of it. Put my boat over the grass. I started walking on the footpath. It's really a great feeling walking alone at night.

I was two blocked far from my house when I remember. "Shut! I didn't bring my phone." Face slapping myself. "How could I forget to bring that!!!!!! Idiot!" I turned but then what the point of going back again but to being my phone. It wasn't easy to walked out.

I signed and continued the night out.

The sky was clear. Even it was windy but the dark blue sky was more shinning because of the stars. The sky was full of stars.
When I was reaching the busy streets. The roads have so much lights and cars moving. No one can guessed that it's past 11 at night.
Crossed the road and walking again on the footpath. The clear sky and the stars made me was to touch them. I was walking to the cliff.

It was the highest point.

"It would be better to have some drinks while up there." I turned back and went to the nearest shop and bought two drinks.

The old was a creep. Touched my hand while returning the money.

I pulled back my hand as soon as possible. Before him I pulled out some tissue and used his sanitizer. Cleaned my hand. Throw it near his hand. "Keep the change ". With a smirked I went out of the shop.

Started my walking up to the cliff again. There was also some leaf made barrier. I pushed them with one hand and walked past it but one leaf line tangled with my boot I leaned forward.
Fall on the side.

"Hushh!!!" It was embarrassing more than paining.
When I heard footsteps, I lifted my head to see. I saw a man running toward me. Knees down. "Adira!?"

I squeezed my brows. "Eshaan?"

I sat up. He looked. I removed the leaf. And attempt to get up when he held my arm and pulled me. I was cleaning the dust from my black dress.

He laughed. "You're really clumsy." I glared at him.

"It's the leves fault." I rolled my eyes when he again laughted. I let him laugh and walked near the cliffs.
The city was looking beautiful. Even it was maybe half past 11 p.m. still the whole city was shining.

"It's beautiful." He stood beside me.

I didn't answer. No one talked. We just stood there and stared at the city. The stars.

"Adira.." when he called my name. My head was fast than my brain. Looking at him. "...I want to apologize for tonight's mess." Very well to ruin my mood.

"We are going to marry"

That sound still ringing in my head. I blinked few time to come back normal.
"Why apologize ? You didn't do anything."
He shook his head. "I was ashamed of what happened. Those girls. It's also a thanks. I didn't want to hurt my sister feel so I tolarate those girls." He said and I just nodded. "And want to apologize for Suzan. She's still very young. Talk without thinking. Don't take her word in heart. About her telling about marr-" I shoved a drink to him. He first looked at it. "I don't drink alcohol."

"It's not alcohol. It's apple juice " I said .

"It's fine. You bought it " he tried to give back.

"Why can't you drink if I give you?" I said coldly. He sighed. "Why always let your anger control you?" I don't know that too.

"What I was saying..Suzan." I again cut him. "Eshaan.." he stopped talking. .
"I'm in a very good mood. Why pulling the bad memory? Let it be. Enjoy your drink with me, calmly under the stars. "I raised up my bottle. After a second he also raised his.


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