123-Minlix: Kitty

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Title: Kitty

Ship: Minlix

TW: Self Harm and mentions of discrimination. This oneshot is meant to represent how minorities can feel when living in a world that isn't made for their benefit. This may relate to those who feel like outcasts too.

Felix knew that hybrids weren't exactly seen as a good omen to most humans. Even though they bought their clothes, ate their food, and spoke the same language, something about their animal-like gestures and behaviors made them see the devil in them. Another animal to be pent up in a zoo.

  Felix felt grateful for the human rights laws that classified them as a humanoid.

  Felix had lived with his cousin and his family for years. After his parents were considered feral and put down, Chan and his family were the only ones he could go to. He was lucky they left him alive.

  Chan's family wasn't the same hybrid breed as Felix. They were wolves, a much more dangerous breed of hybrid that had the highest euthanized population of any other. Chan and his family had learned to live in isolation to the humans. Anything to survive.

  Eventually, Chan and Felix found their own home in a hybrid neighborhood. They continued to live in as much isolation as possible. When they needed to leave the house, it was always Felix. Cat hybrids were more trusted—not completely, but at a better rate than wolves. Felix always did it in silence. He couldn't stand the thought of getting a feral sticker slapped on his head.

  It was still a surprise they any trusted him at all. Felix wasn't exactly one's typical looking cat hybrid. He had gone blind in one of his eyes, revealing a white patch of cloud over his pupil. He looked odd.

  They lived peacefully away from humans, until a boy moved in next door.

  Felix watched from the windows as the new human carried his boxes from his car into his house. He especially liked the piercings the new human had. From his lips to his nose, and Felix could just make out a shiny piece of metal hanging from his belly button. An odd place to piece the body, but Felix was intrigued by it.

  Chan put a hand on Felix's shoulder as he followed his eyes. His ears flattened against his head and a frown painted itself across his face. "Oh, that's just great." He mumbled. "Right next to us, huh?"

  "I like his jewelry." Felix said.

  "Don't go talking to him. Last thing we need is any feral warnings." Chan said. He turned around and headed back into his office to continue his work.

  Felix knew the rules. They were the same rules his family had drilled into his head growing up. Don't approach the humans. Let them approach you. It was too dangerous the other way around. Their accusations were believed over any hybrid's voice.

Felix jumped away from the window and snatched his beanie into his hands. It sat on his head at just the right angles it covered his ears. He had bought it for the cold, but it made it easier to blend in with humans.

He was not going to approach the human, but he was going to watch him.

Felix sat on the half pillar outside his doorway. His calico colored tail waved slowly behind him as he focused in on the human.

He wore a black top, zipped tightly to his skin and showing off his figure. He wore a pair of black army pants with black combat boots tucked under them. Felix particularly liked all the rings on his fingers. One hand had rings on all fingers with chains connecting them. Felix wanted to play with them.

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