Chapter 2

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Zoya and Sara pulled me out of there. Only those people know how much I hate starring. Zoya opened an empty class room door before pushing me inside. Putting my bag on the chair, they made me sit on one. "Here drink this."

Sara pushed a water bottle before me. I was still breathing hard, looking down I took the water bottle and took a sip. Zoya made herself comfortable on the teacher table and Sara beside my chair, on the desk. When I put down my water, Zoya asked, "Tell me one thing, when you know in the end he'll make you shut your mouth, insults you and putting a mark on you wound heart. So why put yourself in that position." I facepalm myself before looking at them. They know I'm not gonna reply anything.

"Fine. Don't reply that. But tell me what did you this time? Because what we heard on the way, it's start with some fucking parking space. And I'm fully sure that Eshaan will not blast like that for that thing. And please open your mouth." Zoya said and pushed down from the table. I sighed. "In argument I pulled Maira in it. told her to shut her mouth and let his broth speak, that she should not speak for a little rude way. End of the story. I don't wanna discussed this anymore. Zoya stop saying my wound heart every time." I finished when the door opened again. It was a teacher. "Girls what are you doing here? This is your free period nor you cafeteria. Get out of the class and attend your own one, before I complain about this to you Guide. " She pointed her arm outside. We all got up and went out of it when the teacher mumbled herself, "Nowadays student became so indiscipline. Thanks to Eshaan or those girl would bunk their class...." Me, Zoya and Sara looked at each other. He complained about us.

With saying a word I walked out from there. They followed me. Zoya called me from behind to stop but I'm not in a mood of anything. Life had done enough with me , the last thing I want to be hate by my long time crush. When I first joined junior school, my driver was the one who came to dropped me as dad didn't have time for this nonsense. And was their to stop this as well. Brother very little acknowledge me in his life. On that day, every kid was saying good bye to their both parents. Kissing them, telling them that they have packed chocolate for side treat, have to finished their lunch, specially the vegetable, made their favorite lunch, tell them they'll be waiting for them at the gate. And me standing there looking at them with big eyes, then looked at the man who came there with me. He just hand me over the teacher and walked away. The cook packed my lunch , I didn't eat. Every kid was making friends, I couldn't because they're being friends on behalf of chocolate or other things. Then if I don't give them chocolate one day , then we aren't friends anymore. I always saw dad giving money to nanny to behave good with me, to make me feel love. So I'm just a deal. For that I stopped making friends. When I was 12 , I met Eshaan. He didn't remember me I know. He was just 14 years. My nanny was friend with Eshaan's mom , she took me outside to walk. For her theory I wasn't social enough to survive this world. She is nice thou, she's still work in my house as my cook. She took me out to walk and somehow end up visiting her friend's house. I didn't want to go still she made me. So I roamed around the garden when I heard a boy's voice. "Mom I'm going out!"
His mom replied, "Okay , stay safe." I didn't turned around as, Mother love is something I don't get close. When I heard another voice, it was a girl. I didn't know there was a girl in this house.
That girl said," Big Brother, Give me kisses before going!" I frowned hearing that. Who asked kiss from others. I was looking at the flowers when two hand hold my face from behind and angle it, before putting three peck on my right cheek. My eyes widen. I couldn't moved.
When again someone shouted,"Brother who did you kiss? I'm here!!" That girl came behind the other corner of the garden.

Hearing that shout, My nanny and his mom came out of the hall room.

" Eshaan, You're holding Adira..." Her voice came out low. Eshaan quickly leave me. I turned to see his face. His eyes met mine, before looking down. His face was red , on his pale skin red close was clearly showing. He looked at his mom, before saying a quick sorry and run out of there. I was starring at his figure slowly disappeared.
Behind me, That girl who was Maira , crying, her 10 years mind wasn't aware of what happened, she was in sadness that his big brother didn't give her a goodbye kiss. I blinked the first time after all this happened.
I was liking Eshaan's red face, in this I forget that I also turned red. First time someone kissed me in cheek, other then my brother and Dad. It feels different.

I didn't know what happened, My nanny quickly left from there. She said sorry to me. Which I said it's fine. No one knows what was gonna happened. I was still in red face. When I heard her chuckle.
"Why are you laughing?" I asked innocently. She stopped her laugh and looked at me. "Why your face is red?" I quickly touch my face. "It was red, I don't know. Why is it red?"
"Want to be friend with Eshaan?" "Who?"
"That boy who accidentally kiss your cheek."
I looked down.
"Is Adira getting shy? Is Eshaan good looking?" She laughed again. I pouted.

From that day, I maybe didn't go to Eshaan's house. But I couldn't forget the kiss nor his face. Every time I remember it, instead of getting mad, I smiled.

In high school, I applied local school, I was faded up of this homeschooling. Dad wasn't pleased bit who cares. I was 18 when I got to know Maira. I never talked to her in school. I just recognised her, that in my mine, if Maira is one year junior then her brother would be here too but then I remembered, his brother graduate already. But I got to see him at school to picked up Maira. When I first saw him after that day, it was a miracle. He changed a lot. He got taller, bold shoulder, long leg. Style hair, handsome face. He was leaning on his car waiting for Maira when I saw him. I was starring at him when Zoya and Sara got me. He was a sign I can't forget. Few girls did approach him for number, but looking down he completely refused.

I walked before him that day, my car was parked beside his. Zoya was an evil woman. She kept talking in loud voice. "Adira, what was you starring at ? Is my girl got a crush we're not aware off?"
Sara wasn't less too. "Zoya I think we'll see brother in law real quick." Smirk.
"Shut up you two. Or you'll not get any ride nor any snacks. Decide!" I opened my car door when I looked at him, he was still looking down. Standing in heat, he became all red. His ears were red now. Poor guy. If I had the courage to give him my favourite umbrella. But I have two people who loves to torture me. So I'll have to let him suffer.
I drove away before him. My glass was not see though, I looked at his face. He was a beauty. His eyes was beautiful I remember, still beautiful I see. And when he stood up, u understand Maira has came. So speed up girl.

That day I realized, I had a big fat crush on him.

Since that day Sara and Zoya got to know about this. First they were happy. Help me sometimes to see him. I admit in university where he read, it was fully coincidence. Sara and Zoya also applied as they want to stick together. Then when they saw the side of Eshaan toward me. Both stopped nagging me. They didn't appreciate the way he behaves. And end up hating him. Ali was Sara's boyfriend. They're family is talking about their marriage. Zoya loves to be single. At the age of 21 , Me and Zoya loves seeing action more than romance.

End's of past......

I opened the door of my class, I knew if I will open it, I'll get the most scold. They'll just pass Zoya and Sara.
As it go. I got the most scolding. Have to help in library for 2 hours everyday. And will be the helping hand for the students who will come there.

Zoya got 'Write I will never be late again for 500 times'.

Sara got. ' Will help seeing the question paper. Count the number of every question.' it's a easy thing but very Responsible work.

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