Chapter 76: Bursting Through

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"Eeeh? Since when could you run fast Ayanokoji-kun?" Onodera asked, unaware of the jab she made.

"I can run kind of fast. Not really fast though." He mumbled back.

"Either way, it should be fine, he'll be running in third after Onodera, so his role is to maintain our standing in the relay."


The six of us huddled up.

We already practiced once, to make sure we all knew what we were doing, and it was almost time to head out.

"So just to confirm one more time. Sudo, it's up to you to blast open the competition, we're starting this race off strong, Onodera is the second runner to keep the momentum going. Then, we've got Ayanokoji and Kushida in the middle to maintain our position, Horikita will be the second last person to run, normally I'd say that it's best to get into a favourable position for the anchor, but in this case I'm just going to say do your best, then leave the rest to me to blow off anybody who thinks they're gonna win."

"Yosh! I'm ready to kick some ass!"

"So just like practice, a strong start and a strong finish, those in the middle just need to keep pace." Horikita summarized.


With twelve runs happening at the same time, it'll be interesting to watch.

All four classes from each of the school years will be participating, and this is made possible by starting side-by-side, which isn't normal, but meh it works.

Since you're allowed to cut into an inner lane once you've overtaken another person, we came up with this strategy so that we can stay out of the initial fight over the inner lane.

I noticed some of the other classes setting up, and felt a cold sweat form as I recognized some of the anchors of the other teams.

"Alright, let's get set up too." I mumbled.

"Hm? Are you okay Shizukana-kun?" Kushida asked.

"Huh? Yeah, why?"

"You were staring pretty intensely over there just a second ago."


I brought a hand up to rub the back of my neck.

"Sorry, it's just, there're some people over there I really want to compete with, no matter what."

Those who knew the true me, in other words, Ayanokoji and Onodera, immediately understood my words. Onodera smiled as though she just saw a close friend of hers get a new toy, and I noticed the look.

I smiled, shaking my head.

"Alright, let's go." I said, walking off.


We started moving to our designated spots, but I slowly felt all of the noise around me begin to get drowned out as I walked into the presence of the elites.

Most notably, Horikita-senpai and Nagumo-senpai.

As I walked over to them, I involuntarily swallowed a lump in my throat.

"Senpais, it appears we'll be racing against each other." I mumbled, loud enough for them to hear.

It appears they'd been talking before I made my appearance, and Nagumo laughed as he looked at me.

"Why, speak of the devil! We were just talking about you Shizukana-kun."

"Is that so? I didn't interrupt did I?"

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