Chapter 65: Rest, What Rest?

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"May I know what the problem is?" I asked, looking across the room at the two teachers.

They were standing at the front of the vacant class, and Mashima, the homeroom teacher of class A, gestured to a seat in said classroom.

I nodded, and walked over to lightly sit on one of the desks.

"Would you like to start, Mashima?" Asked my teacher, Chabashira.

"Hm." He grumbled something, before looking directly at me.

I felt my limbs lock up at the sudden intense gaze directed towards me.

Did I do something wrong? What's with this aura?

"I'll say it clearly, a student of mine, Yamamura, has been acting strange recently, she's been jittery, and reacts harshly to surprises or sudden noises. But most importantly, people with hair like yours are scaring her. You two were in the same group for the exam, and with the information we know we traced what we know to you. Tell me clearly, are you bullying Yamamura?"

My eyes widened, and I clenched my fists.


I try seriously one fucking time and this happens? I give some random girl ptsd or some shit?

"No." I responded.

"You do realize if we find any legitimate evidence that supports that you are bullying her you will be expelled then?"

"Yes, there is no evidence that can make your declaration true."

He crossed his arms.

"As in?"

"I won't be guilty, all of the true evidence points towards one simple fact. That I defeated her at her own game, brutally, and she couldn't handle it. I do believe you all have footage of the Zodiac exam, look at our last meeting. She came in full of confidence, but left in defeat after I'd run her through in poker."

He nodded.

"In that case, you are saying you are not guilty?"


I saw my teacher glare at me, but this information would be found out anyways, it's best I say it now.

"It is undeniably my fault that Yamamura is currently like this, but I had no intention on this happening."

I stood back up, and bowed.

"I truly apologize, pass this along as best you can, I don't want to scare her anymore than she has been. The first step to recovery is getting over the minor details, help her with that."

I felt his gaze burning into me, before he huffed.

"I will, you can stand up. We may call on you to check your phone, or other devices."

"That is fine, you can even look through them now if you'd like."

"No, it is fine, you're going to be on watch now, just don't do anything suspicious and things will turn out fine."

He pulled at the collar of his shirt jacket, before walking off, going towards the door.

"Have a good day sensei."

"You as well, Shizukana."

After he left, I looked over at Chabashira.

Why'd you do that?" She asked.

"You mean to say I meant to give her trauma?"

"No, the other thing, why would you admit you're the reason she's in that state?"

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