Chapter 86: Carefully Prepare

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Kushida POV:

I looked over at my clock, checking the time.

It was nearly ten at night now, and so I got out of bed, grabbing the small package I'd made for Tensai, before exiting my dorm room.

After what that bitch did earlier today, I decided I wanted to repay Tensai for stepping in to save me.

As always.

I felt giddy as those words entered my brain.

Tensai's always looking out for me, even back during the sports festival, he said some mean things, but did that so I could improve myself.

I'd been making sure to carefully monitor those that were getting too close to him too, one such person being Ibuki from class C.

I realize I'd made a mistake by giving him her letter that day, even though it wasn't a love letter, they're still getting along much too well for my liking.

I need to convince him to distance himself from her, she's with C class after all, and I'm the only one he needs.

Slowly but surely, I'll become the only one he can trust.

The biggest obstacle will surely be Sakayanagi, she's already won once after all, but I'm sure I can think of some means to deal with that cripple eventually.

For now, I need to deal with the more immediate threats.

I knocked on the door to his room, and didn't get a response.

This confused me, if I remember right he doesn't usually go to bed until eleven.

Well, it used to be at nine so that he could get up earlier, but ever since about half a week ago this changed to eleven.

I peeked in through the crack of the door, seeing lighting, and decided to test the doorknob.


It opened without issue, and I smiled to myself at my genius.

He doesn't lock the door to his room until he goes to sleep, as one of the class leaders it's common for him to get visitors, even this late into the night.

Quietly closing the door behind me, I felt a blush slowly make its way onto my face as I walked further into the room.

Shizukana was just standing by the sink, scrubbing at his uniform with a brush, some chemical bottles set up on the counter.

He looked disinterested in the work, but clearly understood it needed to be done, so kept going.

I watched with an ever-growing blush as he continued working away, getting a full view of his muscular back, and his hair that he'd pushed back, which seemed to be glistening.

Was he working out earlier?

I noticed I was staring, and shook my head before any impure thoughts started entering my head.

I can save that for when he's officially mine.

"Tensai?" I called.

He stopped, glancing back at me.

"Oh? Kushida-chan, how can I help you?"

He smiled brightly, and I felt the smile warm my heart as I responded in kind.

"I wanted to thank you for earlier today, so I brought you some cupcakes!" I announced, proudly showing off the cupcakes I'd brought.

He laughed.

"It's fine, really. Any friend would do the same."


There's that word again.

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