Chapter 5: Looking for a Club

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At the designated time after school, I found myself standing alone amidst at least 100 other students, mostly first years, as we waited for someone to come around to make an official announcement.

Pamphlets with details about club activities were passed out upon entry, and I was surprised at just how advanced everything is.

Every club here seems to be high-level, and it seems that there are a lot of club members in this school that are nationally known.

In other words, you could leave the school on the premise of participating in an official competition.

Not to mention, everything is top quality as well, they even have oxygen capsules, and all the training equipment would put any other place to shame.

It's almost too orderly.

But that being said, it makes it that much harder to have your name engraved into the school's records.

I smile to myself, it doesn't matter what I do, I'm itching to prove myself.

"Thank you for waiting first years."

I looked up to the stage of the gymnasium, and saw someone holding a microphone as they spoke.

"A representative from each club will explain their activities and how to join. I am Tachibana, the Secretary of the Student Council and the Chairman responsible for this Club Fair. Nice to meet you."

Tachibana then called up the club representatives, who all lined up along the stage.

It seems that most of these clubs are just showing off.

I frowned as I noticed something.

With the way most of these clubs representatives were speaking, it's obvious they wouldn't allow any first years to join the club unless they had some natural talent, or lots of experience in the sport.

I find that to be entirely illogical.

If they manage to get as many first years as possible, reviews would go up and as such reputation, and it's more likely for the school to be further sponsored for all of this.

I perked up as another senpai walked on stage, and I noticed something different about this one.

"My name is Hashigaki, and I'm the Captain of the Archery club. I think there are a lot of students who find it old-fashioned and simple, but it is a really fun and fulfilling sport. We give all new students a warm welcome, so please feel free to join."

I smirked to myself as the girl wearing Archery clothes finished her introduction, before filing off just like the rest.

From the looks of things, they're desperate for new members.

I smiled as I noticed that apart from the Archery club, any other sporty club didn't look like they'd find new first years appealing, although I did learn about some interesting clubs.

There was even a Tea Time club, who would've thought.

The gym's atmosphere was really lively too, it seemed everyone here would always excitedly talk about each club even after they walked off stage.

But that all changed when the next man walked on stage.

I felt myself stiffen as he walked up to the podium, not speaking a word.

170 cm, a slender body, sleek black hair, sharp glasses and a calculating gaze.

There was no doubt about it, it was Horikita Manabu.

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