Chapter 37: Sometimes Violence Works Best

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I'm getting the feeling I'm starting to get too comfortable with sleeping in the same bed as Kushida-chan, and vice-versa.

This was evident by the fact that I was currently reading in said bed with a lamp on beside me, sitting up against the backboard, while Kushida was cuddled up against me on my side, her eyes trained on the book but not really reading anything.

It was likely just something to do since she didn't feel tired enough to sleep yet.

"Wow, that was a twist." She mumbled tiredly.

"Not really. They foreshadowed it more than once."

She sent me a tired pout, and I chuckled.

"What? You don't need to stay awake you know? I can turn the l-lamp off."

She shook her head, her hair soft against my shoulder.

"No, it's fine. I like this."

"Alright then."

We entered into a comfortable silence once more, before she spoke up again.

"This incident with Sudo-kun, do you have anything planned?"

"I already put everything in motion. And even if my plan fails, I have something to fall back on."

"...I'm worried. In truth, some of us keep gathering to try and figure out what to do."

"But you only have one lead, right?"


"Sakura Airi, now, why do you think Horikita suddenly felt inclined to h-help you guys out, after blatantly rejecting you?"

"You knew?"

"Of course I did."

"How? Horikita-chan said that she only figured out because she sits behind her, but don't you sit kind of in front of her?"

"Yep, I sit one seat in front, and one to the left from where she is. However, a m-magician never reveals his secrets."

Another pout, and she gave me a playful hit in the side.

I winced, but laughed it off.

She looked confused at that.

"Why did you wince?"

A playful punch to the side.

That's become quite common for her to do that when I tease her, but it's never hit that specific place before.

"It's fine, don't worry about it."

She was still frowning, and moved off of me, using her hands to pull up the side of my shirt.

I sighed as she gasped.

"Oh. I'm so sorry."

I sent her a light smile.

"Like I said, it's fine. It's nothing to worry about."

A stab wound in my side, that's where she had sent that playful punch.

It was healing well, because I made sure to take care of it appropriately, but I'm realizing it's highly likely to form a scar.

Gently, she tugged my shirt back down, and leaned against me once more.

"You're sure it's okay?"

"Kushida, it's fine, I promise."

I wrapped an arm around her, giving her a reassuring squeeze, before putting a bookmark in the book, placing it onto the night table beside me, before turning the lamp off.

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